Sunday, December 26, 2010

Top Ten Chinese wine industry in 2003 Hardship

 2003 China top ten wine industry suffering
Luo method
In the last 2002 years, we are gratified to see that China's wine industry has made considerable progress in the past year, the industry realized a preliminary integration, the Great Wall, Changyu, Dynasty and a number of strong brands have begun to lead the domestic market; same time, with the completion of the Great Wall brand integration, China's wine brands have made some achievements in building; the new heavens and marked the acquisition of Western Wines, the wine industry the trend of industrial concentration occurred; after all the turmoil, the Chinese wine industry began to gradually standardized, November 2002, the State Economic and Trade Commission by notice issued the effective January 1, all, for the new year, it seems to be a very auspicious omen.
success and hardship always go hand in hand, I believe that the more or less to restrict the development of the industry, its success as the other side of the reef.
philosopher said, the true warrior, never on the road ahead to avoid all the difficulties and obstacles, but for a warrior for the voyage to find the front of the reef may be as important as with the triumph, and now, let us look for impeding the development of wine industry in 2003 reef.
(a) of the
wolf story we are familiar, when people first heard the wolf, when feeling ran high, nerves jumping tightly, picking up a hoe, eyes wide open, ready to fight to the death with the fierce wolf, and the second , it is doubtful, Chou Chou looked up to the third, people remain indifferent, and later, people do not believe that, where the wolf would be so clever, just for today to come? wolf really come until later, people can only stand looked at the wolf ran off with the goat, because, no longer hand hoe, they was too late.
this world, as long as the existence of wolves and sheep, the wolf will come, but the story in the wolf , people actually believe that one day the wolf will come, but they are thinking: is it today? is tomorrow? and when they immersed in the numbness in the hand a little bit of farm work in, the wolf really came, the sheep lost , and the loss of farmers may be months or even longer to make up.
China's wine market is the choice sheep, I believe that all of the wine industry knows that the wolf is coming, but not all businesses are aware of: the wolf, perhaps, just today!
In fact, the pace of the wolf has been looming in previous years, foreign wines have poured into China, but do not understand the Chinese market as well as for other reasons, foreign wine in China face fell; However, the broad prospects of Chinese wine, so obsessed with foreign enterprises, while the foreign wine into China, the situation than Qianfan very different from the macro that China enters the WTO, tariff barriers were broken, the original fence outside the bar in the fold has been removed, the threat of the wolf for the sheep is more direct; the same time, foreign enterprises in the summary of the last lesson, have begun to change its policy full 2002 year in June, the world of wine by the traditional powers France, World Cup held in Tokyo in time for the Asia Pacific region wine exhibition, but it put in the March 6 press conference held in Beijing, China site selection, the care and thought obvious. foreign wine in the choice of agents , the terminal strategy, pricing strategy, a comprehensive adjustment, especially in terms of price, foreign wines began to lower ~ 100, was close to the price of mid-range wines, domestic wines produced on a huge threat.
there are indications that the wolf has become increasingly closer, and the appetite for larger, more sharp claws!
in the impending threat of the wolf, the domestic wine industry still can not find a weapon against its attack, we raw materials, technology, brand, strength and other aspects of foreign wines, there are still not a small gap, the level of development in our industry can not to withstand the extent of foreign wine; more importantly, we have quite a business, but does not realize the threat of wolves, there are still travel freely, meet in front of, or holding the speculation, there is no specification in the industry prior to fishing one, and does not realize it, the wolf, perhaps today or tomorrow morning. for the Chinese wine companies, the awakening sense of crisis has become the key to determine their survival.
African grasslands have a fable every morning, a lion cub and mother training run, she said the little lion, antelope, if you can not run faster than fast, you will die of starvation because there is no food to eat. sheep mother gazelle training every day, she little antelope, if you can not run faster than the lion, you will be eaten, and now the wine industry as the fable, the sheep did not practice running if the sense of urgency, the final destiny can only be eaten.
Of course, in our businesses, there are many sober persons, more companies will be awakened in the competition, which might be our only hope to win.
(b) the story of arrogant - Market and brand positioning fidget disease worries
story in the arrogant, occupies a corner of the arrogance of Animal Yelang strong monarch asked the Han territory messenger: Han has Yelang so big? Yelang monarch became presumptuous synonymous with ridicule by the ancient people, but sadly, history always repeats, is just another way.
in the domestic wine industry in quite some arrogant Yelang, who regardless of their own the strength, position yourself as a leader in the industry, whenever they called to do, or is the world's dominant Chinese, the result has not made China famous brand, but to the whole of dying themselves. in the Chinese economy to trade appliances industry standard, 90 was called to do, the world situation, some companies positioned in the blind section, not easy for the industry earned a certain strength of cutting-edge companies, adhere to the regional advantages may be more sensible choice.
positioning in the market, many companies there is also a serious error, grape wine is a special commodity, fusion of Eastern and Western food culture, food consumption habits is a very long process. so wine consumption in the Chinese market as the main groups targeted most people would not think so vast, illimitable. a major wine brand is known to spread to towns in rural areas, in addition to a limited profit, the cultivation of the market can only be misleading role. China's large population, regional differences are very large, high low-end wines were different products to adapt to market segments, sales channels, marketing methods also have significant differences of heaven and earth. And fantasy can rule the roost in all markets, it is unrealistic, but the current domestic enterprises, especially some big brands, often make the mistake.
there had been a Lishi bit military commander, so that the lame man to become the artillery, because they not run away, which will help hold ground; so many good and brave people who run when the pioneers, because they run fast, the result is successful, this approach may be on the domestic wine industry very instructive, identify their strengths and weaknesses, may go further. And that can only speed their own death round.
c) the embarrassment of country folk - the wine market with overproduction of worry
a joke that is the story of the city and country folk, country folk, we had just enough to eat, in the city have begun to pop lose weight; we just ride motorcycles in the city have begun to pop a walk; us just wear clothes, City Buildings Azeri began exposed belly button pop out. And today, the embarrassment of this country people have occurred in the wine industry: When China began to pick up the wine when it has surplus of production. < br> At the international level has highlighted the crisis of overproduction, global statistics show that in 2000 the world's wine consumption 56.059 million hectoliters of wine production lag, increased by 0.4% over 1999. but consumption fell by 0.7% of the production surplus as high as 20.32% by 2002, the phenomenon of overproduction more serious.
International Organization of Vine and Wine OIV President Jose (Dutruc-Rosset) recent briefing on the work that planting area or in the production of both increased substantially. If the world does not keep pace with growth in wine consumption, supply and demand imbalance will become more serious. the rise of strains of Red Xia, Li product line, and other international well-known Riesling wine grape varieties are widely grown in China, accounting for wine grape cultivation area of more than 80%, the country is forming the Bohai Sea, Zhuo Huai basin, Gansu, Wuwei, etc. viticulture area. wine demand has been excessive relative production of raw materials.
the same time, industry profits also contributed to the wine industry to expand production, coupled with emerging new army, the domestic wine production has far exceeded the capacity of the domestic wine consumption, many sleeping, lying down in the wine cellar. In order to sell more products, companies have cut prices, and prices then after the cut corners to make up for loss of profits, cutting corners and causing a decline in quality, and so a vicious cycle.
can out of the production excess of the quagmire, will directly determine the status of the industry's profitability.
(d) of the drawbacks of increasingly draconian laws are - the wine industry worries
multiple standards in the field of sociology of a phenomenon, and if there are multiple standards in a society , abide by high standards of ethics and conduct of people and keep the lower standards of ethics and conduct of the social returns are the same person, or even below the lower standard of ethics and conduct of the people, then he would feel unequal pay and reward , driven by the interests, he may eventually lower their standards of ethics and conduct, we call this phenomenon is increasingly draconian laws.
present, China's wine industry standards is a bit confusing, in 1994 to consider the relevant departments in the development of standards was developed to market and some of the special needs of the people, allowing the existence of a ��֭���Ѿ�. The end result is the use of a juice wine. low-quality wine, while the large enterprises into the awkward position: right implementation of national standards, compared to industry standards to the high cost and felt a disadvantage, the implementation of industry standards it, afraid to drop brands, and sometimes, in the profits drive, some companies have been very good quality and the quality requirements are also relaxed, so, in fact, to pull down the quality level of the entire industry. resulting in the overall quality of Chinese wine is not high. and in the international arena, have occurred in the export of Chinese wine When things are prohibited entry. In other countries, is not allowed ��֭���Ѿ� exist.
joining WTO, the competition between Chinese and foreign wine industry, a sense is the standard of the contest. Standard lag, has been seriously restricts the development of wine industry in China, Chinese companies affected the status of competition in the world, the evil tendency to curb the phenomenon of the modern emphasis on equality of all countries, bound by law to all people, and similarly, for the wine industry, the establishment of A perfect, with international standards of Chinese wine quality standards and a strong legal system of supervision is already imminent.
2002 �� 11 months, the State Economic and Trade Commission by notice issued the Can fully with the international standard, face a trade-off is to improve the standards of both the immediate pain at the expense of some enterprises, or to the interests of domestic enterprises, consider consuming. At the same time, the international wine organization will be formally accepted China the organization's first 48 members. in international and domestic double standards in the process of China's long-running dispute over wine standards will climax. The new standards with international standards far between in the end, are still unknown. < br> Also, in view of the Chinese market demand for complex and multi-level, implementation of new standards can not be completed in a short time, hundreds of production ��֭���Ѿ� business is discontinued, merger or bankruptcy, will bring long-term market the pain, to household appliances industry, the state gas water heater in 1999 began to push Directly strong, but until now, vertical-type water heaters there are still considerable market. for the wine industry, the industry standard but also the throes of chaos continue for some time.
(e) a hero in times of trouble from the Quartet - the rough and tumble world wine industry worries
in history, when social order imbalances, while none of the power authority asked the parties to mediation and suppression all kinds of ambitions, would lead to chaos, and chaos, in turn, destroy the normal order, resulting in enormous social damage, when the Han Dynasty in troubled times, once wrote a poem of Cao Cao says: bones exposed in the wild, thousands of miles without cock. the pain of troubled times, it is deep-seated.
currently progressing in the wine industry on the eve of chaos, Changyu, Dynasty, Great Wall, almost one-third of the world and other enterprises, their total profit of about 57% of the wine industry, however, With the Veyron, harvest, China, Yunnan Red, Xi Xia Wang, Suntime so the rise of the market is full of variables, in particular the acquisition of a new heaven and Jin Qi Dynasty, and moved the capital of China's economic and financial center of Shanghai, Taiyou to dominate the world trend ; that time, must be anybody's game, is the third of the world or a fraction of the world is unknown. in a few leaders and a number of strong brands of the brand, there are a large number of small and medium enterprises to participate, or ambitious, like efficiency between Liu Xiang from the wilderness, or by fire, robbery, after a meeting in the fishing off Happy days, then, the industry will become even more chaotic situation.
China enters the WTO, tariff barriers were broken, attack has obviously increased wine . in Beijing, organized by the French wine business wine a month-long promotion; in the China International Agricultural Fair, Italy 5 major wine regions of the enterprises all in place, said Beijing should radiation Chinese market. All signs show that our wine business and wine is about to start melee combat.
the same time, to 2004, China's tariffs down to 14% of wine, wine industry profits more and more forces swarmed the capital Following the acquisition of Gujing wineries, red Maotai Maotai shares after the launch of the domestic two motorcycle giants huge amounts of money into the mainland, which are the traditional Chinese wine industry will cause a great threat to the industry.
industry melee situation, not only concern: the domestic wine business can withstand the attack? domestic enterprises in various male hegemony in the will repeat the color TV, VCD, etc. the old, so that the whole industry, the overall decline in the vicious competition? capital strength will be involved in the wine business is only as cash machines and a bargaining chip?
appliance industry was in the 90's melee paid a heavy price in the wine industry can out of the troubled times of pain, we will wait and see.
f) Maxima where can we find? - lack of wine industry professionals worry
In ancient times, for swords warrior or far pedestrian travel are concerned, perhaps the greatest wish is to have a horse at Chi thousand miles, Red Horse capital of God, it is thriving in the more majestic Riboud hero. Maxima has always been compared to it's worthy of Dayong , while in the modern business, human resources become the key to winning.
after years of development, the domestic wine already has a considerable scale, to 2001, Chinese wine manufacturers to more than 600 historic wine market growth more than 10%, grape wine output, sales revenue and profits year on year growth rate of the first wine in 2002, an increase of about 10%. According to statistics, the country's industrial profits and taxes by 100 industry rankings, the wine industry can be ranked seven.
the other hand, lack of talent scarcity of the wine industry, at present, in terms of production or sales, and management is concerned, the overall quality of the wine industry practitioners are relatively low, the vast majority of industry employees mid-life switch, and education in general is not high, that is, the domestic wine industry in several national brands, high-quality personnel industry is small; the same time, the industry has almost zero Reserve, at present, in addition to Northwest A & F University, set up special Wine Institute, the country is not even a second school has specialized institutes and related professional wine.
so that the items on the wine industry, a strange phenomenon, on the one hand the rapid development of the industry, on the one hand the extreme talent lack of wine industry professionals unequal strength and is the highest in almost to the author, when studying in the University Archives, who jokes as dozens of the same profession, although Concert few, finally is still there. And in some hot sectors such as finance, electronics, almost every school has the same professional. In contrast, wine-related professional settings, the relative and the booming industry is already seriously out of line, while the University School of wine and related professional settings lag, so that the most important wine industry talent pool is almost equal to the blank back.
present, the wine is fermented and more professional personnel in the selection, with the increasingly extensive international exchange, overseas training, training of specialized personnel, and technical personnel from abroad and other measures, personnel training for the wine industry has opened up a new way. However, the production process does not like the talent available in volume of goods production, training a person to adapt to the competent, from competent to excellent, it takes a long time, the industry's development is a range of people, and the lack of talent, will become a bottleneck restricting the development of wine industry.
2002 China wine industry can be described as eventful, first shelling mountain grapes, CCTV news 30 minutes later and disclosed a number of enterprises in Jilin Tonghua fraud incidents, and recently, huge crisis of confidence.
on the quality of domestic wine, there has long been controversial for many years, at present, China's wine industry is actually a double standard, one is the national standard, and the other is the industry standard QB/T1980-94 juice wine They can only be presumed all Chinese wines are half-juice, though, as Changyu, Great Wall and other major branded products have already reached the international quality level, but the overall impact of China's wine is not ideal in a foreign country, and this will directly affect the Chinese wine the international market.
in the domestic market, long-term quality of wine stagnating, industry experts generally agreed that 70% of the wine depends on the quality of the grapes themselves. wine as France and other traditional big country, almost every winery has its own vineyards. In China, except for a few high-quality wine industry has its own winery, the other manufacturers are mostly grape and wine acquisition; the same time, our production processes and process control are not mature, but also greatly reduced the quality of the wine; The persistence of alcohol, more so the quality of the wine cast a shadow, due to consumer demand, complex and immature, but also to make counterfeit products can not be eliminated in the short term, or even flooded.
fact China has a large number of wine quality has been comparable with the world famous, Changyu, Great Wall, Suntime, Helan Mountain and so has won the gold medal at the international wine industry as a whole has also been greatly improved product quality, but poor wine and counterfeit products have been left in the shadow of the minds of consumers, the wide dissemination of foreign garbage crisis, more so the shadows growing, according to the principle of ultimate inference, the entire industry, consumers are likely to cast doubt on the quality of wine, it will be very scary, it is possible to paralyze the entire industry.
We look forward to the consumer out of the psychological shadow, but this may be a long waiting process.
(h) I will never understand your tenderness - Wine worries
consumer market in China, wine producers have placed the desire for consumers, and potential consumer market in China is very broad indeed, according to reports, China has tens of millions of dollars to get rich first high consumer groups; have the knowledge, culture and taste of young white-collar workers are also constantly growing. they need high-quality, healthy, natural, low alcohol drinks, wine with its mellow taste and bright color, people should become preferred, however, is not true, when the production company with passion to produce more and more wine, but found far from the consumer market as they expect vast.
to do everything possible to make the domestic wine industry, in the raw materials , equipment, technology and other aspects of comprehensive reform, however, consumers or indifferent, like a young man, singing songs and moving to the beloved girl talk Passions, girls do not appreciate, like a song to say: you The tenderness I will never understand.
In fact, girls do not understand people not tender, but the boy did not understand the girl's heart and she need? If she does not like listening to music, but also any way to impress her with ?
for China's consumer market, the most important is to guide the spending habits of wine consumers, to create the wine culture. In Europe, the wine is called part of people's lives, it is the common people for the consumption of wine only to make wine all over Europe. also created in France, Italy and other major powers in today's world of wine. Meanwhile, the European wine culture is well developed, there are numerous legends about the wine, In ancient Greece, people singing and dancing in the happy occasion for the singing of Dionysus, source of happiness.
in the country, have not formed the wine consumption habits in general, although in ancient times, wine and liquor on the same popular, and also left a other well-known verse, but far from white wine grapes as popular, in fact, than the white wine to be healthy and mood, in the final analysis, the wine is like liquor, as the lack of rich cultural heritage, and this wine has become a constraint important factor in market growth.
wine consumption for the majority of consumers guidance has been to expand the urgent needs of the wine market, however, food consumption habits of consumers, the integration of Eastern and Western food culture, the new generation of wine culture will be a very long process, the final maturity of the wine consumer market, perhaps in the foreseeable future.
(IX) marked the specter of the king - Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of China's grandmaster chess world had Nie Episodes of , the NIE later saints dominated the world a little longer. In many philosophers view, king called holy, are ominous.
almost all of the generations marked the decline of the king after the king of hot standard CCTV increasingly deserted even in recent years, many lose interest in their well-known brands, but if there are highs and lows of life, as in quiet a few years later, shortly before the 2003 advertisements bidding CCTV, but also set off a boom, and the ads battle more intense compared with the previous, more dramatic, most importantly, original mobile phones, food, medicine and the tender will be a sudden rise of the horse wine industry has a remarkable move, the industry giant Changyu determined to win, in one fell swoop into 28.9 million yuan, the tender amount in Xinjiang Suntime Group, have accumulated to 42.9 million yuan; rise near the wine industry in the tender at the meeting in large numbers, to some extent clear to the rise of the wine industry, at present, the profits of the wine industry has risen to seventh in all industrial sectors. However, the generous shot of wine, but also attracted people questions: the most favored mobile phone industry with annual sales of at least 1000 billion yuan, has not yet shot so generous, and annual turnover of only fifty or sixty billion wine industry, but in great voice at the tender tear, wine corporations are put satellites?
fears are not redundant, spent 30.79 million yuan had won the first CCTV ad The mass of the small factory, Confucian Banquet important reason for the decline, and this phenomenon has transferred to the wine industry.
in the wine industry, advertising has created a myth, Taoism only in 2002 the fame. Xinjiang Suntime with Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung is only to the increased competition in the industry, the domestic wine industry's dependence on advertising has become increasingly stronger psychological.
However, light enough you have ads?
the industry, raw material resources is constraining the development of wine industry an important factor , Take Changyu, its wine vineyards beginning to produce from the establishment of the first bottle of wine to use for 17 years, Wanda has been a smash hit by advertising red soon disappeared, do not pay attention to their resources of raw materials inputs are directly related. Meanwhile, the improvement of production equipment and technology, improve the management system on the market, precision farming, etc., can do not happen overnight, but for the over-reliance on advertising, and even loans to do advertising, perhaps just a quick death of the Road.
liquor in front of the lesson, but history tends to repeat itself, maybe the wine will have to wait until their crashing watch, just hope this process will not be too long, otherwise, can only be a dedication can not afford.
(j) whether the old ticket to a new passenger - the worries behind marketing
people in the trade said with a smile, marketing wine in China is like Cheng Yaojin the three tricks: the first a resort, to produce one or a series of products, the series of pre-packaging and advertising hype; second resort, looking for regional agents, the use of agents listed on Distribution of resources; the third resort, the terminal sales, or simply take the money hit advertising to drive the market, three tricks used, did not move and had to re-use.
in many industries, wine marketing model is extremely backward, basically still stuck in the 80's level, especially in the terminal channels, many wine factories to buy out the practice of shopping malls, through the monopoly of a shopping center, crowding out other brands to enter, but no one company can buy out the store, you buy this place, I bought the place Finally, the market was fragmented, we do not have enough market, but will store spoiled. Meanwhile, in the next five years, with the retail industry, a large chain of retail formats is increasingly becoming the mainstream, its share possession of even 60-70%. The supermarket competition will inevitably become a major manufacturer of wine positions, but the supermarket has not infinitely expandable, in this case, the cost of a variety of names will be soaring. At that time, marketing costs will greatly improve.
building in the market, the wine industry relies too much on agents, often is to find a national distributor or a regional agency to help its marketing network, and to develop a series of policies to help agents and promised to give the corresponding market guidance, but in fact, businesses will own brand to the agents, basically to wash their hands, and at most on advertising costs is to support, not to mention the guidance of the market; Moreover, since the enterprise network is borrowed from the market, but also a lack of guidance for the ability of agents, on the contrary, many manufacturers due to lack of talent, brand planning, advertising agents speculation would have to do it, the formation of agents severe psychological dependence. and this practice is not conducive to the timely follow-up to the market manufacturers, but also resulted in another serious consequence, namely, the weakening of the market control. too many intermediate links in the market, manufacturers a series of policy can not be fully implemented, the market is more difficult to complete the integration, and, agents often squad weight to the manufacturers ask for various conditions, even upset the market.
sales and promotion in the market, competition among wine industry has reached a fever pitch, even to an extreme, there are promoters of the place, there sales, where no promoter, no sales, so that forced all businesses have invested huge financial and human resources to end promotion, the final cost of the home market, the whole industry high and in the promotion of pathological dependence, but also the superstition associated with the advertising, spend a lot of money advertising that is bound to drive sales, but unfortunately Luohuayouyi. flowing merciless, advertising is not a panacea, the contrary, it emptied a lot of business of the family property, on the contrary, for the need to invest a lot of long-term brand building, but not many companies paying lip service to, Hande lively, but plans a fashion, except for a few companies outside the focus on brand building, the actual the majority of enterprises do not attach importance to.
marketing model has seriously lagged behind the development of wine industry and inconsistent, and this unequal status, will restrict further the entire industry ...

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