Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Zhao, Ren Ruoen key to expanding domestic demand, the stock market, property market, the bond market move together three cities

 Source: China Securities Network.
Of the Shanghai Securities News: Zhao Ren Ruoen professor of Beijing University of Technology Professor of Beijing University of Aeronautics
2007, the country's mainstream view is the To prevent over-tightening.
2008 in the first half, we have further warned not to let the real estate market into a second, and repeatedly called for tightening of the pendulum to the callback to be .2008 in the second half, for the decision-making, we propose the thinking in the real economy, but also a modern financial and capital ideas, and to boost the stock market through to restore market confidence and demand. All of these are in the following market and policy been confirmed.
the spirit of all you know, laid to rest the academic attitude, we would like to expand domestic demand and the current macroeconomic and made our way to another judge and policy recommendations.
the current financial crisis is a once in a century
1, the current This is a once in a century financial crisis. However, there are indications that the severity of the financial crisis, difficulty, for the economic crisis brought about by the financial crisis the depth, breadth and length, from top to bottom of Chinese society and even the blind optimism remains numb . often also claim that the financial crisis had little effect on the Chinese economy. Therefore, a clear need for further understanding, updated thinking. Only for those who do the worst, the result can be expected to be the best.
2, the depth of the financial tsunami , breadth and length estimation.
round of financial crisis does not happen in the average country, but in the world's most powerful United States, make it the most impressive of the financial industry collapse, triggering a global financial crisis, the global stock market crash (to 2008 on October 10 the market value of global stock market loss of 25 trillion-dollar) and the global economic crisis. Still, most experts to determine the financial crisis has only started Qicheng, the economic crisis started only four into, is still far from bottoming out. X. years ago the Asian financial crisis, the International Monetary Fund with less than 10 million for South Korea to rescue the market, so that the Korean economy recover in a few years, and the financial crisis to the current bailout the United States alone has more than 750 billion U.S. dollars of funds, global bailout already more than 3 trillion. If we say that the Asian financial crisis is a meter-high waves, then it is the financial crisis a tsunami more than 100 meters high.
the main victims of the Asian financial crisis in emerging Asia market countries, and this financial tsunami is sweeping across almost all developed countries, emerging markets and developing countries, the impact of the to 1%, which was negative 0.1% in developed countries, developing countries, an increase of approximately 4.5%. International Monetary Fund warned the world economy is entering a intended that the U.S. economy is likely to get out to ten years. From a fundamental perspective, this crisis is the essence of U.S. residents,UGG bailey button, businesses and government over-consumption, over-borrowing behavior adjustments. U.S. economic recovery is not very optimistic about the need a longer adjustment period, 3 years, or even 5 years is possible, taking into account the severity of the crisis and the policy of the U.S. government in the hands of limited resources, there will be a considerable probability to 5 years up to 10 years even ; shaped long recession. And in Europe, Japan is also very likely to appear the same Three foam support. At present the tech bubble, real estate and financial bubble two bubble has burst, the United States after the bubble burst Explicit and Implicit debt accumulated a total of up to 53 trillion U.S. dollars, so the bubble is the third largest dollar bubble is likely to intensify in the future shattered. Recently, the American investor Rogers openly predicted that the dollar will depreciate more than 90%. If so, then expect the U.S. economy in the foreseeable period of time not only difficult to recover, and even more into a situation beyond redemption . 

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