Wednesday, May 11, 2011

220 absolutely can not live life tips

1. When the lime into your eyes, hot unbearable, just a few drops of sugar water. Can relieve pain.
2. mist on the bathroom mirror is very difficult to clean up wet and dry towels. Can first coat in the mirror on the soap, then wipe dry cloth, mirrors are easy to restore clear.
3. feel the itching due to dry winter, and must not use the clutch, or easily scratch the skin causing secondary infections can be more water, eat fruits and control.
4. a cup of coffee can relieve stress, relax, but also to stimulate peristalsis. Produce catharsis for people who suffer from constipation can drink coffee at breakfast time.
5. drawers, closets musty suitcase when put inside the block of soap, can be removed.
6. buy a gift given away when the price tag is difficult to tear up, blowing hot hair dryer can be used in the tear, it will peel off easily without leaving a trace.
7. pomelo skin boils water to cure frostbite. Skin boils water to scrub the affected area with grapefruit, washed 1-2 times a day, a few can be effective.
8. milk for health, drinking 250 ml of milk per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer. But drinking too much may lead to prostate disease.
9. ginger can be refreshing, winter may be appropriate to eat ginger, experts believe that taking ginger can relieve the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis and improve joint mobility.
10. winter avoid head in bed, because the gases carbon dioxide and piled up dirty, it will make people wake up and feel groggy, tired and weak.
11. mung bean trick a cold fever, can be boiled green beans, boiled in Canada after the ginger and cola, hot drink to the flu fever.
12. should not drink milk an hour before the oranges, because the milk proteins have met with the Orange will happen in the solidified acid was not conducive to the milk was absorbed.
13. banana peel can be effectively treated frostbite, get inside by gently rubbing banana peel frostbite at up to Fever, a few times to see the benefits.
14. Health eating peanuts can cure presbyopia. 25 grams of peanuts a day to eat once a day, a long resume of presbyopia may be helpful.
15. Orange wash water can be soothing. soaked with water a few slices of orange peel, to be suitable temperature, the use of orange peel wash water, can emollients.
16. clothes stained with egg, can be cold blisters, and then soaked with tea, and finally then rinse, you can remove egg stains. < br> 17. swimming breath to exercise, the treatment of tinnitus has also helped, to be long-term adherence.
18. catechins in tea may inhibit the effect of influenza virus activity may persist in using tea mouthwash, can be effective in preventing influenza.
19. banana steamed sugar co-cough. banana 3, 5 grams of sugar, into the bowl on the pot, steam for 15 minutes paper consumption, cough good effect.
20. pepper leaves feet of water governance heel pain. the fresh pepper leaves, boil water, hot feet, and even a few days for half an hour bubble will soon recover.
21. lard, honey and cream can remove frostbite. to take lard 20 grams, 80 grams of honey, and mix thoroughly together into a paste, Fuyu affected area 3 times a day, a few days grams recovered.
22. ginger drink to cure dizziness, nausea, prepared with ginger flavored drink have , drive half an hour before drinking, to prevent dizziness and nausea.
23. jujube cracked hands and feet treatment, the number of pieces of skin removed jujube kernel, add boiled into a paste, applied in the gap at the twice a day, can be recovered after a few days.
24. soy sauce sweat can cure sore throat rinse. throat pain, gargle with a spoon of soy sauce, about 1 minute spit for 3 to 4 times, with good results.
25. If a cracked wooden furniture, old newspapers can cut it into pieces to add alum, boiled rice soup paste. be embedded crack, dry out very strong
; 26. will add rock sugar pear pound transfer service, can cure a hoarse voice. snowflake plus 1 gram of ephedrine into the pot cooked, ate 2 times a day, can cure whooping cough.
27. If the body bath wound, the wound can be applied in the oil, such as a cream, and water separation, they will not inflammatory, it will not hurt.
28. newspaper ink can be de-worming, put clothes in the suitcase was placed under a layer of Newspapers, load the clothes, it will give the 2 clothing from insect bites.
29. the amount of Xianou washed, crushed 250 grams of pressed juice, 52 grams of honey and mix thoroughly, sub-5 suits, once a few days , can cure a cold cough.
30. chocolate should not be placed in the refrigerator, easy degradation, loss of flavor.
31. steamed things, the steamer should not put too much water, generally after the steaming pot left half a bowl of water is appropriate. This may be the maximum gas savings.
33. the pepper into the pot and fry paste, crushed face like, every night before going to bed with the amount of sugar a tablespoon of water blunt pepper powder, commonly used can be thin.
34. chronic pharyngitis patients should eat more cabbage, Wu Shi spicy food, you can gradually alleviate the symptoms.
35. clothes grease stain on the account after a little squeezing toothpaste onto the pollution site, gently rub, then wash with water, oil stains can be removed.
36. body is knocking, you can apply the affected area with sesame oil, and gently rub, the affected area will not occur from the mass and green grouper.
37. sugar food can cure a cold steamed tofu. In point of sugar rubbed tofu, cooked food with a steamer, 3 times a day, a few days to cure a cold.
38. with deep-fried food Sometimes the oil spill from the pot after boiling, immediately put a few grains pepper, like boiling oil consumption down.
39. rattan dirty, wet brushing with water and then get ignited sulfur smoked, it will clean as new.
40. just bought back to have ceramic tableware, with 4% was immersed in water boiling vinegar can remove most toxic substances.
41 . silk clothing, yellow when hot, add baking soda, add water into a paste, applied to the track at the focus until the water evaporates, the iron in the pad with a damp cloth, yellow can be removed.
42. draw a small cross in the bottom of the tomatoes into boiling water hot for 5 seconds, remove immediately immersed in cold water, can be easily peeled off the skin.
43. to 150 grams of wolfberry immersed into the amount of liquor more than ten days after the drinking, once daily, long-term drinking can be effective treatment for low back pain.
44. day after dinner or before going to sleep, eat two of garlic, a period of time to cure insomnia, to return to normal sleep .
45. wormwood to cure stuffy nose plug will be inserted into the nasal wormwood After kneading, make nose breathing unobstructed.
46. with a refreshing salt water foot bath can relieve fatigue, energy surge.
47. glycerine and egg yolk to dip a cloth cover was placed on the surface of a moment in the dirt, washed with water to remove stains.
48. water service vinegar can prevent motion sickness, take a little vinegar, with water after drinking and then travel, can prevent motion sickness.
49. Experts recommend winter can eat red peppers, carrots, hawthorn and other food, or drink twice a day 3 yogurt, a bowl of chicken soup, can be effective in preventing colds.
50. winter decoration, wood should pay attention to moisture, so as to avoid deformation, hydraulic oil seal products in time to prevent shrinkage, wood flooring is about 2 mm to get out of joints.
; 51. cold seasons every day, rub the ear, hand-wringing, and then these parts with a hair dryer blowing warm moment, you can effectively prevent frostbite.
52. autumn season, the daily cooking turnip , carrots, soup with vegetables morning and at night in a small bowl. long-term adherence can be effective in treating chronic bronchitis.
53. sweater to wear for a long time, some parts will be shiny, with vinegar and water half and half was mixed liquid spray, in the context washing. like to restore it.
54. autumn eyes of redness, to eat Qi Ju Di Huang Wan (Henan Wanxi, Lanzhou Foci).
55. porridge into the orange peel Not only aromatic and delicious, but also play a role in appetite, abdominal fullness or cough, sputum for the right people, have a therapeutic effect.
56. chapped hands and feet fall and winter, tea can be left foot against the blood of the hot water wash about 10 minutes a week, the skin can be smooth as ever.
57. white sweater to wear for a long time will be black, will be placed in the freezer after washing sweaters one hour, remove the dry, white can be as good as new.
58. hood on the box was difficult to clean the oil, the oil can be cleanly to first put points on the box of water, to oil droplets in the water, quick cleaning down, pour the oil out quickly for a long time.
59. succeeded in chap put some toothpaste feet, can stop bleeding pain, and soon recovered.
; 60. stovepipe eat spinach can play a detoxification, protect the retina may function.
61. cotton clothes mildew appears, with a few mung bean teeth in visible mold in the place repeatedly rub, then rinse with water, mildew can be removed.
62. the beauty of winter to eat carrots too: can detoxify, cure urination and other symptoms.
63. wash your hair before going to bed avoid the winter, cold weather after the first washing with hot water. a lot of water evaporates away a lot of heat, this time to sleep, colds.
64. Peanut meters can cure cold stomach pains, after stimulation by the cold wind often cause stomach pains, you can eat cooked fried peanuts, can reduce the stomach.
65. Kepo the eggs, separate yolk and white, egg yolk into fresh milk to cook, after drinking the town can play the efficacy of brain nerves.
66. iodine wipe outside the affected area can remove moss hand, wiping iodine per day in the affected area 4 to 5 times, the affected area to dry skin The loss, along with hand-cured moss.
67. In the first coated glass injured point gypsum powder and chalk dust in water, dry and then wipe with a dry cloth can easily be polished glass.
68. mouthwash can of beer to eliminate dust and mold. with beer to wash away her throat and mouth dust, and the role of disinfection, can make the throat more comfortable.
69. liquor rule foot odor sweat. every night after your feet with a little white wine rub the feet, and air dry. for a month. incurable foot odor.
70. Qiao brush suede shoes. with alcohol and yellow rice into a paste applied to the upper. dry brush the yellow rice , will follow to get rid of dirt.
71. eat boiled fish is easy to produce skin problems, boiled fish in hot pepper irritant strong Some restaurants do with the fish source material, some diners have an allergic reaction.
72. Qiao sweater washing: wash in warm water and ammonia in the increase amount of dry cleaning, plus a few drops of vinegar in the rinse can help restore the original luster of wool fabrics and flexibility.
73. tofu in the fridge fresh tips: Tofu directly into the refrigerator, water will overflow, poor flavor also can be soaked in water stored in the refrigerator.
74. cook can cure a cold Coke. cold early, can be used a few slices of ginger and cola add a lemon cook, and then drink both a significant effect.
75. with hot rice soup bubble hair fungus, half an hour after the fishing out that this method is not only the appearance of foam ear hair soft mast, and the smell of fresh fried.
76. eggs rich in sulfur, eat four eggs a week can make the hair shine. eat high-protein food and fresh vegetables can make the hair thick.
77. vinegar can eliminate refrigerator odors, exposure to some of the vinegar into the glass in place to close the refrigerator, there is the role of odor removal.
78. licorice bean soup Solutions poisoning. poisoning, use 15 grams of licorice, green beans 80 grams Jiantang, day one, 3 times the dose.
79. postprandial sugar ginger can cure acid stomach. after each meal eat three, four Min Jiang (ie sugar, ginger), long-term adherence, can cure hyperacidity, stomach disease.
80. hangover drink soft drinks should not be together, drinking wine and soft drinks with alcohol will cause quickly produce large amounts of carbon dioxide in the body evaporation, the stomach, liver and kidney organs are severely damaged.
81. if drunk cold in winter white open can prevent a cold, especially in the morning drinking a cup of cold water, make the liver and kidney detoxification capacity row of washing capacity enhancement.
82. Lysol feet of water to cure frostbite. Every night with a 2-3 drops of the medical release to Su feet of water warm water several times these days after the frostbite.
83. white radish nasal administration. Take white radish 3-4, clear into the pot, add boiling water, boiling steam after play nose, the nose after a few minutes to ventilation.
84. eat too much sour food, teeth will feel sore, commonly known as As long as you eat two walnut, so teeth can be immediately returned to normal.
85. to make teeth white fast moving: with salt, baking soda the same amount, add water and mix thoroughly, brush your teeth once a day, 4 days than the surface of teeth stains. to make the teeth white.
86. swallowed chives governance throat fishbone card will fry a chopped leek, and then swallowed a fish bone to remove the card throat.
87. earthwork treatment of anemia, blood flow to take black-bone chicken in a white paper, dry the dried blood bunched up into powder, served with red wines, a Banchi powder, twice a day.
88. saltwater addition to corn, with a spoonful of salt, add boiling water until the cooler temperatures after the hot foot, After the hot dry feet can be for half an hour, a week or so corn could be off on their own.
89. boiled cabbage, such as overnight food, dishes, nitrate will be reduced to nitrite, so that exposure to hypoxia produce disease, is now used for cabbage must eat.
90. eat hot pot soup into the amount of beer in the role of a pathogenic fire. eat hot pot with beer, wine cooling of carbon dioxide can help prevent food from burning mouth. < br> 91. leg cramps pillow pillow rule. night sleep with a pillow in the foot pad, can prevent cramps symptoms occur during sleep.
92. smearing soap can be swelling and pain. whether it is scalded by boiling water or fire, immediately apply some soap in the wound, swelling and pain temporarily.
93. seaweed mud mixed with honey treatment ulcer, kelp (or eggplant skin) scorched broken down, mixed with honey spread in the affected area, very good.
94. empty stomach to cure rheumatism walnut, eat 5-6 walnuts a day of fasting, adhere to a few months later, rheumatism, and symptoms may disappear.
95. If the sweater cuff or hem loss of elasticity can be soak in hot water for 20 minutes, dry air can dry to restore flexibility.
96. To clear the refrigerator mold. wipe with a dry cloth dipped in soapy water, such as not go away. with a dry cloth dipped in a small amount of alcohol wipe.
97. massage treatment rhinitis eyes, hands and index finger pressed on the orbital bone under his eyes, rubbing two hundred a day, the period of time can be effective.
98. chewing teeth to eat peanuts and effective governance down, chew a few peanuts or a piece of raw onions, teeth immediately for restitution, can continue to chew things.
99. milk to make soup is delicious. stew soup at home when a few drops of milk in the pan, so that fish can not only delicate, delicious soup will be.
100. run out of perfume bottles, cosmetic bottles do not immediately throw away, their cover is open, on the trunk or clothing closet will become fragrant.
101. smoking or prolonged use of dark nail polish color would a day with half a fresh lemon to clean, wipe the last two weeks can remove the stains.
102. the main component of polyethylene packaging of liquid milk and then will break down at high temperatures, toxic seepage into the milk is hazardous to health, so do not even bags of milk fever.
103. cold stomach pain, can be used a little ginger, add boiling water, hot clothes. of appetite, indigestion, in patients, this method is also effective.
104. Grapefruit contains naringin, can reduce blood viscosity, reduce thrombosis, suitable for old food.
105. autumn than in summer, more tan skin, the fall than in summer dilute the concentration of plasma layer, ultraviolet stronger, more need sunscreen.
106. to make fish should be put in more ginger, ginger will ease the fish The cold, fishy solution to help digestion, when the pork should be put in more pepper, pepper will help warm the role.
107. Chinese soup at 37 degrees tongue and feel the most pain, so Yao Tang Jian Hao is best to cool a little longer after the service.
108. cooking crab, shrimp and other aquatic products, first with 1% of the vinegar soak for an hour, to prevent halophilic bacteria food poisoning caused.
109. tea should not be too thick, too thick tea make gastric contraction, protein coagulation, and to dilute the gastric juice, affecting digestion and absorption of individual iron.
110. do not tofu put onions, green onions and tofu in the calcium oxalate easily combined into calcium oxalate, will destroy the nutritional content of tofu.
111. sedentary people should eat in front of computers Apple, it can combine with the body of radioactive elements and excreted, with anti-cancer and maintain good health.
112. The new porcelain tableware on 10% of the vinegar and water and cook for three hours and then go out with a new porcelain may contain trace aluminum, aluminum toxicity to avoid bodily harm.
113. dry autumn foam cleanser should be used with caution, otherwise it would lose moisture of skin stratum corneum, leading to itchy skin problems.
114 . If you feel bitter gourd. burning may put a little vinegar, can reduce the bitterness. the appropriate balance between yin and yang bitterness helps regulate the body with refreshing effects.
115. chestnut vitamins and phosphorus. calcium and so on, nourishing the human body functions such as angelica and ginseng almost comparable, especially for those who have a significant effect kidney.
116. a small amount of alcohol can be comfortable by promoting blood circulation, relax the spirit, but have high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal patients with ulcers and other diseases are not suitable for drinking.
117. Cod Liver Oil moss hand rule, the cod liver oil pills to burst, take a little external application, such as no adverse reactions, can be assured coating, 3 times a week, a week to recover.
118. shabu hot pot before the first drink half a glass of fresh juice is best, and then eat vegetables, then meat, so that rational use of food and nutrition can reduce the burden of gastroenteritis.
119. Drink 8 glasses of water a day can prevent bladder cancer. Otherwise, the blood is too thick, toxic waste can not be cleared, but also increase the kidney, liver and other burdens.
120. clever addition to shower nozzle scale, take a large bowl, pour the vinegar, soak in vinegar to head in a few hours later removed, then rinse with water.
121. tea and sweets should not be stored together, put together will be easy to make tea because of damp moldy.
122. in the scrambled eggs, if the next to stir the pot of eggs in a few drops of white wine, Stir the eggs will be more tender.
123. a cup of coffee before exercise may help relieve muscle pain caused by excessive movement.
124. served with grape juice instead of drinking water effective antihypertensive drugs, can lower blood pressure, smooth, and not the peaks and valleys in blood pressure phenomenon.
125. on the eyes helps to eliminate cold eyes after staying up late bloodshot eyes, packed in ice in the ice pack on the gauze, cold skin, every 15 minutes.
126. identify disease coup pork, pulled pork to buy one or several root hair and a close look at the hair root, hair root, such as redness, it is the pigs.
127. adhere to the meal after meal chewing green tea. can cure bleeding gums and bad breath. chewing tea leaves to make tea in the mouth when chewing mill into a fine powder and then dose.
128. natural crystal transparency, there is cotton wool within the crystal, natural crystal touch the cool, high hardness and force the glass will be visible scratches.
129. kiwi fruit rich in vitamin-rich C, one day sooner or later, helps blood circulation in the winter eat kiwi fruit can regulate body functions, enhance immunity.
130. teeth pain or throat infection, can be the one to two cloves into the mouth and chew it to spend a few minutes you can play the role of bactericidal pain.
131. antihypertensive effect of celery leaves very obvious, with the water hot look, chopped, mix garlic, almost equivalent to serving one antihypertensive drug.
132. to prevent the sweater shrunk, pour in warm water detergent, washed with a string bag sweater control dry, semi dry when removing sharing Pingyin.
133. drinking milk must drink plenty of water, bacteria will break down the mouth of milk residues, resulting in smell of gas containing sulfur, resulting in poor taste.
134. winter when the body lacks vitamin A, skin becomes dry foods rich in vitamin A, eggs, liver. soybean. peanuts.
135. milk with honey should not be brewed into tea, milk protein content is high, honey containing glucose and organic acids, both brewed into tea is easy to produce variability with precipitation.
136. chop the meat before the knife into hot water to soak 3 minutes -5 minutes. chopped meat, minced meat is not in the sticky knife.
; 137. to elevate the refrigerator 3-6 cm. the box at the bottom of the air flow space increases, so that both sides can be reduced and the upper part of the refrigerator out from the noise.
138. Hawthorn cinnamon stomach rule will 10 grams of water to cook meat Hawthorn 20 minutes, then add 5 grams of cinnamon, brown sugar juice Shaozhu take a moment.
139. buy lemons, oranges, smooth surface should be selected, because orange Class will be stored for too long after picking dehydration, skin will wrinkle
140. juice and eat meat are not suitable, the best time to eat mutton drink carbonated drinks, carbonated drinks can be more because good stomach to digest meat.
141. Prune fruit nutritious, rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and good things fiber. does not contain fat and cholesterol, is the best modern snacks.
142. Honey is a good winter skin care products, but not with the tofu with fresh, cold tofu, can heat the bulk of blood. and honey with water easily cause diarrhea.
; 143. buy a sausage should pay attention to color, dark red color, good quality cured products. fat transparent or milky white, firm and dry meat.
144. workers postponed due to socialize dinner, 4-6 points in the afternoon to chew on if the two calcium to protect the gastrointestinal tract can be doubled.
145. Do not eat eggs tea immediately. tannic acid in tea tannic acid protein with protein synthesis, so that slow down bowel movements, could easily lead to constipation.
146. take a spoon wolfberry, .20 minutes later with boiling water when brewing tea to drink and eat wolfberry, long-term drinking, is conducive to the skin soft.
147. humidifier is best cleaned once a week. experts humidifier water tank is possession of dirt, if not clean, easy to breed bacteria.
148. bedtime should not be eating chocolate and cola, because it contains caffeine, will affect the quality of sleep.
; 149. The 20-year-old adolescents and young people, regular exercise can help prevent high blood pressure.
150. latest survey results show that daily vitamin C intake of 200 ml of people suffering from cataract risk can be reduced by 35%.
151. middle-aged single food calcium is invalid, should eat milk and seafood, more than the sun to make vitamin D in the skin increase in favor of calcium absorption.
152. soaked in water or the mother of medicinal Chrysanthemum millet grass, wet towel, spreads in the eye for 15 minutes, which can effectively relieve eye fatigue.
153. clever choice of tea: look of tea elastic, tight and heavy real good quality, look at the net level, have more tea in tea stems. Petiole and impurities of poor quality.
154. It was always medicine broke medicine and eat a small benefit that swallowing tablets. In fact, after the tablets broke sharpened, easy to scratch the esophagus.
155. 1-2 choice every morning fasting fresh tomatoes dipped in sugar to eat, antihypertensive effect is obvious.
156. insomnia may be a tablespoon of vinegar into the cold water, stir in honey to drink, to help them fall asleep very good.
157. white vinegar is a treasure: white vinegar in the amount of water added to make it more white clothes soaked in light, some sugar in the vase, white vinegar can make flowers preservation.
158. eat asparagus can speed up the metabolism of the body's Park to promote the consumption of human body heat, so many fresh asparagus makes you slim.
159. sea cucumber storage: the sun dried sea cucumber, double the food into a plastic bag, add a few garlic, and then fastened pocket, Hanging.
160. How to cook pasta: cooking time add a tablespoon of oil in the water, the noodles will not stick out, but also to prevent the soup from the foam to the spill.
161. eggs with ginger, onions can not mix, ginger and onions have a strong odor, and easy penetration into small pores on the egg shell, so that eggs degenerate.
162. stature number of minimum standards for the use of towels, two women and three men, disinfected once a week, cool hang-ventilated place. Towel use period is generally three months.
163. woolen underwear to wear for a long time will play a lot of small ball, very beautiful, can be used like a shave with electric razors to shave again, like the clothes .
164. insecticide in taste and newspaper ink, the bottom layer of newspaper in the box, load the clothes, make clothes from insect bites, newspaper changed once every six months.
165. Do not use boiling water when cooking pot, when the pot bubbles up when you can take the following by throwing a few cover pot and boil, add water, then boil in covered pot.
166. plastic bottle screw too tight can not open, you can freeze the bottle in the refrigerator for a while, so it is easy to unscrew the.
167. Office of the thin: a half-hour after lunch to 1 hour, a cup of strong coffee without sugar, can promote fat burning.
168. Family First Aid Note: Patients should not drink gastrointestinal feeding, burn patients should not drink water, drink a coma patient can not be strong or easily cause choking irrigation.
169. Experiments show that the hypnotic effect, a lullaby to sleep beats actually, people will sleep in a lullaby, accompanied by special sweet.
170. identify pigment wine, shake and pour the wine on a napkin, such as red or uneven distribution of sediment, the wine is turned into a pigment.
171. boulder thing by putting a pot of drugs such as spider plants, asparagus, etc., can effectively absorb carbon dioxide, formaldehyde and other harmful objects, reduce air pollution.
172. cooking, I feel too spicy can be placed in an egg fry, wok fried with curry sauce from the peppers to prevent anemia.
173. spa every time should not exceed 15 minutes, no more than 3 times per day, 1 hour after meals, after strenuous exercise is not the hot springs.
174. antivirus vegetables: application of boiling water before eating bamboo shoots and cook for 20 minutes, remove the balls into the toxins, ginkgo not be eaten every meal should not be more than ten.
175. a new study shows that tai chi can help improve diabetes-free function, can improve glycemic control.
176. wash the pillowcases instead of washing powder, shampoo available at the time, with a special shampoo to remove hair, dirt composition, more than washing with detergent clean.
177. drink liquor should be hot after drinking liquor containing formaldehyde, alcohol damage to persons than the large, low boiling point of formaldehyde, volatile wine with hot can make most of the aldehydes.
178. Hot water should be careful not to boil, bubble can, both to the water to kill bacteria, but not so produce chlorine and other harmful substances.
179. German neurologist recently published study shows, the smell of incense rose sleep. Help to enhance memory.
180. in the vegetable category, a higher nutritional value and health value of olive oil, also said that the oil found in most oils suitable for human nutrition.
181. in the production of sweet and sour fish, sugar and salt should be put, or dehydrating effects of salt make the protein coagulation is difficult to thoroughly Tang Wei , resulting in the addition of sweet light.
182. pumpkins with lungs Qi, phlegm, Zhichuan diuretic, beauty and other functions, the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, gastric ulcers and other diseases.
183. Do not for a long time to use margin Pa, bright lights can interfere with central nervous system of human brain function, people dizzy, loss of appetite.
184. washing machine washing clothes should be open lid, close the lid is not conducive to the evaporation of residual moisture, easy to breed mold, hazardous to health.
185. Walnuts are rich in vitamins and carotenoids, can eat three walnuts reduce LDL cholesterol values ​​of 5%, can effectively prevent heart disease.
186. How to shoot a harsh taste, adding Taomi Shui bamboo skin on a seeded red pepper, cook over medium heat, natural cooling removing the washing, peeling.
187. fried potatoes when the vinegar, and biodegradable toxins in potatoes, scrambled eggs when you add a few drops of vinegar, Stir the eggs soft shiang.
188. Chocolate contains many rich in antioxidants, such as cocoa polyphenols, flavonoids, adequate intake of good for the skin.
189. drink green tea, skin care products containing green tea component, the sun can cause sunburn, loose and rough peroxide reduced by about three one.
190. salad tomatoes with sugar, put a little salt will be sweeter, because the salt can change the acid sugar ratio.
191. watermelon juice is very effective in preventing drunk, because the watermelon juice would produce competitive inhibition of alcohol, reduce the amount of alcohol into the blood
192. chewing gum for ten minutes every day, can reduce facial wrinkles, because chewing can exercise facial muscles to improve facial blood circulation.
193. at the time of a fever drink freshly squeezed pineapple juice, can help reduce fever, but also reduce the risk of suffering from bronchitis.
194. the orange peel into the hot water immersion. Wash your face with this water bath, moisturize rough skin and improve the situation.
195. onions are clear blocks vascular congestion, and reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent blood viscosity, thereby prevent atherosclerosis.
196. summer tea Ye Ruosheng mold, should not in the sun, on the pot about 10 minutes dry culture, taste can be recovered, but the fire should not be too large.
197. wok avoid cooking bean soup, red bayberry, hawthorn, crabapple and other acidic fruits, avoid serving food overnight, but not soup.
198. ophthalmology experts advise, resin lens surface wear, if the
199. summer, soy sauce, perishable, raw garlic into the bottle stripping Jiban, soy sauce will not have neither moldy smell.
200. peel contains vitamin C, ice on the skin drying red skin, can be calm, moist skin, aloe vera has the same effect.
201. fasting to eat cold, irritation of the gastric mucosa, can cause gastritis, and just eat cold food to eat, the environment can cause stomach disorders, affecting digestion.
203. room should not be placed within the rose, because people will smell the aroma of Chinese rose suddenly felt chest discomfort after, suffocation.
204. sunglasses should not be too large mirror, mirror the greater curvature of the larger refractive index change, long-term wear and easy to make eye fatigue, dryness, damage eyesight.
205. acidity of the milk anti-inflammatory skin convergence on the role of external application of cold milk, can repair sun damage skin.
207. Cherry iron content is high, eat can increase the hemoglobin content, ruddy people.
208. avoid fasting to eat pineapple, pineapple contains strong elements, empty stomach will hurt the stomach after meals in order to better absorb nutrients.
209. mango is rich in water, many will make the skin becomes delicate rosy mangoes, the other, mango is rich in vitamins, has the role of eyesight.
210. cooking liquor instead of wine is not available when, heated with wine vinegar and of the role of dissolved fat production, increase fresh flavor, no effect of liquor.
211. stew beef to stew fast, the rotten stew that can be used gauze to wrap the pot of tea cook, soon rotten meat and delicious.
212. new clothes to be soaked with salt wash wear, as do the new clothes wrinkle-free treatment may be cancer-causing chemical formaldehyde residues.
213. cucumber flesh crisp, juicy, sweet, rich in vitamins, can whitening your skin, maintain skin elasticity, inhibition of melanin formation.
214. dining can listen to beautiful music, beautiful music can enhance parasympathetic role in promoting digestion and absorption.
215. soft drinks and wine with the drink, will enhance the stimulation of the gastric mucosa, reduce the secretion of gastric acid and digestive enzymes, leading to acute gastroenteritis.
216. water and fire burns, the rapid spread of oil to cool the surface of another injury, there is pain, and prevent foaming effect.
217. curd, or tofu and other soy products tend to have shares of swill taste, with salt water if soaked before cooking, you can remove the odor.
218. lettuce can stimulate the secretion of digestive juice, promote appetite, lettuce also has a calming effect, regular consumption can help relieve stress and help sleep.
219. pork coated with clay or dirt on the property, is difficult to wash with water, soak a few minutes if the wash with Taomi Shui, stolen goods can be washed.
220. Scientists say the eggs in the unsaturated fatty acids can lower cholesterol, on the cardiovascular system have special protection.

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