Wednesday, May 25, 2011

75 logical thinking questions, challenge your logical thinking

【1】 Suppose there is a pond, there are an infinite number of water. There are 2 empty water bottles, the volume of 5 liters and 6 liters. The question is how these two water bottles with only a pond made from 3 liters of water.

【2】 Yu Wen Zhou Lin's mother was a cement plant laboratory technician. One day, Zhou Wen came to the laboratory homework. Dont go out for fun. glass, handy cup filled with water and empty cups intervals up to it? Please think about it, Mike's hit rate is 30%, small yellow better than him, the hit rate is 50%, the best is Kobayashi gunmen, he never mistakes, hit rate is 100%. Because of this obvious fact, in fairness, they decided in this order: Li shoot first, small yellow second, Kobayashi last. Then the cycle, until they left the next person. Then the three people who survived the best chance it? They should take what kind of strategy?

【4】 detained in a prison room, the two prisoners. To this day, his cell prison will provide a can of soup, so that these prisoners themselves points. At first, the two men are often in dispute, because they always think the other people than their more soup. Then they found a way out: a people sharing soup, let another person before the election. So to solve the dispute on such. But now this prison room and add to the mix a new prisoner, is now three to points soup. Must find a new way to keep the peace between them. How to do it? Note: psychological problems, not the logic

【5】 rectangular table in a place the size of the n-round coins. Some of these coins may not entirely within the desktop, but also there may be some overlap; when more and it put a coin in the center of the desktop, the new coins will put some coins will overlap with the original. Prove that the entire desktop can be completely covered with 4n coins.
【6】 a ball, a ball diameter is approximately the length of 2 / 3 the length of the ruler. How do you measure the radius of the ball? There are many ways to see who's tricky

【7】 five of the same size one yuan coins. Asked the two two-phase access, how should I put?

【8】 guess licensing issues, Mr. S, P, Mr., Q Mr. drawer of the table they know there are 16 playing cards: hearts A, Q, 4 spades J, 8,4,2,7 , 3 flower K, Q, 5,4,6 box A, 5. Professor John from 16 cards to pick out a card and this card points to tell Mr. P, the Q card in the suit told the President. At this time, Professor John asked Mr. P, Mr. Q: Do you or a suit from the known number of points to infer what this card is the card it? Thus, S heard the following conversation, Mr.: P: I do not know this card. Q: I know you do not know this card. Mr. P: Now I know this card. Q: I understand it. After listening to the dialogue above, S President thought for a moment after the launch of this card to correct what card. I ask you: What is the card this card? 【9】

a professor a professor of logic, there are three students, and three students are very smart! Professor to give them one day out of a question, professor at the forehead of each person posted a note and tell them that each of the note written on a positive integer, and one of two numbers is equal to the third! (Everyone can see the other two numbers, but can not see their own) the first professor asked a student: Can you guess my number? Answer: No, ask the second, not third, can not, ask first, not second, not the third: I guess, is 144! Professor very satisfied smile. Will you guess the other two people count? 【10】

occurred in a city gave the driver fled a car event, the city only two colors of the car, Blue 15% Green 85%, time of the incident at the scene saw a man, his evidence is blue car, but according to experts in the field analysis, was able to see the right kind of conditions, the possibility is 80% then the blue car accident the car is the probability that in the end how much?
【11】 one person has 240 kg of water, transported to arid areas he would like to make money. He carried up to 60 kilograms each and every one kilometer ahead to be 1 kg of water (even water). Assuming the starting price of water for 0, then, is proportional to transport distance, (ie, 10 kilometers to 10 yuan / kg, at 20 km to 20 yuan / kg, and assuming he ......), must be safe to return, I ask, how much he up to? 【12】 now

total of 100 horses with 100 stones, MA 3 hours, a large horse; medium-sized horse with a small horse. Malaysia time to pack them a three stone, you can pack two medium-sized horse, but can pack a small horse two stone. Q. How many horses Malaysia and medium-sized horse with ponies? (The key is just to be out of 100 horses)

【13】 1 = 5,2 = 15,3 = 215,4 = 2145 then 5 =?

【14 Under any of 2n individual line for a movie, the fare is 50 cents. Among individuals in this 2n, where n is only 50 cents a person, other n individuals have $ 1 (paper ticket). When cinema began selling tickets foolish not 1 cent. Q: How many kinds of queuing method of making a $ 1 every time a ticket, the cinema has 50 cents give change
Note: 1 U.S. dollar = 100 cents who have $ 1, with the notes, can not break into two 50 cents

【15】 8 a person to spend money to buy a chicken, 9 dollars sold, and then he felt worthwhile to spend 10 bucks and buy back, 11 block to sell another person. Asked how much he earned?
【16】 There is a sports competition with a total of M items, with players A, B, C to participate in each project, the first, second and third respectively in the X, Y, Z points, including X, Y, Z are positive integers and X> Y> Z. Finally, 22 points A, B and C are 9 points, B won the first race in meters. Find the value of M, and asked who was in second place in the high jump. 【17】

1 has five houses in five colors
2 nationality of each owner of the house are different
3 each of the five people drink a drink, only smoke one brand of cigarettes, only to keep a pet
4 no one has the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigarettes, drink the same beverage
1 Britons living in the red house the Swede keeps a dog
3 tea
4 Danes in the White house on the left of the green house green house owner
5 coffee
6 pumping PALL MALL cigarettes a bird who keeps a house owner drawn
7 yellow smoke
8 DUNHILL lives in the middle house drinks milk between
9 The Norwegian lives in the first house
10 pumping mix of people who live in smoke next to
11 cats who live in horse drawn DUNHILL cigarette next to
12 people smoke pumping BLUE MASTER to drink German beer
13 PRINCE pumping smoke
14 The Norwegian lives next to the blue house pumping
15 neighbors who smoke mixed drink mineral water
question is: who fish? ? ? 【18】

5 people from different places to live in different houses, raise different animals, different brands of cigarette smoking, drink a beverage, like different foods. According to the following leads to determine who is a cat person.
1. Red House in the blue house on the right, white house on the left (not necessarily adjacent)
2. Wong from Hong Kong owner of the house, and his house is not the left.
3. Who love to eat pizza drink mineral water, people living in next door.
4. Maotai people drink from Beijing living in Shanghai, people from next door.
5. Cigarette smoking Hilton who live right next door in the horse.
6. Beer drinkers who love to eat chicken.
7. Green house people dogs.
8. People who love to eat noodles who lived next door to the snake.
9. People from the neighborhood of Tianjin (near) a love beef, and the other from Chengdu.
10. Fish live in the far right of the house.
11. Smoking Marlboro cigarettes, people who live in smoking and smoking cigarettes Hilton Red House who Aihe Cha.
13. Wine drinkers live in people who eat tofu right next door.
14. Hongtashan cigarette smoking person is not living in Kent cigarettes people smoke next door, nor with the people from the neighboring Shanghai.
15. From the left Shanghai the number of people living in the second house.
16. Drink mineral water, live in the middle of the house.
17. People who love to eat noodles drink wine.
18. Smoke, 【19】 Landlords
landowners cards with 2, K, Q, J, 10,9,8,8,6,6,5,5,3,3,3,3,7, 7,7,7
permanent license the hands of the king A, Wang, 2, A, K, Q, J, 10, Q, J, 10,9,8,5,5,4,4
permanent the hands of brand B 2,2, A, A, A, K, K, Q, J, 10,9,9,8,6,6,4,4
three are dummy, know each other hole cards. Asked is: do not have the wrong card in the three cases, the landlord must either lose or win. Q: Which party will win? 【20】

the first floor to the tenth floor of each elevator door is placed a diamond, diamond sizes. You take the elevator to the tenth floor from the first floor, each floor elevator door will open once, only to get a diamond, and asked how to get the biggest one? 【21】 U2
choir have arrived in 17 minutes concert venue, the way must cross a bridge, four starting from the same end of the bridge, you have to help them reach the other side, the sky was dark, and They only have one flashlight. Up to two people at once with the bridge, and must hold a flashlight when the bridge, so have to bring someone to bring the flashlight back and forth across the bridge. Flashlight is not the way with a lost pass. Four different walking speeds, if two peers who are at a slower rate shall prevail. Bono needs to spend 1 minute crossing the bridge, Edge need to spend 2 minutes across the bridge, Adam need to spend 5 minutes across the bridge, Larry need to spend 10 minutes to cross the bridge. How they had the bridge in 17 minutes it? 【22】

a family with two children, one of which is the girl, the girl asked the other is the probability (assuming the same probability of a boy or woman)

why the sewer 【23】 the lid is round? 【24】

7 grams, 2 grams each in weight, a balance, and how only three of these items will be divided into 140 grams of salt each, 50,90 g? 【25】

chip test: a 2k chip, known good chips and more chips than bad. Please design algorithm to find a good chip from which to show that you limit the number of comparisons used. Where: Good chips and other chips when compared to correctly give the other a chip is good or bad. Comparison of the bad chip and other chips, it will randomly give good or bad.
【26】 12 a balance ball, now that the weight is only one other difference, and asked to use three times, said how to find the ball. 13 it? (Note that this question did not specify the weight of the ball is light weight)

【27】 100 people to answer five questions, 81 people answer the first question, 91 correct answers the second question, 85 correct answers The third question, 79 people answer the fourth question, 74 people answer the fifth question, answer three questions or three questions count more than people pass, then the 100 people, at least () were passed .

【28】 Decade Eason Chan Lu Shan has a song called a song called 3650 that is now asking the night, ten years may be how many days?

【29】 1,11,21,1211,111221, the next number? 【30】

uneven burning a rope to spend an hour, how to use it to determine the half-hour? Uneven burning a rope burn from the beginning end total of 1 hour. There are certain sections of the same material the rope, and asked how to approach the rope burn time one hour fifteen minutes to do? (Microsoft's document questions)
【31】 total of three drugs, were re-1g, 2g, 3g, put several bottles, each bottle is now able to determine only one drug, and the bottle of pills in sufficient number, can be called only once to know the various types of bottles are Sheng medicine? If there are four medicines it? 5 classes? N class it (N may be a few)? If it is a total of n m a bottle container of medicines do (m, n are positive integers, the quality of drugs vary but the quality of a variety of drugs known)? You can only call once to know the medicine bottle is? 【32】

assumptions on the table with three sealed boxes, one box has two silver coins (1 coin = 10 pence), a box with two nickel (1 nickel = 5 pennies), but also A box with a silver and a nickel. The boxes were marked 10 pence, 15 pence and 20 pence, but each label is wrong. Allows you to take from a box on the box before a coin to see the coin, can you tell contents of each box things? 【33】

a big watermelon, with a fruit knife to cut flat, cut a total of 9 knives, up to cut the number of copies, at least to cut the number of copies? major is a process, the results are not The most important

【34】 a large circular pool, surrounded by rat holes. Cat chasing mice to the pool edge, the mouse hole is not too late to fall into the pool. Cats continue to attempt to catch mouse along the edge of the pool (the cat would not join the water). Known mouse V cat = 4V. Q. Is there a way to get rid mouse chase the cat?

【35】 There are three buckets, two large 8 kg of water can be installed, a small, 3 pounds of water can be installed, and now has 16 pounds of water filled the two buckets is 8 pounds bucket, empty kegs, and how this 16 pounds of water to the four individuals, each of 4 kg. No other tool, 4, who own the container, sub out of the water no longer want to come back. 【36】
There was once an old watchmaker, as a church mounted a large bell. His old age vertigo, the length of the needle assembly is wrong, short needles are long gone but the speed of the needle 12 times. Assembly time is 6:00, he means the short pin Installed on the old watchmaker went home. People look at this clock for a while 7:00, after a short time to 8:00, and were surprised, immediately went to the old watchmaker. Arrived at the old watchmaker, already 19:00 o'clock. He drew his watch to a pair of clock accuracy, suspicious people intentionally make fun of him, an angry and went away. This clock is 8, 9 ran, people look for watchmaker. Old watchmaker 8:00 the next day came more than a pair with the table is still accurate. If you think about the old watchmaker for the first time when the table is 7 bit? The second table is 8 bit?

【37】 now have 2 horses, 3 cows and 4 sheep, they are dissatisfied with their total of 10,000 paper money (currency in ancient times). If the two horses with a cow, or 3 cows with a sheep, or 4 sheep with a horse, they are exactly the respective total of 10,000 paper money. Q: horses, cattle, sheep unit is the number of paper money? 【38】

one day, harlan shop to a customer, pick the goods for 25 yuan, the customer took out 100 yuan, harlan no change can not change to white flight to the shop next door to this 100 dollars in change, come back to customers looking for 75 Yuan. After a while, flying white came harlan, said earlier that the fake money, harlan right to fly the white sheets for the real money, and asked how much money lost harlan? 【39】

monkey rope climbing mechanics strange question at first glance this road is very simple, but it is said to Lewis. Carol confused. As for the strange question whether the the road because of In short, in an unlucky moment, he consulted it on the following issues: a rope through the pulley without friction in one end hang a 10 pound weight, the other end of the rope only monkeys, just to strike a balance with the weight. When the monkeys began to climb, the weights will be how to move it? faster. Clifton (and Harcourt) is that the weight and the monkey will be lifted and the same speed, but Sampson said, would be to drop weight! mechanical engineer said, the square root. Seriously, This question is very interesting project, worthy of serious scrutiny. It is interesting to note problems with the close ties between the mechanical problems. 【40】

two hollow spheres, the size and weight of the same, but different materials. One is gold, one is lead. Hollow spheres have the same color map the surface of the paint. Now requires the surface of the paint without destroying the conditions which use the simple method that is gold, which is the lead.
【41】 23 coins on the table, 10 face up. Suppose a blind people, and not your hand You Mo surface coin anyway. The best way to let you use these coins into two piles, each pile face up the same number of coins. 【42】

three villages A, B, C, and three towns A, B, C is located within the crater as shown. Due to historical reasons, the only village of the same name and only travel between the towns. To facilitate transport, they are ready to repair the railway. The question is: how to repair the craters in the three villages and A railway connecting the town of A, B and B town, village, C and C Town Village. These railways intersect each other can not. (Dig the cave, repair overpass is not, absolutely plane problem). Think about this question come up with the answer and then explain what it is.



b a

house 【43】 three light bulbs, and outside the three switches, one switch controls only one light, and outside can not see how the house into the house only once, to know which switch controls which light? four it ~

【44 】 2 +7-2 +7 composed of all the roots have a match, move any one of them, the answer required is 30 Note: Because writing to explain the problem as follows, 2 is composed of three horizontal cross-fold, 7 fold by the two horizontal components 【45】

5 pirates grab a cache of 100 gold, and intended to divide the spoils of war. This is some talk about democracy, pirates (of course, their own unique democracy), and their habits are allocated in the following way: the most powerful distribution plan proposed by a pirate, and then all the pirates (including a proposal himself), is hereby program of the vote. If 50% or more of the pirates agreed to this program, this program has been adopted and accordingly assigned to loot. Otherwise, a proposal will be thrown into the sea of ​​pirates, and then the next one the most powerful pirates repeat the process. All the pirates are happy to see one of their associates were thrown into the sea, but if they choose, they would rather have a cash. They certainly do not want that they have been thrown overboard. All pirates are rational and know the other pirates are rational. In addition, no two pirates are equally powerful - and entirely in accordance with these pirates to the next level on a good row seating, and everyone know their level and everyone else. The Nuggets can not be divided, but also allowed a total of several pirate gold, because pirates do not believe any of his associates will share nuggets to comply with the arrangements. This is the only plan for themselves each group of pirates. One of the most vicious pirate what should be proposed distribution plan to make him get the most gold? 【46】
who of them the biggest chance of survival?
5 prisoners, respectively, by 1-5 in sacks with 100 arrested mung bean, the provisions of grasping at least one person, and grasp the most and the least will be executed, and they of not between the exchanges, but in the grasp, they can work out the number of remaining beans. Who asked them the biggest chance of survival? Tip:
1, they are all very smart people
2, their principle is to seek life-saving, go to more killings
3,100 finished pieces do not have points
4, if repeated the case, also considered the maximum or minimum, to be executed

【47】 5 monkeys on the beach found a pile of peaches, decided to split the next day. The next morning, the first monkey was first came, it left sub-sub-inseparable from right to throw one toward the sea, just can be divided into 5 copies, it takes a walk on their own. No. 2,3,4,5 monkeys have encountered to the same problem, using the same method, are thrown away after one, just can be divided into five copies. ask at least this pile of peaches, how many? 【48】

the words of a pirate ship one day be the world drop down to hit a cow, 5 bad guy had to flee to an island, that island alone, and fortunately there are trees coconut tree, there are a monkey! we all picked the coconut together, but it is late, so went to bed first.
night a guy got up quietly, quietly divided into 5 copies of the coconut, the results found that more than a coconut, easily give the lucky monkey, and then quietly hidden one, and then mixed with the rest of the coconut back in place, it still drops back to sleep quietly.
After a while Another guy got up quietly, quietly into the remaining coconut 5 The findings are one more coconut, snatch the monkeys gave the lucky, and then quietly drop a hidden, mixed in with the rest of the coconut put back together, finally drop back to sleep quietly.
and after a while ......
and after a while ...
short five guys got up too, have done the same thing. Morning we all wake up, their dismal sub-coconut, this is not an ordinary monkey really lucky, because this time the coconut is actually divided into more than 5 minutes after a coconut, had to gave it. The question is, this pile of coconut minimum number?

【49】 Xiao Ming and Zhang Xiaoqiang are students, the teacher's birthday Zhang M N month, 2 people know Zhang's birthday is the following 10 groups in the day, Zhang told a small value of the M Ming, the N value tells a small strong, Zhang asked them know his birthday is that day?
3 月 4 日 March 5 March 8 月 4 日
6 June 7 月 1 日
9 September 5
12 月on the 1st December 2 December 8
Little said: If I do not know it, Johnny certainly do not know
Xiaoqiang said: I had no idea, but now I know
Little said: Oh, I also know that the above dialogue
inferred according to Zhang's birthday is the day

【50】 strayed into a village of a logician, imprisoned in prison, wanting to release Sheikh, logician he said: a question (Y / N), one of the honest nature, one lying into the nature of life and death for you to choose the next. How to ask questions logician? 【51】 said
past ah, there was a rich man, he has 30 children, of whom 15 were born to the late ex-wife, the rest room is the second born in 15, after which a woman wanted to let her oldest son born to inherit property, then, one day, he said to him: Let us put our 30 children arranged in a circle a number from them since, whenever the child stops to let out 10, which until the last remaining children, which child will inherit your property now! been removed prior to the discovery of 14 children are his former wife, and the next thing to be removed by his former wife, the rich big hand wave right away, stop, go back now from the number of children, following the room, stepmother is the deceitful one thought, the countdown to the countdown, my 15 son is also a match for you ah ~ she immediately agreed to the motion of the rich, guess, who did the heir to it in the end ~

【52】 do it? and pasture grass is constantly growing. Known one can pack 1,000 donkeys carrots, but also for every one kilometer to go eat a carrot. Q: How many merchants sold a total of carrots? 【54】

10 box of gold, each containing 100 pieces, each twelve. With corrupt officials, to have a box rubbed off a penny each. Please call less than the amount of time to find that box

【55】 you allow workers to work for you 7 days to give the workers a piece of gold. Ping into gold bars connected, paragraph 7, you must have paid at the end of the day, if you are only allowed twice broke the gold bar, how do you pay for your workers?
【56】 ten bottle of medicine, are equipped with 100 tablets per bottle in the medicine (as if now installed one hundred less, are ten twenty, whatever, let's come on so), which eight medicine bottle 10 grams of weight per tablet, and another two bottles in the drug per tablet weighs 9 grams. Very accurate with a small scale, only called once, how to find the lighter weight of the two bottles? 【57】

a manager has three daughters, three daughters, add up to the age of 13, the age of three daughters by his age, it is equal to Manager, a subordinate manager is aware of the age, but managers can not determine the age of three daughters, then the manager said only that a daughter's hair is black, then the manager will know that under the age of three daughters. What are the age of three daughters how much? Why? 【58】

three people go to a hotel, housing three rooms, each room $ 10, so they paid a total of $ 30 for the boss, the next day, the boss felt three rooms only need $ 25 yuan is enough he had called the little brother to return $ 5 to the three guests, who knows greedy brother, only to return them each $ 1 that he secretly took $ 2, so that would mean that each of the three guests spent nine million, so it took a total of three $ 27, plus little brother is not pocketed the $ 2, a total of $ 29. But they had to pay $ 30 for three people then there are a total of $ 1 it? 【59】

two blind, they have each bought two pairs of black socks and two pairs of socks, eight pairs of socks out of the cloth, the size is identical, and each has one mark on the paper socks attached. The two blind accidentally mixed with eight pairs of socks out. How can each of them to retrieve the black socks and two pairs of socks it? 【60】

have a train speed of 15 kilometers an hour out of Los Angeles went straight to New York, the other a train speed of 20 kilometers per hour from New York bound for Los Angeles. If there is a bird, the speed of 30 km per hour and two trains start at the same time, from Los Angeles, hit another car and returned, followed by flying back and forth in the two trains until the two trains meet, I ask that many long-distance bird flight?
【61】 You have two jars, each jar each of a number of red marbles and blue marbles, two jars 50 red marbles and 50 blue marbles, randomly selected a jar, selected randomly from a ball, to make out the probability of a red ball the most, a few began to put two jars should be red ball, a few basketball? In your plan, get the red ball accurately the odds? 【62】

installed you have four jars of pills Each tablet has a certain weight is not contaminated contaminated pills weight +1. Weighing only once, how to determine which jar The drug was contaminated?

similar to the previous question 54,56. 【63】
batch of numbers from 1 to 100, all the switches facing up (open) the lights do the following: whatever the opposite direction allocated in multiples of 1, the first switch; 2 times the opposite direction and allocation of time switch; 3 allocate a multiple of the opposite direction and switch ... ... Q: Finally, the lights to shut off the state's number. 【64】

imagine you in the mirror, I ask, why is the mirror image can be reversed or so, but not upside down?

【65】 group of people having a party, each head is wearing a hat. Only black and white hat, black with at least one. Everyone can see other people hat color, but can not see their own. Host let us look at other people wearing the Shiyao hat, and then turn off the lights, If anyone thinks himself wearing a black hat, slap yourself across the face. First turn off the lights, no sound. Then turn on the lights again, we see it again, turn off the lights were still silent. Until the third turn off the lights, before slapping sound of a crackling sound. Q. How many people wearing black hats? 【66】
two rings, the radius is 1 and 2, respectively, small round circle in the circle around the circumference within the week, small round their turn to ask for a few weeks? If the outer circle, small round weeks it's own switch?

【67】 1 yuan a bottle of soft drink, after drinking two bottles for a bottle of soda, and asked: Do you have 20 dollars, up to drink a few bottles of soft drinks? 【68】

3 red cap, four black hat, white hat 5. To 10 people from low to high station as a team and give them every man wore a hat. Everyone can not see the color of his hat, but can only see those people standing in front of the hat color. (So ​​the last person can see the head in front of the hat color-9, while the top hat that person who can not see. Now start from the last man, asked him if he knew his hat color, if he answer does not know, to continue to ask the man in front of him. Assuming the front will know that person wearing a black hat. Why?

【69】 assumptions lined 100 Table Tennis, by two people turn the ball into the pocket, they will get the first 100 people in table tennis winner. conditions are: each had at least bring a ball, but a maximum of 5, Q: the first ball of the person you are, you should get a few? the future, how to get be able to ensure you get the first 100 table tennis?

【70】 Professor Lu Mu said: witnessed a deadly duel of two goats, the result raises an interesting math problem. I have a goat, a neighbor, heavy 54 pounds, it has good lord it over several quarters in the nearby mountains. was a good thing The Act introduced a new goat, than it should step out of the 3 lbs. the beginning, they live in peace, in harmony with each other. But one day, less steep mountain goat standing on top of to its competitors swoop past, that stood on the mound to meet the challenges opponents, while the challenger clearly has a commanding advantage. Unfortunately, the violent collision of the two goats were laid to the dead.
now To talk about the wonders of this title. on goat rearing has studied, but also written a book about George. Abercrombie said: of 30 pounds weight of an impact, just to break the goat skull, causing its doom. can be calculated up?
【71】 said to have been to the wine shop's proprietress of a difficult question: The only two who know the shop to scoop a spoon of wine were able to scoop both 7 and 11, two wine, but hard 2 two to sell him liquor boss. smart boss unambiguous, with the two spoons to scoop in the jar in the wine, and shuffling back and forth, the two actually measure out the 2 wine, the wise can you do?

【72】 known: there is only one tank for each aircraft, refueling aircraft can be shared between (note that with each other, there is no refueling) for a one tank of fuel semi-circle around the earth to fly the aircraft, the problem: In order to make a circle around the Earth at least a plane back to the airport take-off, at least a few planes out? (all aircraft taking off from the same airport, and must safely return to the airport, does not allow intermediate landing, with no airport)

【73】 a fork in the country were leading to an honest and lying country. to the two people known to one is an honest country, the other is lying country. honest States will always tell the truth, never lie, lie the country. Now you're going to lie to the country, but do not know which way to turn, need to ask the two men. I ask how should ask?

the day 【74】 24 hours into the clock's hour hand, minute and second hands complete overlap, there are times when? What were all the time? How do you count out?

】 【75 points in 9 of 10 paintings straight line, requiring three points on each line?

location of the point: The nine dotted three lines, the three point line, the first and third lines parallel to the middle of a point and a line down the middle position of the two parallel lines, the first and third point in two rows up and down the diagonal of two adjacent intersection points

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