Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Constellations and stories lucky flower

 Aries: Hibiscus flower anemone

lucky personality Aries clear and lively, energetic, challenging, have leadership ability, but too straightforward, easy to offend others, irritability, lack of patience. On behalf of the constellation Aries cherry flower , aster, hibiscus, star flower, rape, do not forget me, cornflower, bell flowers. aster can be given to the owner's determination to change things, and action; Hibiscus love has overcome the obstacles, the lifting of the function of troubled love ; stars can be granted to the owner to spend a wealth of adventurous.
Taurus: Petunia
lucky flowers violet, rose, narcissus
Taurus steady, reliable, but inflexible and stubborn, like cattle, and like the pursuit of sensory pleasure, emphasis on substance. on behalf of the constellation Taurus flowers are calla lilies, carnations, petunias, peonies, bluebells, lilacs and so on. calla lilies can bring you the elegant and dignified and generous love is the power of attainment; petunia can be growth of the money transported, emotionally, you can promote natural development of the other party.
Gemini: Rose
lucky flower lily of the valley, rose
Gemini personality, cheerful, clever and lively, eloquent, good karma, usually versatile, but more sensitive, slightly neurotic, is a typical dual personality. representative of the constellation Gemini flower gladiolus, roses, Spathiphyllum, Tuberose, hydrangeas, jasmine, straw daisy, lupine and so on. Rose to your passion filled with the rich intellectual and capacity; Spathiphyllum can give you the wind is an invigorating personality; Tuberose has the power to make your communication and coordination, the more complete successfully.
Cancer: Lucky Flower Lisianthus
Xiao to be grass, lily
Cancer conservative personality, gentle subtle, good at taking care of others, gives a warm feeling of security. but not good at expressing their feelings, more sensitive to emotional vulnerability. on behalf of the constellation Cancer lily flower, wild ginger Flowers, gas re-Ge, Eustoma, clematis, a hundred sub-lotus, lavender and so on. lily may bring your sensitive heart and imagination; wild ginger flowers with a live lucky factors; Lisianthus will bring you warm, sensitive and compassionate.
Leo: Flower Sunflower Sunflower
Leo Forthright, like communication, attention to friends, often the focus of groups, but the luxurious nature, love squandered, like in power, independent of human domination. on behalf of the constellation Leo anthurium flower, sunflower, geranium, amaranth, yellow cosmos, Poppy, Verbena, chrysanthemum and other snakes head. sunflower constellation for the fire, there is strong love for transport upgrade effect; geranium prominent beauty, enhancing your air transport has the power to make you the center of a smooth and slick; amaranth can bring beautiful images, and can enhance the transport of love.
Virgo: Dahlia lucky to spend a large Persian chrysanthemum, hyacinth
Virgo innocence, got a little older, detailed work plan, knowledge rich, but the shy, slightly neurotic, occasionally find fault. on behalf of the constellation Virgo Dahlia flower, sage, cockscomb, hibiscus, Campanulaceae, Canna, Marigold, Lycoris, gentian and so on. Dali flower to enhance the flexibility and power to do things carefully; a bunch of red can bring you good health and transport, to enhance the ability to work; cockscomb will strengthen the desire to dress up your hobbies, your charm exudes a clean and tidy.
Libra: Cosmos
lucky violet flower, red rose, lily of the valley
Libra cool resourceful, graceful, was born ladies and gentlemen, always maintain a moderate attitude, just dealing with people, but according to Lai Xinjiang, have a tendency to escape. on behalf of the constellation Libra flower gerbera, cosmos, lace flowers, white peacocks, hibiscus, mango flower, oil point of grass, asters and so on. Gerbera help you enhance the transport of marriage, increasing the ability of coordination with others; cosmos can lead to your charisma, the role of transport also enhance the marriage; lace flower can be entrusted with your noble, charismatic personality; white peacock makes you good karma.
Scorpio: Begonia
lucky flower gentian, pink
Scorpio strong personality, with a keen sense of things go all out, the mysterious appearance of indifference, inner hot , jealousy, and Du Zhanyu strong impression that the poor live. on behalf of the constellation Scorpio flower chrysanthemum, osmanthus, begonias, lantana, lily, plum, chrysanthemum and other glass. chrysanthemums have blow away the cobwebs of the role, when the old love gone, the new love will show; Osmanthus exudes sex appeal to you to enhance the attractiveness of the opposite sex; begonias can make you have a firm belief to achieve their goals.
Sagittarius: Phalaenopsis
lucky Narcissus, plantain
Sagittarius inherently noble, decent dress, elegant words and deeds, optimistic and lively, but excessive respect for freedom, love stimulation, fickle. on behalf of the constellation Sagittarius Phalaenopsis flower, heaven birds, flowers, flower longevity, cyclamen, Oncidium, plus specific topics, Cattleya, Cineraria, Africa, Viola and so on. Phalaenopsis flower as the guardian of Sagittarius, particular portfolio protection and luck; bird of paradise flower to give you intellectual and the wild charm; Kalanchoe make you forget about little things, with a sparkling personality altogether.
Capricorn: lucky stars
carnation flower, cockscomb
Capricorn hard work, perseverance, diligence and frugality, work go all out, life is plain boring. on behalf of the constellation Capricorn narcissus flower, baby's breath, the East Syrians, Christmas red, slipper orchids, crocuses, hyacinths, hydrangeas, daisies and so on. narcissus give you strength ; sky heart sense of humor you have; East, Syria has the support of your promotion and salary, passing the examination, to achieve success in the role of society; Christmas red can develop your social and work to enhance transportation.
Aquarius: M Marguerite
lucky flower daffodils, primroses, pansies who
Aquarius is philanthropy, others cordial but not close friends, but lack of wisdom, enthusiasm, respect for freedom, both rational and cool. on behalf of Aquarius constellation camellia flower, freesia, Yin Liu, Marguerite daisy, snapdragon, primrose, violet, Western daffodils. Yin Liu a symbol of freedom and unfettered, to the flowers as the guardian of Aquarius, with the lifting of physical restraint function; Marguerite daisy love for playing fortune telling game, said to be holding it than to have a fair ability to treat a friend.
Pisces: tulip flower
lucky violet, jasmine, forget-me
Pisces gentle and romantic, with the intuitive and artistic, willing self-sacrifice, but her character is changing and difficult to under the right judgments. on behalf of the constellation Pisces flowers are tulips, sweet pea, Alice, broom, carnation flowers, flower Ling grass, Primula, peach. tulips will be granted to holders of intense compassion, willing to sacrifice; sweet peas particular portfolio platonic love, can increase the spiritual connection between men and women; Alice will give the holder of a rich and sensitive The artistic sensibility.
Aries and spring flowers
Star, Aries rising slowly, accompanied by the joy of passion, a prelude for the summer!
Constellation Name: Aries (Aries)
Date of Birth: 3/21--4/19
lucky stones: garnet, bloodstone
lucky color: red
lucky numbers: 1,9
lucky flowers: aster, star flower, bell flower

Aries constellation is the origin of the story comes from the third century AD, Rhode Island, written by Greek poet Appleby Long Nisi ���� find the story of the Golden Fleece. story Thomas Arthur is to describe the King of Greece, marry another of the end of the Kingdom of the Princess Joyner asylum to Sri Lanka after the cruel murder of Prince Joyner has to flick Soss, so that his son will inherit the throne. Doina will concentration of all domestic grain seeds, and cooked later secretly distributed to the people, the results can not be due to natural growth of cereals, leaving the country into a famine among the dilemma; not only that the angel of Yina any connection with the Temple of collusion, false claims to Wrath of the gods down, you must be calm Prince flick sacrifice Soss famine. King Arthur Maas finally fell into the treacherous Yina, when the prince will be brought to the altar of the moment, the gods Hermes because of the angels accepted his mother's request, and sent a long-winged golden ram wool and fall from the sky, the flick Soss carried away from the altar; together across the Dardanelles, the final success of the Black Sea Kerr Chiss State visit. flick sos to appreciate their own salvation, they put Aries dedicated to Zeus, king of the gods and gave the Golden Fleece King Kerr Krzysztof country. And Zeus put it into the sky and turned it into Mu Block Aries sheep is a typical pioneer, born good strong, lively and frank nature, good eloquence, always led the way, and will continue to look for new targets. So with the representative symbol of hope for enduring with daisy then the stars and the delicate white flowers The sky full of stars, is not so strong you feel the passion and patience in Aries it?!
given constellation Aries aster flowers
determination and action star flower cultivation Aries
enthusiasm and adventurous Aries
bell flower show the spirit of public-spirited character introduced

positive things have momentum, frankness, but patience and impatience, often care regardless of the end of the first three minutes heat. Because of the energy of like the Aries-like, so go forward for the lead. but only pipe, cheerful personality, but a lack of patience, too straightforward hasty temper, they often offend people.
Male: non-stop search for fairy-tale romance, love will not tolerate arms absent-minded or distracted on a random manner.
women: men do not like the autocratic, but it will not lower my eyes man bow and have a good impression, to a song can be extended to the real man.
Taurus and early summer flowers
the night sky, stars as the Taurus dust gently planted a full blessing!!
Constellation Name: Taurus (Taurus)
Date of birth: 4 / 20--5/20
lucky gemstones: emeralds, coral
lucky color: blue, green
lucky numbers: 4,6
lucky flowers: yellow roses, carnations, petunias
constellation Taurus
story is from the story of Alexander in the era of the third century AD, the poem the poet Moss Gus. through Shiraz Monia local Bei Nasi River, there was a beautiful king Bei Nasi Princess, called Europa. One spring morning, Europa and friends playing in the river dance, she was deeply attracted by the beautiful figure of Zeus is observed mortal. So, as an incarnation of Zeus, pretty and tame white bull to close to Europa. white bull proper way silver ring on his forehead, two horns are curved crescent, the body exudes a faint aroma, mouth spit out more wonderful sound. Europa stroking and riding his curious that the first great Bull. did not expect this bull actually raced, and carrying the full-Benz Europa, as they passed through the Aegean Sea, the public Poseidon have also appeared to clear the way for them and bowed toward the white bull. At this time, learned of the horror of Europa The bull was actually Zeus, the king in disguise. Zeus to Europa talk of love, and she was taken to his birthplace - the island of Crete. has invited the four seasons of God Europa dress, held a grand wedding. Europa first to reach the land - is named in her name is Europa Island (Europe). and the future to commemorate the bull Zeus, put it on the sky into a standard Taurus Taurus is thrifty experts to Calm, careful and rigorous known. has a stubborn, opinionated, perseverance, effort and other characteristics. Therefore, the symbol of the gentle mother of carnations, yellow roses and romantic warmth, and then with the gold comet to explain the Taurus, most people feel that they both Oh, gentle and pragmatic personality!!
constellation Taurus flowers
yellow roses give sweet romantic personality
carnations performance characteristics of Taurus stubborn perseverance
Petunia increase the money shipped
Taurus character description
is an ideal romantic. the pursuit of material comforts to meet the self-sense of security. Having said that, but it is a very loving family, and the emphasis on simple laws of man. temper as hard as a cow, but it is definitely a trustworthy , introverted character, the role of calm.
M: A calm acute powers of observation to understand a woman, but once If his will to sacrifice everything at any cost.
women: self-control strength, and claims that is a real woman, looking for a man's man
summer night sky with flowers, stars as Gemini dust lightly planted a full blessing!!
Constellation Name: Gemini ( Gemin)
Date of Birth: 5/21--6/21
Lucky Gem: Agate, Beryl
lucky color: yellow
lucky numbers: 5,9
lucky flowers: Purple Rose , hydrangeas, lupine fascination
Constellation story
Li Da beauty queen of Sparta Zeus, in order to get close to her the embodiment of the Swan. Princess Li Da, and thus gave birth to two sets of twins at the same time. a pair of men and women to take Mingkashida and ����͡��˿ la, and the other is under and Zeus Wang Suosheng Hecules man and a woman named Helen. custard and two brothers Hecules , good popularity grew, and the feelings between the brothers is very good, custard good at riding and training horses, and Hecules is good at boxing, the two always go hunting and to participate in adventure activities. On one occasion, and twin cousins Aidas and Lin Sasi, and go and apprehend bison, and access to a rich harvest, but equally from the two sides of the conflict, UNDER FIRE Aidas killed custard. Zeus with the lightning will huff hack Aidas, and Hecules Lin Sasi will also kill the fierce battle. Hecules grief of looking at dead brother's body, the request of the gods made him sad and custard with the dead, but have eternal life, he was unable to do so. Zeus mercy Hecules grief, and was deeply moved by the second world of brotherhood, they put half of our life Hecules to custard sharing, since they will never separate, half-time to live in hell, half the time living in the Mount Olympus - the temple of heaven. And Zeus, and to remember the feelings of two brothers and took them to bring the heavens , and turned it into Gemini. some people say they are human gods, protector of sailors. Gemini is a wealth of knowledge and a diverse constellation of subject matter to speak. smart, studious, quick active, healthy and strong qualities such as curiosity , making this constellation of Friendship wide full height of interest in anything. with mysterious purple roses and romance with the color of Mimang Fidel Shakespeare with each other, together with green leaves and the background, this bunch of flowers show more mystery and charm of Gemini Oh!! Do you think this?
given constellation Gemini Purple Rose flower
romantic gentle personality
stubborn perseverance foreign Hydrangea performance characteristics of Gemini
lupine increased Gemini character of the money transported
innovative ideas introduced
like to accept different things. but also because of mercurial personality, often of two minds, indecisive. had, generally speaking, this is clever and lively and with cheerful, eloquent, popularity, talent-class people of the dragon, sensitive and occasionally a little nervous, quite unbearable.
M: not easy to fathom a woman, the feelings of absolute variable, so need to be good at how the wind blows woman, to long-term stability.
women: a Gemini girlfriend or wife, as is enjoying the third wife of four concubine, because she will always unpredictable.
Cancer and flower
you (you) is Today the universe's brightest star, let the rich fragrance of the blossoms, I will be full of blessings and the slightest affection to you (you) surrounded hh
Constellation Name: Cancer (Cancer)
Date of Birth: 6/22--7/22
lucky stones: pearl, ruby
lucky color: silver
lucky number: 7
lucky flowers: lilies, lisianthus, late Yuxiang < br> Constellation Zeus and the human story
girls for love and Ake Meini gave birth to a son, named Hagrid Las. Haig Las Derby princess grow up and marry and live happy life. But the jealous Hera Heart resentment of days, while under a spell, so personally like Hagrid Las possessed killed his wife and children. awake after the Haig Las grief, when Hagrid Las intended to commit suicide and his wife and children to ride their lives, the god Zeus timely stop him, and told Haig Las XII adventures to be experienced to atone for their own. which is the uniform of the second monster living in the swamp West Dora. West Dora head of the snake is nine, hiding in caves in the nearby marshes, and often come out against the people. Hagrid Las West Dora the cave to find and use the torch against West Dora, also unwilling to anger the West Dora spit weak potential poison gas attack. At this point, living in the big swamp Cancer seeing West Dora retreat, and into a bitter struggle, so to come out to bite the feet to help Hagrid Las West Dora. The results are Haige La Anti Cancer Sri Lanka a broken foot, while the West Dora eventually subdued. Hera great sadness because of the death of Cancer, so it will be lifted off and set up for the Cancer. Cancer is a very strong family values, love and intimacy between The sense of harmony, meticulous, strong feelings, but love of family and romantic elegance can not tolerate infighting and intrigues Cancer, the environment, so with a pure lily, Eustoma romantic evening fragrance and flavor, also known as evening primrose Yuxiang ���� to Cancer pacifist interpretation, it is easy to do Hello!!

lily flowers with a magical constellation of incredible power, giving a sensitive heart with Cancer of the imagination.
given Eustoma Cancer kind, sensitive, and a sympathetic heart.
Cancer personality is like late night Yuxiang Yuxiang general, the more we get close to her, the more she can feel better.
character is introduced
most concern for the family constellation, has just has the biggest advantage is its flexibility. attention to meet the spiritual life, super-tolerance, but also good at caring for others. personality gentle subtle, yet conservative and cautious.
M: emotional, sensitive and will need is someone hurt, but get something, but desperately hold.
Female: full priority to the family of the woman, the attitude of the pursuit of love is not shy hard to say, is in hot pursuit. < br> Leo and flower
you (you) in the universe of today's brightest star, let the rich fragrance of the blossoms, I will be full of blessings and the slightest affection to you (you) surrounded by hh
Constellation Name: Leo (Leo)
Date of Birth: 7/23--8/22
lucky stones: agate, amber, diamonds
lucky color: warm yellow, orange, gold
Lucky numbers: 8,9
lucky flowers: pink roses, flamingo, sunflower
Las constellation Hercules story
famous in Greek mythology, but the fate of his life was very miserable because he is the Emperor of Heaven Zeus and the world female born the son of Akbar Meini, therefore been subjected to days of childhood Houxi La sorts of persecution. Heike Las grow up, Yinxi La secretly mad curse to kill his wife and daughter. He to make up their own crime, and adventure through twelve to atone for their own. Haig second great adventure in Las largest contributions, is to destroy the terrible demon lion, this lion live in the palace of Zeus, the valley near the Medes. Whether out all day and night feeding, as long as the encounter to catch and eat sheep or human, is a very very scary Wicked. Hagrid Las eliminate the lion in the way to cut down an olive branch length of a section of tumor , made a huge club, hiding in the shadows and waited. on the night of his mouth covered with blood, demon lion finally appeared. Heike Las sent a shot from the bushes in a monster lion, but immediately bounced back. demon Lion greatly angry, and immediately jumps to the Hector Douglas, Hector can not use bows and arrows Las destroy the demon see lions, the lion will be scored with a club to demon hole, desperately hard demon attacks lion's head. stick though interrupted, but the demon Lions are still on the ground rolling, so he used both hands to dig dead demon lion alive. Emperor in honor of Zeus, Hector Las achievements, he put the lion to kill the demon into the sky the constellation Leo. Leo the importance attached to individual talent performance, personality is very straightforward, creative rich and optimistic. have a passion for the courage and determination, the implementation of force, but also a strong constellation of self-esteem. flamingo bright colors will always be spent on any occasion stand out, dazzling, like Leo like to attract people's attention all the time. and shaped like a sunflower sun, eager enthusiasm, dynamic appearance, but is warm and cheerful Leo interpretation Weimiaoweixiao. with the leadership of Leo is always noble and extraordinary bearing revealed faint, elegant with a delicate pink roses, but the performance is in perfect!!

pink rose flower constellation Leo can show extraordinary elegant style and temperament
sunflower has a strong love for transport to enhance the role of Leo
fire Crane flower can cause potential charm, and a dazzling performance
character introduced
optimistic, confident, very creative, such as the body is always sending out a star-like charisma. bossy, to lead people. also due to naturally bold, big spenders, good communication, so naturally get on the throne of king of beasts to become the focus of attention of the crowd.
Male: only the audience who really do what he can be the protagonist of all ages.
Girl: Like a shining star everywhere welcome, though sentimental but clever ice, requiring a luxurious abundance of love.
Virgo and flower
you (you) is the brightest in the universe today a star, let the rich fragrance of the blossoms, I will be full of blessings and the slightest affection to you (you) surrounded hh
Constellation Name: Virgo (Virgo)
Date of birth: 8 / 23 --9/22
lucky gems: sapphire, tourmaline, carnelian
lucky color: white, dark blue, green
lucky numbers: 3,5
lucky flowers: white roses, Dali flower, cockscomb
Virgo constellation story
myth first appeared in Homer's hymn, mainly depict the goddess of agriculture demeter on the story. in charge of grain demeter goddess of agriculture, there is a Phoenix only daughter called Bohemia. mother and daughter both men had each other to live, and brings a wealth of farming for human harvest. Zeus's brother Hades Pruitt is in charge of the king of hell, took a fancy to the beautiful and refined by Bohemia phoenix, so taking advantage of the demeter is not the time, drove a black chariot, the Bohemia Feng forcibly abducted to become the queen of the dark kingdom. demeter find her daughter missing, the very worried anxious to find her daughter around her visits, little interest in farming farming. so the fields are beginning to barren, overgrown with weeds, had no life. Finally, the sun god Apollo, will be seen through and told demeter. worry, resentment demeter but could do nothing, to take the most negative way to express her dissatisfaction. let the earth is facing unprecedented famine disaster, making the land barren, the people can not students. Zeus saw the serious situation, would require the release of Bohemia Phoenix Prut. But the ugly face of the popular and very low self-esteem Rutter, how easy would be willing to let go a beautiful Bohemian phoenix it? So, Pruitt will have to leave Bohemia to eat the four underworld Feng garnet. to four months in the year she must return to Hades to accompany him. The goddess of agriculture demeter back because her daughter around, and makes the earth alive again. But every time that Bohemia Phoenix back to the underworld for four months but can not self-sustaining into her daughter missing the dark, and interest at all in farming. So, the Earth thus began with the spring, summer, autumn and winter four seasons. but demeter become the embodiment of Virgo. super perfectionist Virgo, meticulous work, and with a delicate, sensual, sensitive and intellectual. and excellent analytical skills, but also to focus on the practical rather than artistic constellation. Dahlia noble and beautiful qualities, the best performance of the virginal Block meticulous spirit of doing things, people into submission to her ability to work. Ghost Festival Cho, the cockscomb flowers is a must, and think thin weak side of Virgo, and occasionally people really are obsessed with back, but oh God!!
constellation refined white flowers
White Rose White Rose fine performance of the virginal Block Dahlia are susceptible to side
Virgo strongly enhance the flexibility of mind to make things more carefully
cockscomb Virgo love dressing up for the desire to distribute the charm of a neat and clean character description

things seriously, everything orderly, select Good stubborn, intelligent, agile, good at analysis, is the work of a perfectionist madman, but also a timid, lacking self-confidence, plus a pinch of nervous people.
M: for love is very delicate handling, worthy of a flirt Essayist, but as long as the determined, often will be from one.
women: the feelings of both serious and rational, not tolerate any inappropriate feelings for the sake of perfect and near-critical.
Libra and flower
you (you) the universe of today's brightest star, let the rich fragrance of the blossoms, I will be full of blessings and the slightest affection to you (you) surrounded hh
Constellation Name: Libra (Libra)
Date of birth: 9/23--10/22
lucky gemstone: opal, emerald, malachite
lucky color: sky blue, lilac
lucky numbers: 6,9
lucky flowers: gerbera, calla lily, anthurium
constellation in ancient times, the goddess demeter was originally responsible for mediating disputes earth goddess of justice. When people are unable to resolve a dispute occurs, demeter to scales with her hands to determine the distinction between good and evil, right or wrong between the two parties, and then mediate in disputes. in that ancient era, people are hunting for a living, pure and kind personality, life is simply desire. coupled with the demeter A decision is not always fair, so everyone can get along with peace, but also at the time demeter respected by the people. until one day, Zeus punished in order to secretly accepted the day of the fire of the human, thus creating Pandora , and let Pandora release the terrible curse of the dead. Since then people have become greedy, evil, fight each other, intrigue, this world so war, disaster continued. and as more and more human desire demeter's scales are also more inclined ���� evil side. demeter Although a strong desire to help people resolve disputes, but also continue to advise us evil for good trend, but people are greedy, blinded by desire, not listen to demeter's advice. no solution to the dispute demeter dead, more than sorrow, so she took her back to the scales of heaven, the guardian of Virgo became goddess, and she turned it into Libra to Libra, and has been followed Virgo side. to balance the scales as the icon of the Libra constellation, and its characteristics as scales in general, good in a balanced way of thinking to coordinate the different points of view. They are also born ladies and gentlemen, good looks, beautiful manners graceful like a blossoming lily, attracting everyone's attention. The peace-loving, approachable personality sunflowers do not like the warm up?! Libra innate showmanship, made them like a flaming flamingo Flowers are always a focus of all eyes Oh!!
gerbera flowers, and others contribute to the coordination capacity of the best performance of calla lilies
Libra dignified and generous, elegant and noble traits
flamingo Flowers for Libra potential charm, enchanting character introduced personal style

pursuit of justice, is the arbiter and then the world, but hesitant of things easy and cool resourceful, Mastermind is a natural, always important to communicate, speak doctrine of, admit defeat, articulate, and sometimes dependence, and even a tendency to escape.
M: love is a natural master, and thus often take the uncertainty in the trade-off between the doctrine.
Female: full of pacifists, and everyone can always guarantee harmony, love to hold a course for the near-rational style.
Sagittarius and flower
you (you) is the brightest in the universe today, a star, let rich fragrance of the blossoms, I will be full of blessings and the slightest affection to you (you) surrounded hh
Constellation name: Sagittarius (Sagittarius)
Date of birth: 11/23-- 12/21
lucky gemstones: sapphire, amethyst, turquoise
lucky color: blue, sky blue
lucky numbers: 5,7
lucky flower: Bird of Paradise, Oncidium, Mary Marguerite
constellation Sagittarius, also known as Sagittarius
story, on behalf of pattern is a half man and half horse graphics. its origin to the half-man half-horse and the people concerned. In ancient Greece, the mountains, there is a half man and half horse populations, who in addition to family looks very odd - is a humanoid upper body, lower body is a horse-shaped, with four hooves. character is brutal, violent. Having said that, there is a tribe called Qi extraordinary people who are in London. Qi Lun of boxing, wrestling, sword and archery, driving, riding, music, astronomy, geography, medicine are all proficient in addition, he also predicted the specific capacity and long life, the world so According to legend, Zeus, Qi Lun body with blood. As knowledgeable and has a specific capacity, Qi Lun has been called Qi Lun study with a teacher here. because they believe that: as long as Qi-lun, a skill learned to be invincible to it! Even the Greek hero Hercules was famous Aires, but also into the Qi Lun sects worship, learning skills to him . One day, Hagrid Ellis played for some reason and the Centaur family conflict, provocation and in the tribe, surrounded by irrational anger out Hagrid Aires bows and arrows, people crazy to throw around the Centaur. Unexpectedly mistakenly shot also mixed in the crowd Qi Lun teacher, confusion, Qi Lun Buzhidaodi. regret Haig Aires, when it senses, and hurried to lift up the Qi Lun teacher. As Hagrid Aires arrow but soaked to the poison of the snake sera of arrows, even Zeus and no drug can be solution. coupled with the ability undead Qi Lun, which means he must withstand the endless suffering the pain of poison. Qi Lun knowing recovered hopeless, then Zeus gave him the sincere request of death as release. Zeus could not bear to ever bear the pain Lun Qi, Qi Lun eventually recovered immortal, will he ascend to heaven, a Sagittarius. Sagittarians, advocating freedom, aggressive , is a very full of energy and efficiency of the constellation. with their enthusiasm and optimistic nature, but from time to time to bring people around the warmth and laughter. Oncidium lively and generous with the free bird of paradise, joy and happiness symbol is and Sagittarius personality perfectly. The innocent girl with a crush on behalf of Margaret, letting you see through dynamic exterior Sagittarius sinking pure heart!

Oncidium flowers constellation Sagittarius in charge of the machine birds of paradise and success
shipped Sagittarius rational and emotional show the unique charm of the performance of Sagittarius Margaret
pure, clean style
character introduced
hundred percent optimistic and enterprising spirit, the pursuit of unfettered freedom, like the stimulation, hi outward development. has lofty ambitions, but occasionally a bit stupid, maybe even a great surprise to paragraph glasses faithless, fickle do??
M: anything to anyone with great interest, a desire to be sincere, and who fit with the mind.
women: Although Ganaiganhen, but often misplaced, but fortunately, have been a dream of Prince Charming can pursue to the more frustrated the more courage
Capricorn and the depth of seasonal flowers
, Capricorn in the winter sky, let bursts of heartfelt wishes to send flowers on his behalf!
Constellation Name: Capricorn (Capricorn)
Date of Birth: 12/22 - 01/20
Lucky gem: Black Jade, Tiger Eye
lucky color: brown, dark green
lucky numbers : 2,8
lucky flowers: tulips, hyacinths, poinsettias
Constellation story
Faun Paine messaging gods angel's son Hermes, he looks very strange, with goat horn and beard, Rumex lower body is almost half-human, half beast creatures. Nevertheless, he is a very good musician, like singing, dancing. Paine fell in love with the goddess by Shirin Kesi and pursued her, but Schilling Kesi but because of the appearance of and avoid aversive Paine him; Shirin Kesi fled to the river and river god help request flustered, then, the river god into her into a bunch of reeds. Paine catch the river, watching the Shilling. ..

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