Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fight for life in despair

 Football always subject can make your heart with its uneasiness, which, short week, as if dreams actually do have the opportunity to all parties with interest the paper outlet exhausted all possibilities. FIFA routine ; Group of Death Chinese team in the same group compared the other three opponents weight, optimism is certainly a minority, recall the occasion of the original ballot, the whole nation indignant exception. trepidation hard pass in a foreign land, everyone's New Year's Eve did not disturb a good mood. in their own door plateau, the loss of beat Australia in recent years the best time to make the Chinese team two consecutive draw almost World Cup year and say goodbye, despair, without any pretense of despair. in the obstacles to progress despite the early success of bad hype, but it can be regarded as Chinese football up and down cliff footsteps stopped, and some amazing taste, after thrilling anomaly in retrospect, the results bear assumptions. that race can be seen as the impact of the World Cup era Milutinovic key turning point in the road, after that team's run-in than ever before smooth, Milutinovic I naturally scared into a cold sweat. that game version of the story back and forth a lot, being in the almost hopeless situation, Li Weifeng's header nets can be regarded as at least insist on the Chinese team did not give the best proof. Now the Chinese team, under the command of Samuel Doe and Folado also need a front line of the there will be no intrusion into the league, the autonomy of the state to adjust in their own hands. the latest news coming from the front, Qatar, intolerable heat, nothing to fuss about, this is unusual territory of the vast Asian football reality, we are not the first a face. the Chinese team as long as they do not appear panic-third of any Asian rivals want to take away is not easy, not difficult to give up in order not to lose when the winning mentality of play, the latter still has room for three games. We are the Onlookers said that is pretty easy, Dewy and Folado understanding of the national team and the strategy will play a leading role in the national team to find the most appropriate combination of play and still remains a challenge, I hope that this expedition can be brought home for the last two energy reserve accumulation and confidence, the team feel better, and in the field of natural to be seen, watching the people will ease Enron.
outside the ups and downs in the background to the game become complicated, tempt the appetite of fans. originally wanted to give the article to one-third of a name to live up to expectations mm, carefully recall too heavy smoke gas. Over the past two games, the Chinese have had of winning, but the so-called opportunities are fleeting, you need someone in the Chinese team has the power to create, have the ability to grasp. there is no capital to make others confident of Chinese football, people can always give up, there is a world of people desperately carrying only , in desperation to secure the win machine into life.

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