Thursday, March 24, 2011

Look for at least ten years to live

 Peking University, Professor Qi health talks transcripts ~

human life should be able to reach 100-175 years old, why have not reached it? The main reason is we do not take care, do not know how health care knowledge. Many people die of ignorance, this is wrong ah!

we know how to care it? There is a Victoria International Declaration, the Declaration, there are three milestones: the first is called a balanced diet, and the second is called aerobic exercise, and the third is called state of mind. The three milestones, the international community has to know, many of us do not know. Three milestones will not change the title, but the content will be subject to change.

a balanced diet

told me the first question below, balanced diet. The so-called balanced diet, drinking and eating two categories.

1, : people do not mention the milk; fifth bone soup; sixth mushroom soup.
Why mention mushroom soup? Because mushrooms can improve immune function. The same office, it was the old cold, some old and not sick, why? Immune function is not the same. Mushroom soup can help improve immunity, it is health care.
Why mention soup bones? Bone soup with a gelatinous material longevity, so the country has bone soup Street, and China did not. We investigated a bit, most recently in Suzhou, Nanjing, the city has, Beijing or not.
Why mention yogurt? Because yogurt is to maintain the flora balance. The so-called maintenance of flora balance, is so beneficial bacteria growth, but to destroy harmful bacteria, so eating yogurt may reduce the disease. Yogurt is very popular in Europe, many of our girls like yogurt, but they do not understand what benefits of yogurt. We are surprised that China is very low sales of yogurt, and milk sales greatly. We do not deny the role of the milk itself, but it is not the same as compared with the yogurt.
also soy milk, the latter say.

green tea: In all the drinks, the cancer is first. Drink green tea, can protect the teeth, but also the blood vessel is not easy to break.
why green tea health effects? The original green tea which contains polyphenols, tea polyphenols is cancer. Second, please note that green tea fluoride. The fluoride effect? Ancient people have long known that Cao Xueqin wrote Lou Jia when people write to take tea after dinner mouth. Su also has the record, he took every meal such as tea in the mouth under the purpose of strong teeth, but he did not know the role of fluoride. The Japanese are now clear, and fluoride can not only strong teeth, but also to prevent cavities, eliminate plaque. 3 minutes after a meal, teeth plaque will appear. Now many of us have bad teeth, not only do not take tea and mouthwash, and even white water does not rinse, do not know where the problem lies. Now, some 30-year-old began to lose his teeth, the age of 50 lost teeth on the whole. Third, the green tea itself contains tannin. Tea tannin is to improve the toughness of blood vessels, so blood is not easy to break. Many people come to Beijing for treatment of cerebral vascular accident, the hospital death of 4 individuals each have a cerebral hemorrhage, which is very dangerous. Hemorrhage did not rule of law, afraid of anger, an angry one pound the table a stare, cerebral vascular collapse, and this I've seen too much. If green tea would not be drunk, so I now the morning to drink green tea has. Why? I joke with people that are afraid of my son gas.
you, you have this early age to drink, to shoot a few under the table when you stare at the eye are not afraid of a few. First green tea anti-cancer, the second can be strong teeth, the third cerebral vascular rupture is not easy, why not drink it? If you do not know how to drink tea, immediately corrected, because the international trend is to drink green tea have a. Some people resent me: I could not sleep after tea how to do? --- Who told you to have tea before going to sleep?

wine: can anti-aging, blood pressure, cholesterol. Therefore, the rich red wine, grapes do not have money spit grape skin, as health care.
second drink red wine. Why mention red wine? Many Chinese people do not know, Europe has long been known, and they drink a little red wine every day, men and women, why? Originally a kind of red grape skin, resveratrol. This reversal of alcohol is the anti-aging, one that can be anti-aging, people drink the. Resveratrol, or antioxidants, red wine drunk people is not easy to get heart disease. Second, it can help prevent sudden cardiac arrest, we call abrupt stop. Under what circumstances will arrest the heart? The first had a heart attack, the second has high blood pressure, the third has a relationship with food. What food? Too large, excellent, too sticky, hot food, easy to cardiac arrest. High blood lipids, also cause cardiac arrest. There is a role of red wine, that is, can lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol. The World Health Organization said no more than 300 ml. If you exceed this amount is wrong, no more than this amount is good. Some lesbians raised: how do I do not drink? You do not drink, do not eat grapes it? Do not eat grapes grape skin does not spit it? But I tell you, there is no reversal of the white grape alcohol, so you do not lecture will not buy grapes. There is no reversal of the white grape alcohol, eating is also a free ride, buy red grapes. Now, Europe has emerged a red grape cakes. I experimented with, to clean the red grapes, and eat when the skin swallow, very comfortable, nothing. Therefore, the rich red wine, grapes do not have money spit grape skin, as health care.
longevity, money and power are not the main, main thing is to understand health care.

normal environment within the human body is weak alkaline, vegetables and fruits are alkaline substances. All developed countries, all countries with high levels of health, consumption of vegetables and fruits are large. You do not care, they will order, useless. It was a joke, those guilty of corruption do not shoot, put him to eat dead food, I think is not exaggerated. Others bicker with me said: I do not how to solve food and clothing? Someone told me about, care should be We know that the most powerful emperor of China, is not that far away, say the Qing Dynasty, 13 emperors of Qing, 19, dead, Junji 23 years old, Xianfeng, aged 31, 38-year-old dynasty, but has lived for 89 years Qianlong . Qianlong special meeting of health, longevity in the Qing emperors in the championship. We checked the information Qianlong, first, he particularly good at sports; second, he ate cake evaporation, the thickness of grain mix; Third, he a good tour, the most famous is the next south, so he lived for 89 years. There are 818 monks on the survey, 30% of the monks live to 90 years old and the youngest one is 65 years old. And what is right there? Their diet is worth our attention, we can learn it! Therefore, to longevity, money and power are not the main, main thing is to understand health care. If you do not care, money and power are not guaranteed, so that the United Nations do not die of ignorance only.

2, We all know that the best Asian food pyramid. What is Pyramid? Is to cereals, pulses, vegetable species for food basis.
corn, buckwheat, potatoes, oats, millet, diet is more important than medication.

at international conferences, never mentioned rice, flour, not to mention Western fast food. Cereals in the first mention is the old corn, it is a American Medical Association made a survey and found that very few Indians have high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and that is to eat the old corn to eat. Later, the study found that corn contains a lot of lecithin, linoleic acid, Valley steroids, vitamin E, prevent hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Since then, the Americans change to eat corn. Americas, Africa, Europe, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Guangzhou in the morning eat a corn soup. Now, many people take lecithin, it is hoped not atherosclerosis. But he did not know old corn containing lecithin up to, and do not spend more. An old corn in the United States is 2.5 dollars, while in China as long as a dollar, much cheaper. But many of us do not know, do not eat. I've changed drank polenta, and I have been insisting in the United States. I am 70 years old, energetic, full of energy, resonant voice, quite unashamedly, and the face does not wrinkle. Why? Polenta drink to drink, believe it or not. You drink your milk, I drink my polenta, we see who live longer.
cereals in the second mention is buckwheat. Why mention buckwheat? Many people now are The buckwheat is precisely the I asked the Beijing University students: What is buckwheat? They do not know, I know burgers. Buckwheat contains 18% cellulose, easy to get people to eat buckwheat gastrointestinal cancer, rectal cancer, colon cancer is not easy. And we who work in offices, have cancer, colon cancer, many. You want to eat buckwheat?

cereals in the third point is the sweet potato, sweet potato, yam and potatoes. Why? It did the Absorb moisture, lubrication gut, not easy to get cancer, colon cancer; absorption of fat and sugar, not easy to have diabetes; absorption of toxins, less prone to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. I also surveyed in the United States, the United States is to make it into a potato to eat a variety of pastries, eat less. Want people to eat more potatoes, the staple food in the can with a potato.
there is also oat cereal, foreign long known that many Chinese people do not know. If your high blood pressure, must eat oats, oatmeal, oatmeal, because it fat, lowering blood pressure.
last point is the millet. We fought victory millet plus rifles, ah! I came back and asked: In fact, So you do not eat big advantage!
We have to understand that diet is more important than medication, which is Li said. Therefore, Li wrote in the Why do not we get food to solve the problem, have to take medicine? Nine ten drug toxicity, have not heard giving medicine to health care, the emperor did not do it, do not Han, you and I can not. But I have to declare: I am not against medication, I am against indiscriminate medication, I suggest that medication,

on the yellow people, the most suitable for the milk.

Then, say Our survey found that Chinese people lack of quality protein. Therefore, sports competitions, we win the old ball, big ball on the victorious. Why? One hit a kick on the pitch to a somersault. Now, our medicine is much higher than the United States, but our bodies are not as good as others. Chinese lack of quality protein, high-quality protein is not enough how to do? Ministry of Health has proposed the After I spoke, some students said, became

He said you do not talk about the amount, I will give you Point. Who told you to add content? 300 mg cholesterol, an egg was just right, why eat half a catty? Also made out of Soy protein is equal to one or two twenty-two lean, mean two or three eggs, equivalent to four ounces of rice, you should ate? The United States each year on August 15 as the country's Americans do not lack high-quality protein, nutrition they think is the flower of soybean, bean king. What are the advantages

milk? Containing soy milk are oligosaccharides, which can be absorbed 100%, and soy milk also contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, calcium content than milk and more. There is no anti-cancer substances in milk, and milk, there are 5 kinds of anti-cancer substances. One in particular isoflavones, specifically the prevention, treatment of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, colon cancer. So for us yellow people, the most appropriate is the milk. I am not against you drink milk, but in order to prevent cancer, be sure to drink milk. Some people stopped to drink soy milk, and this method is not necessarily good. Can then drink the milk, add a little milk properly.

radish, pumpkin, bitter gourd, tomatoes, garlic, black fungus and pollen, are beneficial to health food.

below, on

the first international conference to mention the food is carrots. Why mention carrots? China's Do not see anything at night, especially night blindness, eating well. Moreover, long-term eating carrots is not easy to get cold. Americans believe that the carrot is a beauty dish, keep hair, skin care, and raised mucosa. People do eat carrots beauty from the inside out, this concept of beauty should be internal and external harmony. In Urumqi, someone invited me to eat dumplings, stuffing carrots, and they called the name of the Russian dumplings. I finished, I felt beautiful. First, it raised mucosa, is not easy to cold; Second, it fit; Third, it is a bit anti-cancer effects, but the eyes are particularly good. Carrot is also not afraid of high temperature, how high the temperature is not subject to loss of nutrients. Now, Europe has emerged a carrot cake.

Plastic Packaging mentioning is the second pumpkin. Why Tinan melon it? It stimulates β cells to produce insulin. Therefore, people who eat pumpkin is not easy to diabetes.

bitter melon should also be mentioned, even though it's hard, but the insulin secretion of substances, people who eat bitter gourd is not easy to get diabetes. Pumpkin, bitter gourd, our age, people must eat.

also mentioned the International Conference on tomato is tomato. In the United States, the Red Cross made of tomato seedlings to promote each family are planted tomatoes, tomatoes, aimed at preventing cancer. This is five or six years ago, they know. Not easy to get cancer eat tomatoes, you know? Prevention of uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer. I ask you: how to eat tomatoes? Some say: That is not simple, wash to raw chanting. Also stated that section put sugar, then drink beer. If it is such a food, I tell you: free ride it! Inside there is something called tomato tomato pigment, and proteins combined in a piece of it, because it is difficult to wrap around the cellulose, it must be heated to a certain degree of heating elements come out of tomato. I tell you, fried eggs, tomatoes, the most valuable. There are tomato soup or tomato soup is a good egg. Please note: raw tomatoes are not cancer.

garlic, is a cancer of the king. I just how to eat garlic, one that some people say: too warm to eat. --- What are you how warm? I tell you, the role of garlic zero heat! Shandong Province, Northeast favorite garlic, a prosthetic to eat, and said not to eat garlic cancer. But a few days he served cancer, and why? Now the world knows how to eat garlic, only we do not know. Tell you, you must first sliced ​​garlic, a piece of thin, exposed to air for 15 minutes after consumption, so that garlic be useful. Original, garlic itself is not cancer, Allicin only cancer, but cancer of the king. That day, I see people eat garlic, he took a bowl, peel the garlic and then quickly put out, a one to eat, less than 5 seconds to eat out. Not even 5 seconds, what is the use of garlic that you? Is of no use. If you do not follow my method, it is quite unlikely that the. Many people do not eat garlic, because it is flavored. Do not worry, eat hawthorn, eat peanuts, tea, and then chewing a good point, there is no smell of. Aliens ate garlic every week, why not eat it! When dumplings, dipped large minced garlic (sliced ​​or chopped the end of all lines) very good vinegar.

then talk about the black fungus. Black fungus with what effect? Now one to the New Year, myocardial infarction are more numerous and increasingly early age, young, only 30 years old. Why New Year myocardial infarction to the most? Two reasons: one is the coagulation of blood thick body is fat, high; the other is because the Chinese New Year food to eat particularly hypercoagulable. We remember the people called thick blood coagulation constitution. Hypercoagulability hypercoagulable physical person with food, so the New Year many people, especially myocardial infarction, and age.

Although he did not rule myocardial infarction, but it can be prevented. Some doctors tell you take aspirin, and why? Aspirin makes the blood is not sticky, not myocardial infarction. However, aspirin's consequences? Consequences of retinal hemorrhage. Many eyes are now bleeding, I advise you not to eat aspirin. Aspirin is now Europe has not eat, and eat? Eating black fungus.

black fungus has two roles, one of which is that blood is not sticky. The role of black fungus is found in the American Heart experts. He found that after all the Europeans, who have money and rank have changed eating black fungus, but do not eat aspirin.

What kind of person is a high condensate constitution? The answer is short, thick, fat people, especially menopausal women compatriots. Moreover, A1 blood type are more likely to become high-physical blood coagulation thick. Also, the shorter the neck the more likely the high coagulation thick. Prevent myocardial infarction, the first New Year Do not eat Hesse Hu; second drink plenty of tea, blood circulation; and third do not get angry, and his blood to thick. Thick blood also easy to drink liquor, drink to drink red wine a day does not exceed 100 ml.

If you eat the peanuts, do not eat, really eat, peel and eat the skin. You see we peanuts in China, such as spiced peanuts, fried peanuts, fried peanuts, all the skin. You go to Europe to see, peanuts without skin, and people know not to eat the skin. Some people said: I tell you, peanut skin is to increase platelets, used to stop bleeding, we do not eat in the elderly.

there, watching TV should pay attention, good TV to watch a moment, the TV does not look bad. Why? Sat there a long time, hemagglutination degrees will rise. I am particularly worried about? Already short, thick, fat, no neck, still menopause, but also blood type A1, Hu eat Hesse, then a angry, and drink liquor, eat peanuts not skinned over, and he tolerated myocardial infarction, my doctor was wrong .

Turning next to pollen. Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan had suffered gunshot wounds, have been a malignant tumor, but he was so great age, is still alive, but had senile dementia. Why did he live long? Pollen play a significant role in his possession. Now, Europe and America are popular come from the pollen. After returning home I investigated the history, that we were very early. Wu eat pollen, the Empress Dowager Cixi eat pollen. We all know that the sperm of plant pollen, conceived of life, the most abundant nutrient in the plant where the best of things. Ancient times, but we ignored it. Pollen in Japan, most used, no matter how old people are using it beauty, the French models also use it.

Once I get up in the night to urinate at night three times a month, I look bad, quickly with the company, said: I want to be variety, with the point of our pollen. By a month, was restored to normal. According to historical records, the composition of drug treatment of prostate disease, the first is found in the pollen, and if pollen cure, medicine can not solve the fear is, and finally renal failure, hematuria, and renal tumors. Therefore, early treatment to, and not wait until renal failure. Secondly, many people gastrointestinal disorders, particularly women compatriots, resulting in habitual constipation. If you take a laxative, easy to get cancer, colon cancer. Pollen has a name called

Third, the role of pollen also has a fit, to maintain shape. This is the pollen of the three major roles.

pollen good, but pay attention to, is not able to eat pollen, must have a choice. They might, not only do not care, but also to get that sick. Plastic bags are sold in the street to get the pollen, a large pocket a few dollars, so several kilograms. As you see, this cheap, good eat pollen, said Professor Qi, buy several bags. Home to eat the next day vomiting and diarrhea, to the hospital to spend several hundred. You find me, I assume this responsibility. You remember, the pollen must have three conditions in order to use.

first broken. If there are no broken pollen, nutrition is hard shell wrapped and can not be absorbed. Broken by the high-tech processing needs. You grinding, high temperature, the nutrients are destroyed, but not entirely broken. Must be high-tech means, broken completely, particle size uniformity, low temperature preservation of nutrition to be useful.

second disinfection. Pollen is the wild, easily contaminated, to be disinfected. Also pay attention to disinfection. Your pot steamed on, come back a few atmospheric pressure steam, the bacteria are dead, and pollen are cooked, nutrients are destroyed, but why eat it? Therefore, high temperature and pressure can not be disinfected.

Third, desensitization. Pollen is the protein, may cause allergic reactions. Some people Spring and Autumn days old coughing, sneezing, pollen allergies. So, you have a choice. Pollen allergies usually relatively low rate, so products made of pure rape pollen mixed pollen is better than the mess. But the most important product must undergo desensitization treatment of pollen to eat.

pollen must have broken, disinfection and desensitization of the three to use.

to eat animals, smaller animals, the more nutritious value.

finished plants, come to talk about animal issues. You to the party, if there is beef, but also pork, should eat pork, beef, too many problems. First there is mad cow disease, the second a foot and mouth disease, and the third with bad cholesterol. If you have pork, mutton, mutton; have another chicken and mutton, chicken; a chicken have fish, fish; a fish shrimp there, then eat them ah. It is not polite, the smaller the animal protein as possible, simple nutrition depends on the mass size of the animals. International Conference, said the best flea protein. Fleas, do not look it so small, it can jump 1 meter high, you believe it? If it is enlarged to the people so much, it does not jump to the moon? Therefore, several American doctors wondering how to eat fleas in it.

Now WHO (World Health Organization) recommend everyone to do more chicken and fish. Why no mention of shrimp it? Not not mention, but shrimp is too expensive, not easy to spread. If you have shrimp or prawns well. I now hold such a principle: If there is a principle: If there is shrimp, and I ate two shrimp, two more than you have a stomach more than beef protein. Become very popular fish, fish protein for 1 hour can be absorbed, the absorption rate of 100%, while beef protein 3 hours to absorb.

fish, especially the frail elderly are particularly suitable. Of course, the shrimp better than the fish. Japanese long life, longevity areas in the sea of ​​Japan, is the place to fish. Particularly want to eat fish, shrimp, in particular, to eat whole fish (with headband tail), because the active substances in fish and shrimp in the head and abdomen. You will not buy fish buy shrimp? To only buy fish shrimp and whole fish to eat the whole shrimp. This head has learned.

There is also a principle of eating: eat to master volume, not better. Eat Qicheng full, life can not stomach to eat Bacheng full up, and if eating holders is full, that the two become superfluous, waste and useless. So, do suggest that you eat golden 0.618: non-staple food staple 6 4; coarse flour and rice 6 4.

now, human eating animals eat too much, and the thickness of the food imbalance. One of my patients to eat six large buns in one breath, 20-year-old had gastric dilatation, diagnosis, either to die, either gastrectomy. Results removed half of the stomach, I'm here every day to run. Eating must be appropriate, the elderly in particular do eat Qicheng full.

material balance has a law, I will brief you. Newborn to 5 months of breast-fed babies the best, more than 5 months, breast milk also die, need 42 more food. Old people need to get more. How to do? Fortunately, France has a name, Dr. Clement, he went to study in Africa found that the Lake Chad area of ​​indigenous people are health and longevity. Locals fishing from the lake to eat a thing. They take the bag and eat the thing, and then drink the soup with the stuff to do. Clement put the thing back in Paris, a test, the original is a microalgae, and is spiral to named called spirulina.

too many years later, in 1972, the World Conference on microbial protein published a paper on the spirulina, a sensation around the world. Why? Particularly rich in nutrients found in spirulina, the most comprehensive and the most balanced nutrient distribution, and is an alkaline food. For example, we most lacking quality protein, Spirulina contains up to 55-65% in the more than we have just said twice as soybean, which is now found to contain the most abundant natural protein foods, and its amino acid ratio, and the United Nations FAO recommended best amino acid ratio surprisingly consistent. A smaller protein as possible, Spirulina a minimum, 400 times under a microscope to see, much smaller than fleas. Therefore, the U.S. doctors say nothing of wondering fleas eat, eat spirulina better than the fleas, not Seya. Spirulina is the natural vitamins and trace elements with the most abundant food. For example, cancer and seductive the Carotene, Spirulina several times higher in content than carrots. On the human body has a very important role in the vitamin B12, vitamin animal we call it, and why? There are few plants, there are only in animal food and mainly the liver. However, most liver toxins, cholesterol content is high, how do? Spirulina B12 most 3.5 times higher than animal liver, you eat Spirulina on the line. Another example is where the iron minerals, Spirulina is the most abundant. This is to say up to too much, study abroad, Spirulina for 30 years, it simply has too few days, we mainly talk about health care, not for biotechnology report, we want to hear, and we find opportunities. I concluded a

abroad saying very vivid metaphor, saying that 1 gram of Spirulina is equal to 1,000 grams of various vegetables combined. South America eat a lot of athletes in the Olympic Games Spirulina, pregnant women and elderly people eat in Germany, South Africa and some European countries also provide food for children has to have a certain percentage of spirulina. I tell you why Japan is the world champion long life, they consume 500 tons of Spirulina year. Some Japanese travel to China all with it. Asked them why they take spirulina? They say, 8 grams of Spirulina can maintain the basic needs of life. Now the astronauts did not bring buns cake, spirulina should be preferred.

Here I would like to stress one point. Spirulina 90's hot after a while in the country would be finished. 30 years in foreign countries, year after year heat, continue unabated. In 1984, Professor Qi Changjing letter to the central, demonstrate the importance of spirulina. At that time, Comrade Song Ping hand instructions. State At that time, hundreds of manufacturers producing spirulina can produce international quality health care products, but several of Spirulina. People than we are stupid? Spirulina commissioned by the quality of national quality inspection departments, functional authority, Beijing University of Life Sciences, led by Professor Liu Zhaogan did a sampling. Samples from the market to buy back testing, the results most of the unqualified. Spirulina 55% should be protein, but some samples do not even have mentioned the protein out of God knows what is! Many people buy a poor quality, fake Spirulina, get that sick, and strange Spirulina is not good, the valuable stuff to destroy.

So, choose what kind of spirulina to eat, do not eat than to eat the problem is much greater. Otherwise, not only do not care, Waste of money, there are life-threatening fix.

Spirulina choice, first choice algae species. Why Thai rice with other rice different? Kinds of good. Spirulina is the same, a good multi-nutrient algae species, the poor can not. Second, choose the training environment. Spirulina is very strong adsorption capacity. Some manufacturers use river water, lake support, and several river is now clean? That heavy metals, chemical toxins Spirulina gone all breathe, eat and what can health care? China Central Television reported that such a thing before, China is also exposed to major newspapers, but now there are a lot of people buy cheaper plans. Such people may die of ignorance.

health effects of radiation on our large, there are 4 kinds of prevention.

radiation is accessible to everyone. Many women are now doing IT work, computer work in pregnant women, and some 4 months after the abortion, and some babies born like a frog, the Beijing Maternity Hospital reported that there is with the tail. Radiation is very damaging to bring people. Earlier newspaper published in some places found many cases of leukemia, caused due to home improvements, primarily formaldehyde. Foreign provision of housing must be renovated after six months before admission, because the housing decoration great harm to the people, especially the elderly, pregnant women, children, the most damaging. Harbin's report, mostly 4 to 5 years of age.

international warned: Do not put appliances on the bedroom. Especially in microwave ovens, the most damaging to us, it is within 7 meters we have radiation. Do not simultaneously open all kinds of electrical appliances, another TV, another refrigerator, microwave oven there, you cook on the side, you have cancer is very wrong ah. Ladies and gentlemen, do not underestimate the radiation! But we have been immune to the radiation of the --- you do not have a cell phone? You do not have a computer? You can not watch TV? Even if you say I go back over the life of the Tang Dynasty, you can make your home upstairs that what cellular towers demolished it? How to do? I was also thinking about this problem.

former Soviet nuclear power plant exploded, Japanese experts to the rescue, with the Spirulina. Because there is a certain radiation effects of Spirulina. Let a Beijing-based company the first time in the world Spirulina radiation purification of the active substance, it is purely a small point, called the Swiss algae can Fukang, anti-radiation is very good, than the Japanese leader for 15 years. Beijing Medical University, Academy of Military Medical tests have verified this with the role of Science and Technology attaches great importance to the inclusion of a national Therefore, people who work at the computer, especially not married, no children, and pregnant, can eat algae Fukang. Because of radiation damage to the reproductive system is very large, and you do not feel, so that when a child congenitally deficient late, especially now that only one child, which is also related to the country's future.

I will summarize. Great impact of radiation on us, but there are several ways to prevent: the first drink green tea; second to eat vegetables, turnip; third eat spirulina, but to choose the right; fourth Fukang eat algae. Selected according to their own kind of economic conditions, it is not eat apples and oranges.

Second, aerobic exercise is not recommended

morning exercise. 0:00 to 3:00, unshakeable to sleep.

the experience of a principle: the morning of the elderly is not recommended to do strenuous exercise.

morning exercise on the issue, many people in China do not know. I returned from abroad, see a lot of the old man, old woman carrying a sword on the morning of 5,6 points out. In the evening, the Chinese old man, old lady could not see, are at home watching TV. This is not right. Morning exercise is very dangerous, morning, people's biological clock rule is the high temperature, high blood pressure, and epinephrine 4 times higher than the evening, if you intense exercise, it is easy to trouble, prone to cardiac arrest.

1998 carried out in long-distance running, is running in Beijing are well documented 4 dead old man, if you let old people run down on the bad. Some units organized olds Beijing Pa Xiangshan, and go early in the morning, on the I do not know whose idea this is, I now do not know much.

I tell you that if this continues, then to make mistakes, because the leadership does not begin to understand health care. Do not organize this activity, which is the most taboo medicine. We are not against the morning walk, doing gymnastics, tai chi, qigong. This is justifiable. However, if the morning of intense exercise in the elderly, engage in long-distance running, Pa Xiangshan, there was no benefit to be detrimental, but mortality is high. If you are not long-distance race may not die, might die if you do not climb mountains, run the steps, climb the mountain, the result is harm to their own, called die of ignorance. I stress again: the morning is not recommended to do strenuous exercise in the elderly. I suggest that you

evening exercise. International regulations, and 45 minutes after a meal and then exercise. Why?

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