Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lord is my shepherd

 Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters; He makes my soul, for his name led me to the paths of righteousness. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you and me; your staff, your staff, they comfort me. In my enemies, you feast for me; you use ointment my head, so my cup runneth over. My cup overflows with me, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm twenty-three

each of our brothers and sisters of a familiar song, we can not only sing this poem, and even this poem will be recited. Psalm twenty-three not only beautifully written, very rich in its spiritual connotation, regardless of when we read it, can get help and supplies from them. Read our health and she would help when the disease will have to help her when the time; rich get help when she read, the lack of help when she has to read; good times she would read to help; adversity she will have to help read ; a baby is born she will have when we read the help, even when reading the death of a loved one can have to help her ... ..., Psalm Niansan article turns out to be a spiritual treasure. Brothers often read Psalm Niansan articles, poems Niansan articles often talk about, whether it is to say what is read, each of which can be obtained from the help.

Psalms of David Niansan articles found favor before God through reflection, but also brothers and grace before the Lord through the witness. I was alone, kneeling in the Nanjing Road, the church hostel Mo reading spiritual, the day just to read Psalm twenty-three. God has given me a special experience, the Lord kept light, as if every word of Psalm twenty-three, and even every word clearly manifest in front of me, and tell me which of your experience, when I inexplicably unstoppable tears flowing down, I can not read on. So, brothers willing to take Psalm twenty-three content and we share the grace of God in me, I only hope will be all the glory, honor and praise God in heaven gave us.

one, the Lord is my shepherd

relationships. David said that the name of God as God and the agreement between us there is a relationship, that is, he is my shepherd, I am his lamb. David said as if to say, God is to himself alone with the same, suggesting that the relationship between David and how God's close. Psalm twenty-three, six short verses, This also shows that between God and us believers are separate individuals, one to one relationship. About ten 11 Jesus said: The thought of my heart so deeply that God loves me, he is my shepherd, and he laid down his life for me, how he loved me.

II, The Lord is my provider

David said: This is how God is a sure and certain. Lord be my shepherd, I will certainly not lacking, because he is my supplier. Lord be my shepherd, I really feel satisfied, because I know he is my supplier. Like a song sung by Road: He makes me lie down, he brought me rest in peace. Have a great mistake because it is like to work, and not rest, so we often go in front of God. Poetry 46:10, said:

2098 after graduating from seminary, I and my wife to serve to Yancheng City Christian Church. Just go serve in the post, is Especially the Friday Bible study, gather together every party. I think God is heavy with me, from me to not work out this work. Two years on December 8 OO is Sunday, when I suddenly felt the stage preaching black my eyes to see and the Bible are quite vague, I sent for sister will be chaired by the solar radiation on the podium light it with great difficulty to road finished. When I got home, turn on the TV here, we found that has not see the characters on the TV screen. I was very worried that no one eye if the preacher, preaching how to read the Bible too! I began to doubt whether he had retinal atrophy, my heart was very afraid. The next morning, I went to the First People's Hospital of Yancheng City for check-ups, the doctor looked at my eyes and said my eyes have cotton wool things, asked me if I have, I have been like diabetes or high blood pressure patients I said I never had a similar disease, but the doctor told me that retinal blood vessels rupture. Doctors give me some eye drops, I go home, but vision did not improve. So the next day more than nine, which is December 10, I let my inside stay by me to go to a city to find the First People's Hospital, director of the Lord to help see a doctor within the Zouai Gui. To the hospital,Discount UGG boots, and found Zou and sisters, and told her about his illness, she gave me blood pressure, blood pressure, she was shocked over the amount, she said: pressure hundred and sixty, you do not feel dizzy? So off to a prescription, so I went downstairs to do routine urine test at, and after a half an hour, test results came out, I put report cards sent to Zou and sisters, she saw him he said: plus a urinary protein, hematuria, there are four additional, you may be suffering from a severe nephritis. You can not go back, and now hospitalized immediately. Besides Christmas is coming, the program has not dress rehearsal, as well as choir and Bible work, I have to explain arrange to go home ah. My wife and I was asked to return home, after the good work and daily necessities to prepare some money and goods that afternoon to the hospital stay.

just stay in the hospital, and I feel that particularly easy, because the big boy is the first hospital stay, followed by that which is God, and I work hard, make me an opportunity to put down the work of a good rest in front of him This is God's grace dependents. I am thinking in particular of poetry 41:3 can now be well, have time to look up to God, to lots of reading, prayer with God. So, God made me, But also lie down in green pastures, Jesus said: In the hospital, every day is really the Word of God supplies. Word of the Lord through the Holy Spirit continue to nourish my heart. Lord and my supplier, in his words, His Spirit to fill to help me.

three, The Lord is my guide

During treatment in the hospital, a lot of hanging water every day to take medicine, but the results of each test, are not signs of improvement in urine protein from four into three plus plus, hematuria is still four plus, Doctors also feel helpless. I began to have doubts about a doctor's medical standards, whether they optimistic about my illness. The doctor saw my condition did not improve, but also referred me treatment. In the case of resignation, my wife and I decided to referral to the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region, the treatment, because our church has a brother in Da Jiuzai to do in the Military General Hospital, vice president, he can help us.

afternoon of Dec. 24 after a doctor's consent, I was discharged home. That day happens to be Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve I thought might be safely discharged without things. Night I went to church and brothers and sisters attended the Christmas Eve Gala, heart really happy, because brothers and sisters can come together. The next morning, the day before dawn, four-thirty, then get up, ready to leave to the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region to see the doctor. The weather is very cold, there may be seven or eight degrees below zero, less than five, a brother and a sister drove their car to take us to Nanjing to see the doctor. High-speed car from the entrance drive Runing Jing salt Zhangzhuang highway, about a half hour drive to the Taizhou, and now the dawn, we will stop eating breakfast, a car Add enough oil. We did give more than seven o'clock Diao Taizhou, Nanjing Expressway into the shop, when the sky is already full daylight, where you can see under the snow in Taizhou, roof and wheat fields are covered with a layer of white snow. When the car driving to go to Nanjing Interchange Jiangdu when the accident happened. Cars are more than over one hundred yards from the bridge to bridge the speed of normal traffic, coming top of the bridge, they found a car broke down there, there are several people around the car and driving the car to change lanes quickly the brothers, ready to rely on Beyond the left. At this point, like the whole car seems out of control, impact severely on the left side of the fence, and the car leaps vacated, and we sat in the car panicked and grasp the handlebars, whooped Jesus save me. After the car hit the left back from the right side, and from the right side of the slide to the left. At this point just in front of us has a car crash over, the results of the two vehicles in the road turn round. When the car stopped, we were all in panic, all his face livid, and quickly points to the right side of the road, only to find the left side of the road all the frozen snow, so the dealers in the above is very slippery. Think of the scene was and still is a lingering fear that this scenario is only seen on television, but I do not know their own experienced in life. Fortunately, although the car crashed, people are unscathed. After the accident, the traffic police to do the deal, the car was dragged across the three laugh factory repair garage, until the next morning before they can get. We found a small hotel to live down.

out of such accidents, is God's blocked it? Or is it a reminder of God? I do not have a clear understanding of the will of God. I feel like the Chinese people will talk about the After dinner went to the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region, looking for a friend living down the doctor's thorough examination.

live in the ward in addition to routine medical check-ups every day, there are a lot of time to watch TV, read, and excellent conditions for the ward, like a hotel stay the same. So, feel comfortable down here hospitalization. And so, after nearly a week, the doctor advised me to do a surgical biopsy (remove some meat from the kidney, used to identify the cause.) Surgery before the nurse told me to drink plenty of water, so that congestion can be after surgery wash away, so I drank a lot before the operation of the water. Requirements may be lying in bed after a doctor round the clock can not move, instrument allows bad, drink the water into the stomach ache Zhangde is no way to flush out has been frustrating more than nine at night, be called a doctor with the infusion set out the urine from the abdomen. The next is to wait for doctor's examination result.

noon next Tuesday, just two brothers from Yancheng to Nanjing to visit me, just out of the test results the same day. They went to the doctor's office to consult my condition, the doctor put my test results told them. A total of thirty-six out of renal cells, of which Twenty-eight had necrosis and sclerosis, also eighty percent of renal vascular sclerosis, the doctor told them that I had advanced renal failure, incurable, this continues to live up to two months. The two brothers did not say anything, just let me recuperate in the hospital, it would be back. Them away after my wife, to the doctor's office to get the test results, to understand my condition, the then forcing a strong, back to my room. Attending doctor came just a checklist may be called ERT, let me check to Nanjing First Hospital, because this machine, all the First People's Hospital, Nanjing, Jiangsu only have such equipment, and Military General Hospital did not Such medical devices. My wife asked what the check is used, the condition has been reached, but also do checks? Doctors said haltingly: a few minutes were gradually restored calm, but I like a prisoner, the judge heard the death sentence. I have no interest in watching TV anymore, could not eat food, not sleep, I think death is so close from me. My wife will call back to tell my parents, sister and brothers and sisters in the church, let them know my condition, so pray for me. After they learned of my illness, came as a thunderbolt, are often in tears, asked God to heal my illness. I am willing to serve him properly.

before I was ill, my living conditions in the hall is very poor, more than three hundred yuan per month for living expenses, and can not work, some colleagues are very harsh to us, and even hostility. One brother was just willing to help my partner to do business, so I made the church management committee to write a My report will be returned. Now, I pray Lord, Lord, forgive my ignorance, I can not do, as long as you heal me, I do not want anything. And demand mainly for his God let my soul at this time, the name for his guidance I will go the right way. Every day my wife and I knelt on the lawn in the hospital praying to the Lord wishes.

IV, The Lord is my Comforter

they comfort me. General patient just two weeks time, but I live more than three weeks, seeing patients in the ward for the same one after another, yet to see improvement in my condition. Doctors told me I was discharged home taking prescription drugs. From the heart I do not want to go home, because home is equivalent to die, but the face of huge expenditure, it can not afford, and because a few days to the Lunar New Year, three-year-old son at home have been not seen for nearly two months, the heart also is missing, and decided to go home. Before discharge, I asked my wife to buy new clothes and toys Confucius Temple to bring children. Discharged the next day we got into the car back to Yancheng.

more than four in the afternoon to a house, the house's water pipes burst, the water ice. Fortunately, the brothers and sisters to help us clean clean, damp cold room. I let my wife come back quickly to his son's hospitalization during this period, children have been pinned on a sister's home. Children then come back,UGGs, I continue to want to kiss him, I said: Seeing the lovely and lively children, think of their own illness, really pains. Expect such a big thing to lose a child his father, thought I will not watch the child grow up and give him a normal education, I am filled with feeling wronged.

about the Spring Festival at home with nothing prepared,UGG boots clearance, in addition to my wife every day and take care of my kids and also pay the affairs of the church cooking, watching her tired body, it is too harsh . I know the pressure she was, bigger than me, she was strong enough to face everyday life. Changzhou Sunan this is my wife who, because of marriage's sake, and I came to Yancheng, in the past few years, we have been faced with tremendous pressure, eat a lot of bitterness, no house, no good environment Without a good life, and now I had this disease, my heart can not help but think of these burst of sorrow and grief. I wanted to write some of the suicide note left to my wife, children and family, but the thought of his wife to this situation now, I can not bear to give her pain to add anything, I decided to speak those words to them, all are hidden in mind.

experts of the New Year's Eve night, a car to our family of three sisters, her family received reunion. Although we can not eat anything, but inside got great comfort to know the Lord still loves us. Over the years, I can only lie in bed every day and found that the strength of his body increasingly frail, can not even get out of bed to stand. But now I could do was pray. I pray before I died so that my former co-workers, relatives and friends to see me, so God have mercy on me, prayed the morning, afternoon, or those who came the next day, but each request will be. Pray for more to be heard, and I heart the more afraid, worried about their soon to die. I think of my funeral, thought to be remarried after his wife, the children go to school without a father will be despised, and my parents who sent hair hair ... ... I can not help but think of the dark in bed own natural tears. I asked God to give me a chance, so I have hope for survivors.

Then there are a lot of brothers and sisters came to visit me in my house, someone said I was ill because of crime, it is God's discipline; some people say on the matter in which I have provoked the wrath of God; it was also that God wanted me to leave, Where they say, we are willing to do so, not that crime and are willing to license recognition, as long as the Lord the opportunity to give my life I'm ready to go to the line. But it is to say, these are not my greatest comfort. Later, lying in bed I can read the Bible, is the Word of God has given me great comfort. Poetry 118:17 joy. I think that God might not let me die now.

After the first month,Bailey UGG boots, the weather gradually warm up, I always let my wife sleep in the bed in the afternoon I got up, basking in the sun, reading the Bible. My wife something for dinner. When I read Romans IV 17-19, years old, though his own body as dead, and Sarah's birth has been cut off, his confidence is not weak. To some God; is no hope to become the God of hope. I think I, like Abraham and the former, Suddenly see the light of my heart. I'll show it my wife read this passage, I said, you see what is so special about this passage, she saw that there is no ah. I know this is God through the Bible to comfort me, give me strength. This time I have believed that God would not let me die. words, God gave me the discipline to bring great comfort.

V. The Lord is my healer

The most important role is to heal. Because James V. 14 persons. From the Word of God had, I can have some time every day to get up reading the Bible, the body also seems much more robust. Doctors determined from time to two months, I found I did not die, what a happy heart. So the others to follow suit with me to the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region to double check to be done and biochemical report card three days before they can get, we live in a church guest house waiting for Mo Road test results. Fourth day to see a doctor to get the results, I clearly remember the doctor saw my report, the first thing one said: greatly improved the condition. I told the news to my wife, she pleased with me, doctor, who had to go back to the point of taking the drug, after a few months to review. Then go to its review, the indicators of renal I basically have returned to normal, really thank the Lord for healing.

the long-term use hormones, my weight has increased dramatically. Larger appetite, energy is gradually restored. And then hands and feet often feel numb, I wondered if I had food diabetes. Later, including people they came to the city, accompanied by the First People's Hospital checks find Zou Yigui sister, and she let me do a random blood glucose testing, the results of sugar value is 28.7, normal blood glucose in 6.9 below, she asked me: how is it, you've got diabetes. So let me live for a week's hospital. This disease can not eat, can not eat any sweets and fruit, each meal had to inject insulin, to the inconvenience of life, but also very painful. Others say that diabetes is to look good but will not die of cancer. I complain a bit from the heart of God, one after another, I feel really bitter preacher to do, no money was not any health, such as those that do not bandits, the money still healthy. Doctor told me to go home with conservative treatment, daily insulin injections before going to meals, especially when eating out is inconvenient, the total first half an hour before dinner to find a place to hide about insulin injections, and often feel very embarrassed. Continuous injection of about three or four months, and sometimes the phenomenon of hypoglycemia, sweating, or even shake, so they stop injecting insulin, what drugs can do. Later, when the review body, even normal blood glucose levels. Some serve in the church brothers and sisters often something happens at home, invited us to dinner, we preachers do not drink, the table will inevitably poured some drinks for me. Can not tell people they have diabetes, so I drink a little reluctantly, to quickly finish a home blood glucose testing, found to be high, and then later to drink plenty of points, detected back to glucose remains normal, what sweets do not now avoid, and can use glucose water injection, the doctor concluded that I diabetes cure, really miracle, not die of cancer even recovered, giving glory to God who healed me.

thank God for grace, pardon my sins, healed my disease. Now let me in the Yancheng City is responsible for the church to do the work, really do not deserve. Lord help me God gave me a second life good to him, to his own use. As the poet David said: him forever.

brothers hope that witness can give you the confidence to bring help to all honor and glory and praise are the property of the trinity of God to me.

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