Saturday, January 29, 2011

Men's bath house on fire streaking out of the house turned back to rescue dog

 Today 14:30, Kaifu District, Changsha, Guangzhou Fuyuan 808 fire district 2. Homeowner, a 22-year-old boy, he was taking a bath time of the incident, the underwear thing on the roast before the fire, to cook the hot wear, did not think that sparked the fire. After the incident, the boy will be too late to dress,

3 pm, five fire engines rushed to the scene, the reporter saw billowing smoke Zhiwang Wai 8th floor window to take, through the window and smoke, dimly see the house from the flames jump . Because fire is a three-story former Loudong the podium, firefighters could only stand on the podium to the top of the window sprinkler account. As fierce fire, in addition to the fire floors high, low water pressure spray gun, a few houses repeatedly renewed fire. Finally, fire the staff had to change strategy, several firefighters wear protective cast by the front of the building after the attack, 20 minutes after the fire was completely extinguished.

understand that firefighters are next to residential property owners receiving the alarm was rushed to the scene. personal clothing will be placed before the electric oven on the baking hot to wear, did not expect to come out and found the oven on washed clothes on fire, watched and did not ignite the power of the computer, followed by ring, scared that he refused to get dressed and ran out.

Liu introduced the young man 22 years old, parents live near the train station, home to him a people, and deep feelings of pet dogs and often walk the dog in the area. Because nothing was burned at home, the young man even without clothes to wear, had put on warm clothes security community. It is understood that next-door neighbor, Room 807, subject to a certain extent also due to fire damage, at present, the police in the investigation. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

U.S. super-volcano could not enter the active phase of disaster experts say the precursor to

 Yellowstone National Park geothermal anomaly occurred (Source: Yangcheng Evening News)

Zhongguang Wang Washington, Jan. 27 (Xinhuanet Wei), according to Voice of China Friends may remember, all the disaster film is from Yellowstone National Park, super volcanic eruptions began. The British

this scene may become a reality, once the Yellowstone super volcano eruption, the scene of the movie may become the real human disaster.

British scientists have carried out computer simulations demonstrate that once the super volcano Yellowstone Park: U.S. 3 / 4 of the land may be can not be spared, in three to four days a large number of volcanic ash will reach the European continent, floating in the sky of volcanic ash will make the Earth's average temperature dropped 10 ℃, the Arctic will decrease the Earth 12 ℃, this cold weather will last at least 6 to 10 years.

all this is not groundless, the latest research shows that from 2004 to the present Yellowstone Park, the height of a huge dormant volcano has been lifted up at an alarming rate, especially in the last three years, the crater The altitude of the bottom of the average annual increase of 7.62 cm, the highest since record the fastest since 1923. Analysis, the increase in height of Yellowstone park volcano is likely to be due to ground caused by swelling of the magma.

Yellowstone National Park area in the past there had been several earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, large-scale volcanic eruption which occurred three times. Some scattered survey data showed that erupted last outbreak of the material covered about 9000 square kilometers of area, the thickness of a staggering 1,500 m, culminating in the Yellowstone National Park in which this is now more than 2000 meters above sea level of the lava plateau .

scientists predict that, hidden in Yellowstone Garden, the world's largest million years ago. In other words, this super volcano may have entered the eruption of the current active period.

In fact, Yellowstone Park, the unusual circumstances to be back in a few years before the performance.

anomalies Yellowstone has to be seen several years ago. July 23, 2009, the U.S. government suddenly announced the closure of part of Yellowstone Park area, was the explanation given is the emergence of underground heat anomalies, as worries about a possible spill of unpredictable harm to tourists, so in some areas was closed.

later, the U.S. media exposure of an internal report of the U.S. Geological Survey, said researchers have been installed in Yellowstone Park earthquake monitoring network, global positioning system receivers and highly sensitive instruments such as temperature, complete The scene is a high alert.

later, the United States,

here have to mention the last volcanic eruption in Iceland. Members may recall that last year before the Icelandic volcano eruption appeared in some cm, this phenomenon and the

Yellowstone is a huge dormant volcano, uplift at an alarming rate, not a disaster whether it is a precursor to it? Now we know that volcanic uplift height, which dilatation and underground magma. University of Utah Yellowstone volcanic activity, said Bob Smith of experts, this phenomenon is indeed cause for concern, but it did not seem to be a precursor to imminent disaster. He said, into. For the super-volcano eruptions, humans have not yet mastered the current real effective response methods, which can be seen from a year ago, brought about by the volcanic eruption in Iceland to see the global impact.

all this will be how to develop the future? Us concern.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Boss end of the year award creative small red envelopes called packets banknote denominations feel good

 There is also a bonus to make people really mixed feelings - do not find gold, issued the Appointment of certain units of the book two days flying, heart was thrown into chaos.

when the leadership announced that this year's year-end awards paid as usual, the mood immediately spring.

, of course, took after the end of the year award, do not go to remember their own stock this year. GDP and CPI, data Duman nice to see that the stock market, When a windfall all, take a back severely, N years ago, went away, the tour guide said, the money, only to spend the time is yours. Words inside me.

Last year, the reform of pay systems, posts and classification, one of which is dilute the end of the year award. Actually counted, one year, the part year-end awards usually fall in the wage increase for some, not to mention a more far-reaching reform, at least in the total on just like even to the morning. But the year approaches, a total that does not get the bonus point on the scale, just like before the show has as yet can not get very exciting climax.

boss is so explained: use of small denomination, the same total thickness of up, and employees senses affordable; Second, employees will get the new banknotes subconscious mind is just the bank to get this money back the boss money in the bank certainly many that are helping our employees earn, but now only gives us 5. Now get older small denomination notes, think of the financial crisis, the boss is not easy to earn some money, these old Ling Chao is the boss just earned money, not Wu body heat, to when the end of the year award to us. Owner of one mind that we should, in the new year doing well son.

some units the end of the year award two pen hair to stay a year after, as is there to work after New Year just refreshing stimulus money, employees can quickly enter the work state. Of course, there is hidden in the Pipao a state of mind, the boss tried to quit at the end of the peak period of primary prevention. In fact, leaders also understand that, it looks like your mother to get married, to go after all, is to go, perhaps their last comfort is not to keep people, at least to keep the money, do not want to oblige with a little revenge.

end of the year award also psychology, employees will not meet the

Xiao Jing

Therefore, the amount of bonus is not much, it was the fulfillment of a psychology. Like the foreigners can not always understand China's Spring Festival travel season, for a

you do not see this fine fine plan, think, do have a point.

see a post on the Internet, telling a small business made a very interesting year-end awards. Small companies more than 30 individuals, 500 yuan per person. In previous years, like the boss to the bank for a new bank notes, 5 a red envelope, red envelope boss feel thin, feel bad.

last year, soaring commodity prices, business is not easy. Released in the year-end awards this year form the boss move the brain. First, no longer used banknotes, and the old currency with the flash, not hundred denominations, replaced 50,20 small denominations.

end of the year award the past two days is the most popular online topics, some people are meaning told the woman made a 2000 ... ...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Friends Horse Article Heavens laugh talented pride not seen him for drug use

 Heavens smile (right) attended the event with the horse shall promote music. (Data for)

Netease Entertainment Jan. 21 report (text / Mandy Guangdong and Hong Kong reported that group reported) January 20, known as the thank Heaven laugh, because smoking marijuana, being the second in Beijing, home of the village was arrested. Netease Entertainment exclusive call today before the company ten Route to laugh music singer in March, friends horse articles, horse and the Heavens shall laugh privately, said a good relationship, thank Heaven laughter and ten record in March, after termination, the two remained in close contact: My new album is released, also with the Heavens smiled a half-hour phone conversation, very happy. the phenomenon of rock circle marijuana is relatively common, What is not happy. Wen LP Route to laugh after the contract expires, he joined the ten record companies in March, with horse articles, Wan Xiaoli album composed of ten major force in March until October last year, was officially signed Heavens laugh Shen Li Hui's The Modern Sky Records.

(This article Source: Netease Entertainment Zhuangao)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yuki forced Japan unveils company firmly rejected the case for retrial next month of its claim

 Yuki (data map)
WASHINGTON Taiwanese singer Yuki burst out in court ago, wanted to escape liability, an excuse for why they shifted the blame to false claims. Therefore, the company will be firmly rejected her claims, the lawsuit should be in the end.

sensational responsibility to protect the artists can do, proceedings and demands

time, Yuki through his lawyer that the company describes her job is to entertain, and took her to the people in the entertainment does not drink, but drink drunk every time she was unconscious. She felt to be playing, and also felt it was not her work as an artist, it is counter-sue. However, her manager Zhou Yantong current implied allegations of lying to her, angrily said: Law Xiaopei Yu retorted immediately: With 90s of last century, She has disappeared, failed to fulfill the contract, the companies filed a complaint to the court and asked her to compensation for 13 million yuan Taiwan dollars (about 325 million), the case before trial in Taipei, the two sides were represented at the hearing counsel.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Risk of strange errors buried Premier League Manchester City victory How can the best line of defense collapses

 Wolves won for taking all 3 points in Manchester this plan, but get this bad team will have to pay the cost of losing 3 balls, the name of the title race under the banner of Blue Moon is somewhat justified. The referee blew the final whistle before the home fans on the stands in the throat on the heart, and if the Wolves into battle in disarray at the last minute to tie the ball, saw Manchester City win the hand probably have to wipe out - & mdash ; Fortunately, this cup final did not happen.

Manchester City's first clean sheet rather strange. Race to the first 12 minutes, Jarvis on the right pass, the ball did not threaten, but Kolo - Toure rescue the ball even hit the defender's body partner Compagni not bombs away, in front of arrest were The Millie is the first foot shot by Joe Vegas - Hart struggling he denied, the reaction swift pace, he immediately blank range, even though this is the octopus back to Manchester City goalkeeper could not reverse, he can only Musongpiqiu network.

may be dissatisfied with Kolo - Toure performance, Mancini in 51 minutes, replacing him with Lescott Unfortunately, the performance of local defender also not ye, the terrible mistakes in the low-level inheritance upon the two Manchester City defender. Manchester City 4-1 lead made not long after Lescott in the 67th minute with an exaggerated and unnecessary position behind the ball to the Wolves striker Doyle overwhelming life and life in the restricted area, when the value of referee I am afraid are not sentenced to a penalty embarrassed. Doyle did not live up to Lescott's good intentions, he relaxed into the penalty kick, the score will be adapted into a 4-2 pitch. Zu Baer headed home 85 minutes did not have to say, De Jong While struggling to tick the ball, but unfortunately the whole ball has crossed the goal line. If it were not for this war like a fabulous Carlos Tevez, Kolo - Toure and defender Lescott cramps these two performances, almost ruined the Manchester City victory.

the first 23 Premier League started before the first 22 league Manchester City lost only 16 goals, more than 2 games of the Manchester United match is even less three clean sheets, which is an indirect proof of the Comanche Nigeria distinctive coaching style: on the basis of the moving steadily consolidating defense. As the best defensive team in the Premier League season, Manchester City in the defense system after the field is quite good: never stopped running after the German defensive line capacity to act as a barrier, Yaya - Toure also paid great attention to scraping and interception, Colo - Toure and halfback partner Compagni this strength, experience and tacit degrees are good, blockbuster Joe - Hart stand is good perfect last one post. Rock-solid team defense is the stand of the City, but the strength of the weak Wolves are in the 3rd game to play defense in blue moon, enough to sound the alarm Mancini.

early in the winter transfer window opened on the occasion, holding a lot of money on high-profile signings of funds Mancini announced the introduction of striker, he has won the 2700 Mr. Wan and dominant, Bosnia and Herzegovina striker also dedication to the war in the Premier Division 1 assists, performance was decent. Manchester City striker is already very strong, and Carlos Tevez's man for all to see combat, Balotelli, Yaya - Toure, Adam - Johnson also broke with terrific warfare effort, and dominant to join the Best team more firepower. Holding a good hand of the Comanche attack must not momentary dizzy Nicole, if the Italian over-zealous gave them a wake-up call.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jan. 14 international media business headlines

 Following January 14 world's major media, business headlines.

an increase of 3.5 million total to 445,000, the highest in nearly two months since the highest level. The Labor Department released data, greatly exceeded the expectations of the outside world. As a more accurate measure of unemployment data, the latest jobless claims four-week moving average rose to 416,500, the figure in the last week fell to its lowest point in two years. In addition, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that the U.S. trade deficit declined slightly, to 10 months, lowest point, mainly due to a falling dollar and rising external demand and other reasons.

market concerns about its financing capacity, easing the pressure on the Spanish debt market. Strong demand for government bonds during the auction, bids for 2.1. However, the average five-year bonds yield 4.54% bid, beyond the Nov. 4 last auction yield of 3.58% in the last auction bids for 1.6. Portugal, Spain, a day later than the Treasury auction, many people worry about Greece, Portugal and Ireland, following the next EU financial assistance receiving countries, but the Portuguese Treasury auctions in good condition, raising a total of 1.25 billion euros.

The interest rate has been maintained for 20 consecutive months. European Central Bank also said they did not think the threat of inflation pressures have begun to economic development in the euro area, it will not take action in advance. Affected by this news, the majority of European stock markets fell in early trading has been, showing the market outlook concerns. European Central Bank from May 2009 to 1% in bank interest rates remain at historical lows, here, the euro zone's annual inflation rate in December last year has climbed to 2.3%, not exceeding the rate set by the European Central Bank, but also record the highest since 2 years.

The motorcycle market in walk in front of competitors. Motorcycle Industry Association data show that in 2010, this share of the UK motorcycle market, the company's share increased from 13% to 16%, indicating that it is more than four in the UK Japanese motorcycle manufacturers. But experts said the strong recovery in the industry can not avoid the slowdown in overall economic recovery.

signs of food shortage, exacerbated by fears of rising food prices. Corn prices which rose 1.7% on Thursday once again, to nearly 30 months, the highest since the same time, wheat, soybeans, coffee prices are rising as well. Analysis that the main reason for rising crop prices is a decline in supply, while the emerging markets to crops remains strong consumer momentum, which will no doubt continue to pushed crop prices.

102.8, down 0.2 percentage points over last year, has declined for two consecutive years. But with the 2009 record high of 5.2% decline rate than has narrowed down. As the market downturn reduced demand caused by deflation continues, on the other hand, the price of crude oil and other resources are also important causes.

NetEase daily attention to the important area of international financial news, excerpts summary for readers to provide a more extensive international information.

Monday, January 17, 2011


 Reporter from the China Shipping (600,150, stock it) Industry Corporation today held its twelfth work conference that the company will be Four savages

committee member of the group, said Sun Bo, 2011 is the , following a contract more than 180 billion yuan, profits of more than 9.0 billion, as the

foreign Johnson Zaibao stop large-scale recalls the warm state forest behind the taking of 23 million subsidy allegedly left Enron: central bank move is smart
According to reports, during the past year, China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Total 157.5 billion for economic yuan, an increase of 17%; to achieve operating income of 142.5 billion yuan, an increase of 17%; the added value of 29.6 billion yuan, up 16%; total profit of 8.35 billion, an increase of 11.7%. Double-digit growth in key economic indicators.

in civilian vessels, the shipbuilding industry to undertake a new ship orders throughout the year increased by 292% the tonnage, bulk orders of more obvious features, the newly developed 8.2 million tons and 4.5 million tons of bulk carriers, 2.4 million tons more purpose vessels, 7200 tons of stainless steel chemical tanker, 300 feet jack-up drilling platforms in volume orders. An increase of 65% completion of the ship, the largest tonnage of 32 million tons of crude oil ship very large (VLCC) of delivery, Guangdong train ferry orders to achieve the year, the year of delivery; 388,000 tons very large ore vessels, 6600 TEU container ship , 93,000 tons bulk carrier, the work of the mother ship and a number of deep water first ship to start construction.

the same time, the group of companies in the energy equipment, transportation, electronic information, special equipment, materials, five non-marine products trade round development sector, the annual economic output of non-vessel growth 26% year on year, accounting group 40% of the total economy. (Xinhua Fu Yifei)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

So it felt very frustrated

 Write a letter for you, you can burn, for you destroyed hundreds of phone cards that you can throw it away, as you buy things you can throw on your advice, can be used as ear, pay for your feelings, you can only sentence to out the window. who open the video in different places every day, quietly watching you work with you to twelve, that night, those changes for you and more thesis to the five o'clock the night, those of you Find information to the dawn of the night, those five days and nights worrying about you you can be forgotten. For you, what? Is this previous life I hurt you? If so, this is atonement.
a chance over a decade ago, Janet (wife) and I met at a small gathering of students. After the regular correspondence. slowly fell in love with all means should, Xiamen came together after graduation. Since ignorance it, tasting the forbidden fruit, to Xiamen did not take long to become single parents when I was only 19 years old. experienced a lot of suffering, nor prevent me love heart, and finally come together, have a warm home. Although living hard, can also pavilion a few years later, to work together to built a small building their own three, this is also owed a not a small debt. From then on, work harder, to earn more money, Denon, PW, soon to pay off debts, but much less caring for each other. began to like the network, from what she very little with me. one and all for more money but feeling neglected, but also naive to think that as long as the body with the heart will be together. started to say that life was too tired, do not want to go to work, and I also fights many times Both sides say a lot of unsympathetic words. also says that divorce can be final or not the. but no matter what I say, it is not truth.'ve always believed that I just love life too much pressure. just tired want to rest, like for this family happier later in life. In the past days I have more bitter came with his marriage had never thought would come this far.
love me if you have not promised to me why Under those commitments? why when with you always say to me, determined to cut off contact with him the next year to T to take with me for life. Is is really played too much, or too low IQ? man's tears are not casual flow of life to the first woman whom tears. shed too many tears, and drown myself, then I will not shed a drop of your tears, because the stream you have those tears flow over < br> married the first time since such a fear, so helpless. have often seen the television show scenes of a woman accused a man of no use, I thought the future of marriage in any case not to insult his own men. However, the feelings of everlasting generations are completely without When the original innocence, too many daily necessities, ways of the world destroy innocent enough to you, after all, this is a materialistic reality. So, too, is no longer meet the changed and become greedy. and you become so comfortable changed so peace of mind to enjoy life now. So I have contradictions, but the flowers are their own money Why do I say. As you said before but I have not how can you, or was it. see you are a group of and a group of friends left behind, to see you Chengri removed from the network game, a loss to see the way you all day long, really very upset, even feel helpless. do not know how you go and how to improve my life, after all, I do not then just yourself. With a small C have more responsibility, I really do not want her starting line lower than the others.
really really tired of the life waiting for her? really do not know whether to see know? really want to drop everything to find her but I can not build the house down with me. no time and ability to find her not matter whether you like where you can get out of my care. Whatever you love me or not life or death, can not stop I love your heart, because you're always in my heart.
Although you never see these words, but still write out the scenes in his five years sincere feelings, then I can not say the relationship seems to have a subtle change. Maybe some people see these words will despise me an idiot I laugh I laugh, laugh at my weakness, can afford to laugh at me to get fit, I do not laugh like a man. in this world no one can really understand my lonely lonely alleys extension port in the world among themselves. Maybe life is a case of you wrong, If you were reincarnated, you will not know who will not do.
This year, she started running around looking for May to go to Ha Erbin, she said, wanted her to walk outside, and perhaps feel better. Later I learned that she went to the Qiqihar, just when I have links to . June 17, said when she called back a few days may be back, Tian Long Ba Bu SF, bought tickets and then give me a call. But since then, just as there is no news of her leaving me alone responsible for the burden of life, which are nothing, the most terrible of her endless thoughts. from her left, never to sleep off to sleep, insomnia and often worried about her, I lost a lap after lap. start I thought she did not want to contact me, but a few months later with all the relatives and friends at home do not have contact. began to ask around, looking for her but so far do not have any audio. call the police but in vain, really worry about her afraid that she cheated cheated to do MLM.
might think I have recently become very nagging, it, in fact I hate my nagging, may feel powerless the efforts of a woman alone is my can not change the status of the so want to nag to remind you not to dawdle where the former was not that spirited you do something wrong they are now airs it? often blame themselves, not their ability, not luck to Mong You just go to work every day in addition, help with children under the chores, it does not know how to find the time to work on. And you gave a lot of time spent in the game, day and night. So it was very aggrieved, helpless. how can this!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Canceled this year, 65 British nationals have been no mandatory retirement age pension rights

 International Online Zhuangao: According to BBC News January 13, from 6 April this year to the October 1 date, the British government will phase out 65-year-old mandatory retirement age restrictions, people will be free to choose retirement age rights. UK Ministry of Commerce said, allowing people to work longer conducive to the economic prosperity of the UK.

accordance with the statutory retirement age policy, the last British company to force employees generally retire at age 65. April 6 this year to the period between October 1, only those who have been told on April 6 retired, or I would have been applied to determine the Oct. 1 retirement of employees can be forced to retire. After October 1, the employer can no longer invoke the mandatory retirement age policy to force any employee to retire.

course, individual employers can still force some employees to engage in specific sectors retire after a certain age, such as air traffic controllers and police officers. Ministry of Commerce also suggested abolition of the statutory retirement age policy, the United Kingdom Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Board will provide comprehensive guidance to the public and mediation services. (Lin Jing)

(This article Source: International Online)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Life on the cable car - the third floor of building long chocolate - the focus of blog

 Wang Guojun - mother to climb the mountain with his son. At the top, the son pointed to the cable car shuttle, said: mother toward the son, smiling, song, his mother cut his eyes closed. suddenly the car gently shock a little, then stop. son asked, how not to move? cable car stop position is the middle of two hills, the following is a steep cliff, the sun distribution the heat of the light, the entire root only on the cable car they sit, my mother looked toward the front, there are several small figure in the side of busy. By experience, she knew that out of the accident. She looked at son, the son does not seem to feel the danger coming, my mother assured smile. after a short, curious son asked, how the car has not fixed it? mother smiled, she said, aunts and uncles for a while you see more scenery it , son, you see a beautiful mountain opposite. son's eyes lit. son said he had never seen such a beautiful hill. the mother removed the phone from his bag, and she said do you want Daddy. nodded at him, his mother called the husband's phone, then handed over the phone, he said, you okay? son said, we do look at the scenery, good to see. He said, come back for lunch? son looked at his mother, the mother took the phone Conversely, the son of wanted to eat KFC. He said, Well, come back early, like you. hung up the phone, the son asks, When will the car to open it? mother laughed, she said, aunts and uncles who are resting it, going to disturb them? son shook his head. have lost the singing, then he tired, he fell asleep in the arms of his mother. and so he woke up, he had a small bed in the house when the clock has been pointing to the early morning the next day. son to know the truth is in college, because that time he and his classmates also encountered the same accident. After graduation, he went to Shenzhen, the company pioneering the years, he encountered many difficulties, but he did not flinch and the fear of it, because he knew that smile in the face of difficulties, not just the kind of courage, or a loved one and family responsibilities and obligations.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shenzhen, 23 beach distribution Raiders

 To play Raiders Beach in eastern Shenzhen Golden Gulf

side is the hotel's beach, while no one management area, the beach is very long, sandy coarse, poor water quality, but the sea is very flat, out of the nearly hundred meters did not problem, the hotel environment is good over there! few people, free of charge.
line: m Yanba Diego Fukuyama Kwai swept down the tunnel m m m nuclear power nuclear power plants out of the direction of m Golden Gulf Hotel.

in Golden Bay Xiasha road, flat sandy beaches, water quality is acceptable resort fee tickets 15 yuan / person.
line: Yanba m m Kwai Diego Fukuyama washed down the tunnel turn right dial m m m Xiasha the road on the left for the Golden Bay T Hotel on the right is the village.

Tai O Bay Golden Bay Hotel after a re-entered, and walk about 3 km, beach stones and more, water can still be free, but also rent fishing ship.
This beach has been developed, built around a number of resorts, 10 per ticket (including shower).
South Australian youth camps
beach short, poor water quality, fewer people, free of charge.
line: Diego Fukuyama m tunnel under the head (with signs and instructions), go under the bridge and turn left through the port lights turn right to head to the seafood market, seafood market, go inside the head about 1 km.
South Australia is hotel Hotel
beach, beach short, poor water quality.
line: Diego Fukuyama came out went to the South Australian town of the tunnel.
East Chong
not fully developed beach, coarse sand, water quality is acceptable the surrounding environment in general, free of charge.
line: After over mountain roads in South Australia to the second fork in the road turn left East red direction (there are signs).
West rushed
developed beaches, fine sand, the water quality good, the surrounding environment is acceptable many people, holiday pay 5 yuan / person.
line: after South Australia had gone to West Okimura mountain.

developed orange sand beach, fishing, fine sand, the water quality good, good surrounding environment, many people , charges 15 yuan / person.
routes: to the head after a fork in the road, take the Higashiyama directions to a T-junction turn left (with the signs Yangmeikeng direction), good-bye for a left turn (with the signs of orange fishing for sand).
not fully developed a number of beaches, rocks and more, water quality, the surrounding environment in general, were not large enough, free of charge.
line: too orange to catch the sand and then forward intersection See walk about 3 km Yacht Club, Yacht Club next to the beach there are three or four.
big puddle Bay
undeveloped beach, stones and more, water quality, the surrounding environment is poor, many people, free of charge (also from the East Chong Kok Chai through the end of the sea, over shops).
line: see a gate over Bayberry Village bar, Through Lock rim walk 2 kilometers to the sea, cars can be parked side going down, go down to the beach is not recommended to go by car To detour, the road is not good to go, pay attention not to the rain, there will be falling rock, and to be careful Oh!
Shenzhen is the first development of the beach, fine sand, poor water quality, many people, 15 yuan / person.
line: Yanba Xiaomeisha export.
free public beaches within the region, sand rough, many people, poor water quality.
line: Great Yanba Meisha export.

River Bay River Bay Resort and experts who resorts division. workers open beach resort, 10 yuan / person, around from the side road into the beach, many people, fine sand, water quality is poor. Experts narrow beach resorts, water quality is poor, generally do not open.
River Bay Beach Club there is a gold, but unfortunately have not been to, have the exclusive beach, said bad.
dorsal horn
Location Aberdeen Meisha is a small creek to the old Bay road at the checkpoint, along the stairs to the basketball court and then the side door under the stairs from the beach. poor water quality, stone and more narrow beach, few people free, the surrounding environment in general.
line : Yanba m m Xiaomeisha exit and turn left into the rivers from the direction of m back Tsai Chung checkpoint exit on the right angle; or exported from the River Bay to the small Meisha m turn right out of the direction of m dorsal horn, Aberdeen, left into the customs checkpoint without side.
on the next hole
Vanke is 17 miles, where water quality is acceptable the beach about 1 km, while the hotel beach, the other side of lack of management, parking is not convenient, can only stop the roadside, coarse sand beach, the surrounding environment is poor, no shops, no shower! weekend should not many people.
line: Salt River dam washed down high-speed m m m turn left after 3 km along the road to go see the Great Wall Hotel m walk m on the road a short hole repair the beach.
foreign soil water quality good, sandy adequate, there are shops, but no showers, people should not be too much, the beach is about 400 meters.
line : Yanba foreign soil exit m m m turn right at petrol station after a shark Chung dong m straight 300 meters turn right.
foreign soil of the two smaller
the beach, the water quality good, sandy general, the environment more poor, there is a seafood restaurant above the beach, there are toilets should have fresh water now! but did not even shower.
routes: from the bridge opening to go over to the left after 200 meters. seafood restaurant outside the big open space, parking no problem eating.
There are four beaches around Lake officials are under the village development, management, very good, but must pay!
Lake Shark Bay
officials and soil Ocean Beach is actually separated by a col, but the drive to to be around a big bend. beaches, water quality is good, good sand, good environment, very tropical, as well as pavilions, shops, a bath, a point of difference is attitude. charge of 10 Yuan / car, a bath: cold 5 yuan, 15 yuan of hot water, there is little Shaokao Tan.
line: Yanba m m Kwai rushed to South Australia under the direction of the left over after the first tunnel under the Long Road to go nuclear about 200 meters turn right and the left m Church officials into the Village; or from foreign soil to South Australia three forks in the road turn right direction m to the direction of Mirs nuclear power plants (there are signs indicating the direction of nuclear power plants) m above and below will see along the beach.
official Village
beaches, water quality is good, sandy good, very good environment, there are shops, there are showers, a restaurant. parking fee of 10 yuan, 5 yuan showers, is said to bring their own food and drink we charge 2 yuan / person cleaning fee. < br> into the official Village, the Village Quguan from the beach turn left, straight to shark Bay Beach.
View Bay Village Beach near
and officials, the official Village Church in a sandy road next to 400 meters into the , beach and sand much like the official Village! charges roughly the same.
line: Yanba m m Kwai Chong exit through Thunder Mountain Tunnel (to South Australia to the first tunnel) to the left to go nuclear Long Way (out of the tunnel attention after deceleration) m from the junction turn right into the left side.
Grand Bay View
500 meters east of the Gulf beach, beach good, small car park, charges roughly the same, is said to have availability, not in the lived here.
line: nuclear Long Road, turn left after 400 m m from the right side of the junction is.
Shenzhen, 23 beach distribution Raiders
Dameisha, small Meisha, Kai Chung, head of the sand, the hole, the official lake, sand Quarry Bay, a large deer Bay, Diego Fu, Lions Bay, Xiasha, head of sand, raised sheep Bay, Egongyan Bay, West Chong, Dong Chong, Tai Sham Wan, Tai Shui Hang Bay, Bayberry pits, orange fishing sand, Longcheer Bay and Ling Ao Old Village, Liao brother is in a semi-development angle, undeveloped state.
Dameisha mm has been developed within the SAR only free beach, Dameisha now overcrowded, summer season, Sometimes there are 10 million people a day and tourists to visit. Parking is difficult, hard showers, toileting difficulties, to become the biggest problem facing Dameisha, which also reduces the extent of her beauty. not many people, Grand Meisha is really very pretty .2000 meters long beach, although man-made, but the soft sandy medium.
Xiasha mm in Dapeng Town Xiasha beach Golden Bay on July 1 this year onwards, free open to the public. its support of the park, car parks have been built, the beach sand has been sifted. Xiasha down the beach and supporting an open park area of 11 square meters, the parking lot with 500 parking bit. the sea also set a long 550 meters high and 5 m in the nets. next beach sand sea by winds and waves have a shape of erosion was hideous reddish-brown rock, known locally as called Tau Kok, it is a unique landscape. According to the plan, Xiasha area will be starting the construction of the eastern coastal area region, and bring the whole coastal area east of an orderly, progressive development.
mm Quarry sand is not easy to find, harder to sand the fish into the Bay is well known, it Quarry was a bloody battle the old haunt of sand, but also a monument to the East Rift zone moved northwards, but deep in a deep gully in a large, hard to find, enter. Sand Quarry at the mouth of a river, the river came here to turn the a corner, forming a sort of a small flood, Haihe connected, make a look, tell where is the flood, where is the beach. grew up about 200 meters from the beach, not too wide, sandy beach shore often Small fishing boats moored there.
mm hole on the beach, at least in km or more long, about five-meter depth. sand was white, slightly coarse particles. nearshore water quality good, but not yet developed. standing on shore edge of the reef, you can feel what is ; and feel, I feel some strange; guard border guards patrolling the shore as well. Here, the beach chatting up some local villagers to build a simple hut, to showers, cold drinks, swimming laps rental business, and the beautiful not compatible with some scenery.
Diego blessing mm edge of the beach, you can see is on the shore of a nearly two-story boat, opposite of Ping Chau Island, Hong Kong. This is the blessing Diego beach The most unique yacht plant more than ten years. factories every year, seventy to eighty yacht production, most for export, and Diego Yacht Fuk Beach is the place test the water. Diego Fuk Beach is large, it's great on which not only reflected in the length of kilometers, the beach, including the back, including pleasure craft factory is also very wide hinterland in depth. here is sandy in general, but sand, water, and vegetation in the hinterland are no unbroken. shore Casuarina forest and the distant green can make you feel to the mountain and ocean scenery, but now the bank is not the slightest of tourist facilities, and out of traffic is not convenient.
mm Egongyan Bay Bay is currently going to either turn Egongyan Hill, either by boat, the mountain would be difficult, but the scenery along the impressive sea views; boat to spend money (more than a speed boat to 300 yuan), but present their sea-Lin Feng. from the South Australian fishing boat, you will enter the Pacific, the blue sea, rolling hills continue to slip past from your eyes. This is the breeding areas, cage-based, sea urchins, too. the stones to eat the rocks on the sea snails grow densely. on the sand above , there is a silver-white waterfall, straight down from the mountain Fei blue sea. where the beach was silver-white, about 500 meters, 20 meters wide.
mm large deer to moose Bay Bay beach, but also take ship to large deer from Egongyan Bay Bay, about ten minutes. beach about 1000 meters, about 20 meters wide, sandy beach on the rocks everywhere, sand more than a small stone, a lot of strangely shaped stones. sand was silver-white, keep the natural state. the beach is all behind the mountains, verdant mountains, the vegetation was the original state. where the water is very clear, in the tens of meters away from the beach, can see the sea. holidays often camp here in the morning watching the sunrise can be lying on the rocks.
raise sheep to sheep raising mm Bay Bay, is still the boat is wonderful, in Egongyan Heights. the beach is not long, 300 meters long, 20 meters or so wide. behind the mountains all over the disclosure of vegetation, even in plenty of sunlight is also a bit dark, but the water in front of the beach past the light green jade afar.
East East Chong Chong mm more difficult way to the beach go to East Chong, a larger car if met, there must be a car place to retreat to a wide Caixing. Dongchong beach is a natural bathing beach, and the three islands into the distance, the beach was silver-white, well Office is the original forest. beach about 1200 meters, nearly hundred meters wide, thin soft sand, dough rain, deep degrees wide, has a good development conditions. At present the beach is also a semi-developed state, has a simple matching Facilities: Temporary bathroom and toilet facilities. seashore also built a number of villas.
West rushed mm punch people would have been to the West, said West rushed to the Shenzhen people are God's good fortune. The first feeling is a big, western red beach about 5 km, winding like a silver sand beach with a connection between two mountains. next to the viewing platform to do the mountain, sunrise, sunset will be seen. is now attract many people come by car. We really hope the Government will be shaped into a holiday boutique here.
Guanhu mm from the sand a few minutes walk along the road, Quarry Bay, is that nearly kilometers of beach, the hinterland of the open, but there is a printing and dyeing, to the beach it is very unfortunate. factory discharged wastewater to the color of the beach a little black, looked lifeless, very few visitors.
mm from the official Big Bay Lake continue to walk a few minutes down the mountain side of the road you can see in the Great Bay Beach , about 500 meters. where local villagers build a number of swimming facilities, water is very clear but the coarse sand.
mm orange fishing orange fishing sand sand beach and forest phase, long more than 1,000 meters and a width of 50 meters, the sandy particularly good, very fine sand is the best beach area Yangmeikeng. beach has good facilities, and nearby restaurants.
Old Village mm Ling Ao Ling Ao Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station in Old Village relocation of the village all the time to start, so called Old Village. fishing village is now deserted, leaving many of the old house. village street has tall grass, banana trees are also covered with fruit. beach several hundred meters long, sandy beach colorful stone and can be seen on shells, hermit crabs at night may also be caught.
Longcheer Bay (South Australian Youth Holiday Camp) mm long orange flag to catch the sand not far from the Bay, where the youth activity center has been built, beach more than 1,000 meters long, sandy and coarse impurities, where the water more turbid.
beach driving fun in Shenzhen Eastern Raiders
one, the South Australian west coast
1, Wu Nai Chung
line : go Kwai Peng Lu (or Ping West Expressway through the tunnel following the high-speed Diego Fukuyama), the net can see the official Village intersection.
facilities: the local people has been a simple development, parking, shower facilities.
Watch: Water is very clear, calm water. not far from coral reefs. surface area is not within the nets.
Rating: 4 2, the official line of the lake bay beach
: After entering the official Village near .
facilities: the local people has been a simple development, parking, shower facilities.
observed: water quality is very clear, calm water. near a large textile factory, may affect water quality.
Rating: 3 3, Sharks Bay
routes: from the official line of Village Road to continue north along the usha, to the end of the road
facilities: the local people has been a simple development, parking, shower facilities.
Observation: water quality is very clear, calm water. moved northwards pavilion near the East River Column.
Rating: 4 minutes 4, Grand Bay
routes: from the official Village Road, south along the Kwai Peng, can be seen on the roadside
facilities: the local people has been a simple development, parking, shower facilities.
observed: water quality is very clear, the water great. Niwan also belongs to Ukraine.
score: 4 points 5, Xiasha Green Bay
route: down the sand from the direction of Dapeng Town, road repair very well, down to the fork in the road VILLAGE
facilities: the locals have been developed, more facilities, parking, showers Equipment. following the beach but also tickets.
observed: water quality is very clear, the water is large, but small nets.
score: 4 points 6, Xiasha Moon Bay
line: with the Green Bay suffer together, is actually a beach.
facilities: the locals have been developed, more facilities, parking, shower facilities. The following beaches have tickets.
observed: water quality is very clear, the water is large, but smaller nets.
Rating: 4 minutes 7 Chengtoujiao
line: The next section of dirt road off the west Sha Village. into a quarry, I can see
facilities: No been developed.
observed: water quality is very clear, there are coral reefs. Chengtoujiao lion is said to bypass the Bay better, but because it is dirt roads, and local construction is blasting, there is no move on.
score: 4 8, Golden Bay
line: do not exit going south under the Sha Village
equipment can be seen: the best equipment is the latest and most formal of South Australia and most complete.
observation: water quality is very clear, the water is large, coarse sand beach. by the nets next to the beach there were many coral reefs, to the sea do not walk
100 meter water depth, only to the chest, is a good snorkeling site. next to a variety of reef fish, the largest are 30cm, the general group of mostly small fish around the coral reef habitat, coral reefs, hidden cracks a lot of big crabs, coral reefs, many still covered with sea anemones and sea urchins, there are a lot of seaweed (like sea lettuce), beach The following can sometimes see a fish like halibut, the specific name is not clear, the beach close to the bottom, two eyes on one side, the back like the colors and the beach, do not move do not see is the fish. distant sea There are a few people windsurfing, dragging the sea calm village.
Rating: 5 9, Tai O Bay
route: along the Golden Bay south, you can see a lot of private clubs and training base, a lot of beaches been designated to receive
to private clubs.
observation: from the roadside to see the water quality is good.
10, head of the sand
routes: the north side of town in the South Australia Water Village
matching set : equipment is very wide, but the early development time, equipment and environment has become obsolete.
observed: water turbidity, waves.
score: 3 minutes and 11, foreign chips Bay
routes: from the edge of the South Australian coast route south, the distance a lot of fishermen fish stocking. In a valley below a small beach.
equipment: No development. but it was swimming.
observation: the beach is very small, water quality clear.
score: 3 minutes 12, Egongyan Bay
line: in a foreign chip angle, back up the mountain road is a dirt road, is said to have border control, in a golf course soil behind a small mountain road to see the beach, but the street was closed to prevent the sea.
observation: a small beach, the sea water is clear.
score: 3 Second, the South Australian east coast
1, orange sand
fishing line: Roc Town Road towards Yangmeikeng along the direction of the island.
matching set: has developed equipment is full, tickets to the next beach.
observation: great beaches, clear water, rolling a Mengzi can clearly see to the bottom, very fine sand is the best beach east of South Australia.
score: 4 points 2 Yangmeikeng
line: continue to move forward can be.
equipment: beach with simple equipment . no nets.
observation: a lot of beach rocks, fish, some snorkeling. next to a boat club. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Super Portugal - Beira Mar 0-0 draw with rival Wang Gang, alternate opportunities for re-

 Ticker 10 January 2010 to-11 Portugal Super League season after the winter break, opened the 15th round of the curtain, in a not of concern in the game, away to newly promoted Beira Mar 0-0 draw with rank higher than their national team, continued to top the standings middle. Chinese players Wang Gang, alternate list into the second half by coach Leonardo replaced 72 minutes play, this is his Super League in Portugal 2 games.

after 14 rounds of the league, national team and the Beira Mar breakdown championship teams 6 and 8, only two points apart. So, This time fight, both sides must not be lost. After the opening, the national team took the lead. 6 minutes, go past the Beira Mar Pinto Kanu and Orlando shooting guard, but a bad master shooting rhythm. After 1 minute, Beira Mar for the color. Center Ronnie shot the ball outside the area, the ball was saved by goalkeeper Terry Barlow.

Since then, the national team set off waves of relying on home advantage in the offensive, and Beira Mar teams rely on the tenacious midfielder collapsed again scraping each other's attack, two in the back Kanu and Rain If it is frequently fought wrecker. The first 26 minutes, the National team to launch quick counter-attack, then Diego Houchangchangzhuan ball, go past the Beira Mar defender shot, but Kanu has been flying in the back he denied. 45 minutes, the national team to find opportunities. Beira Mar team lose the ball in the backcourt defender Hugo, national team striker Tiago's shot was weak and missed the opportunity.

the beginning of the second half, Bruno's free kick and Diego have been shot over the bar. Then into a dull game. The first national team coach 约卡诺维奇 make adjustments in his first 61 minutes, 67 minutes and 72 minutes within ten minutes it took the hands of all three substitutions with out trying to go for it. Beira Mar's coach Leonardo quickly respond, the first 72 minutes, he played the hand the first card, replacing the Chinese teenager Wang Gang played as right wing. Formation to face the full pressure of the national team, the coach then put Gang's intention is clear: take advantage of the speed of winger looking for opportunities to counterattack.

However, perhaps not as familiar with running mate, Wang Gang, after play, Bella Mar is not the offensive improvement. Seeing this situation, Leonardo had to replace the offensive players, 74 minutes, he replaced another striker winger O'Toole Lima, 84 minutes, then replaced with the Wilson center Clooney. At this point, Bella Mar is starting all three strikers replaced. Still, Bella Mar is still no improvement in attack, the threat to the very few national teams, the team seems to have been satisfied for a point. The national team's defense in the Beira Mar leak is difficult to organizations under the threat of attack. Ultimately, both 0-0 to shake hands, depicting a point.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Space hero in my hometown - Yang Liwei

 With the won the respect of every Chinese people, while giving it attention around the world.
2003  11 7 May, in a solemn Great Hall of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council to grant Yang Liwei ; honorary title.
the CPC Central Committee General Secretary and President *** delivered an important speech at the meeting, calling on people to study space hero Yang Liwei.
Yang Liwei presented for the Central Military Commission Chairman *** at 5:28. Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center asked the day the astronauts Club Plaza Apartments.
Yang Liwei wearing white space suits marched calm and steady pace, the chief commander of China's manned space walk Jinai.
order issued by the commander solemn, Yang loudly replied: Yang Liwei, after training to conquer space travel.
38-year-old Yang Liwei was born in Liaoning Province Suizhong County. Suizhong near the Bohai Bay. Yang Liwei raising the sea, but also shaped his masculinity simple, quiet genteel character. childhood the face of the blue sea, he had a dream that one day, can be like seagulls, as fly toward the sky.
1983, Yang admitted to the Eighth Air Force Flying School. four years of hard study and training He finally became the Air Force a good fighter pilot. childhood dream became a reality.
Since then, he enjoy flying in the sky. from the north to fly Northwest, Southwest flew from the northwest, with China's thousands of miles blue sky on, always left his vigorous form hh
1996 years of early summer, Yang received the notice, to participate in primary medical astronauts.
Yang Liwei did not think that childhood dream of flying the blue sky, fly at such a distant , into the distant space.
Yang excited for this dream. He said: Mr Yang has arranged to participate in Beijing Air Force General Hospital, the clinical examination. clinical examination, to dozens of large and small on the human body's organs one by one check. Astronautics physiological function tests, was aptly called the overweight to a variety of appetizers endurance; test subjects in the test chamber pressure rose to 5000 meters, 10,000 meters altitude hypoxic tolerance when the capacity; in the swivel seat and swing on the vestibular function examination subjects; to lower body negative pressure, and other endurance tests. a few months, 886 primary finalists have been depleted.
space Yang Liwei, the clinical and physiological functions of the indicators have reached the check outstanding .1998 January, he and 13 other outstanding pilot with the Air Force, becoming the first generation of astronauts.
Cosmonaut Training Center in Beijing, Yang Liwei, astronaut training started his career. That is where he truly understand that, in the ; dazzling halo behind, is sweat and work, dedication and sacrifice.
first faced with the basic theoretical study of astronauts. This is the realization of the astronauts from the pilot to change the first storm.
still remember where Yang Liwei flight when the military commander to see him off saying, to learn. in basic theory, it takes considerable effort. should learn the relevant knowledge, involving more than 30 disciplines, more than a dozen categories. than in the flight academy learning the hard times to a few times. Yang said: This knowledge is very difficult for me. Hard work pays off, Yang Liwei, the first test had 93 points, except two have been in the Russian astronaut training, the results of Yang Liwei, the astronaut selected in the new ranks first.
Yang Liwei, the English foundation is weak order to overcome the English shut, he often from apartment to call home the astronauts, his wife Zhang Yumei sparring when their English. over and over again, and repeatedly. Later examination, he actually got 100 points.
end of the study the basic theory , Yang Liwei, the achievements are all excellent.
However, to become a qualified astronaut, in addition to the solid foundation of knowledge to master, but also must have special physical, rigorous special training.
in general people, the space is amazing and wonderful, but for the astronauts to go into space, the space is not only a wonderful magic, and also cruel. There is no gravity, no oxygen, no water, no human life in all elements. In order to go into space, the astronauts in the spacecraft has experienced a small confined overweight, weight loss during the turn of each other.
to overcome these obstacles, in addition to the spacecraft must have the conditions for human survival, space environment, astronauts must be adaptation, task simulation, and other specialized rescue and survival training.
, and only long-distance research needs l r. lead to periostitis, the toilet did not dare bend over. hard, the limits of human ability to the challenge. only one of the nearly 10 times the weight of the pressure. Usually, it is very likely to cause extreme difficulty in breathing or stop people, will lose, overweight endurance.
overweight in endurance training conducted in the centrifuge. In the round hall, Yang got into an 8 meter long Tiebi tucked inside a cylinder. In high-speed rotation of 100 km per hour, he tensions not only exercise the abdominal muscles and the load resistance puff breathing movements, but also ready to answer questions, interpretation of signals, to maintain quick response capacity to judge.
centrifuge speed rotation, the load of people by the gradual increase from a G Great to 8 G. Yang, sagging facial muscles began to transform the muscle down the entire face, I saw tall protruding forehead. to do the direction of the first basin overweight, his blood is pushed to the lower limbs, brain ischemia and fainting; do chest back direction of overweight, his chest pressed back as the block a few kilos of rock, causing rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing.
This is a test of the will. In his left hand side, there is a red button , is used to call the police. If the astronauts in training, was to die, you can press the button to stop. However, in each centrifuge training, his strong will, and endure unimaginable suffering ordinary people, never touched the button.
Yang Liwei did not act recklessly in training. practice time to communicate with the instructor, lessons learned, and slowly figure out the laws and methods to make some challenging, rigorous training gradually become relaxed. And one of the astronauts very strict training requirements for senior experts said proudly:
conquest of space: the soul of China and China cast
never a flight, as Yang Liwei, as affects the hearts of millions of people.
never been a flight, such as Yang Liwei, as inspiring the hearts of hundreds of millions of people.
October 15, 2003 morning, Yang Liwei, into the spacecraft, according to the orderly conduct of the prescribed procedures of the pre-launch checks.
8 时 59 minutes, 0 commander issued a . the rocket will ignite. command hall was filled with tension, a lot of people who watch the launch of the spacecraft, tension did not dare get out of even the atmosphere. all in an instant as if the solidification.
Yang Liwei, the spacecraft was within the secure in the visual front, quietly awaited moment of glory to come. medical monitoring instrument display, Yang Liwei, the heart rate: 76 beats / min. According to foreign to the data, the astronauts before launch because of excitement or tension, heart rate usually will speed up, some up to 140 times / points.
a clear command of the hall came the password: 10,9,8,7,6 hh At this time, Yang Liwei, appeared on the screen to a standard military salute you King of the picture. the audience suddenly thunderous applause. an old Experts excited eyed with tears, unable to say: everyone, but only not his own. This not only reflects the strong will of Yang Liwei, a good psychological quality, but also demonstrates the charisma Yang Liwei.
That was the summer of 1992. Yang's unit went to the airport on a training mission in Xinjiang . that?
Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 7 (Reporter Jiang Guocheng) - held at 7 China's first manned space flight celebration, the Central Military Commission Chairman *** China's first astronaut Yang Liwei to grant Heroes,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Well-known coffee

 Not drink does not matter, but you have to understand
fast. Espresso wildly like warm honey dripping from the filter in slow, deep reddish brown, the cream content of 10% to 30%. espresso brewing 4 M can be used to define: Macinazione represents a the right kind of mixture of coffee grinding methods; Miscela coffee mixture; Macchina is the espresso machine made; Mano on behalf of the master coffee skilled practices. the only one in each of the four elements of M are precisely grasp cook Italian espresso is the best.
drink espresso, just try a sip of the rich we would be quickly overwhelmed by the taste and aroma, which is espresso and other coffee different. fragrance and concentration is a measure of whether the espresso tastes of the two scales.
cappuccino (Cappuccino)
cappuccino espresso coffee is another, containing 50% steam 50% of milk and milk foam. You can also say that with 1 / 3 espresso, 1 / 3 steamed milk and 1 / 3 foamed milk. But it really depends on the production of coffee. many places use more steamed milk and less foam.
this coffee, color, wearing the scarf as the Italian monk, so named Cappuccino (coffee with cream block). accompanied by cinnamon sticks, then topped with lemon juice, showing complex flavors .
the so-called dry cappuccino (Dry Cappuccino) is more foam, less milk, conditioning, drink milk together over coffee Sauvignon, suitable for heavy flavors are drinking. to the wet Kabu Qi Connaught (Wet Cappuccino) it means less foam, more milk, the amount of practice, overshadowed by thick choking milk coffee flavor, light taste for those. wet cappuccino flavor and less popular latte. General , the taste of cappuccino latte more than the weight, if you wish to point a cappuccino flavors or dry cappuccino, if you are not accustomed to strong choking smell the coffee, you can order a latte or wet cards Bu Qinuo.
method of preparation: the pre-heated deep fry the coffee, pour into a small coffee cup, add 2 tsp sugar, plus 1 tablespoon butter floating on top, topped with lemon juice or orange juice, with tsp cinnamon sticks instead of into the cup.
Mocha (Mocha)
Mocha is a port in Yemen. Yemen is located in Southwest Asia, the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, is a major coffee producer.
Yemen currently the best coffee produced, followed by Ethiopia's Mocha; mocha coffee with lubrication among the acid to acid, sweet of particularly good, unique flavor, with chocolate flavor; a lady temperament, is very unique kind of pure coffee.
mocha cup of coffee in the tiny New York show a strong flavor, preparation method: in the cup, add chocolate syrup 20 ml and a very strong deep-fry coffee, stir, add 1 tablespoon butter floating on top, cut the end of some chocolate for decoration, and finally add some cinnamon sticks.
Swiss Mocha (coffee Wake Lanna), add milk and chocolate mocha syrup, plus whipped cream and chocolate mint coffee

Mocha Mint Mocha Coffee: are hot, without stirring so that they maintain their temperature, drink up and very interesting. This is the American love of chocolate mint coffee, mint and coffee brewing out of proportion to reconcile.
preparation method: in the cup then added 20 grams of chocolate, deep fry the coffee, 1 tsp white mint, plus 1 tablespoon butter floating on top, cut some chocolate at the end, the last piece of mint leaf Serve decorated.
Blue Mountain Coffee (Blue Mountain)
famous coffee are used to describe the characteristics of origin. climate and soil are the final taste of the coffee will bring subtle changes. Jamaica's tropical island with perfect conditions for growing coffee. Most of the islands have been covered mountains, including the areas as the island's highest mountain in the Blue Mountains. Blue Mountains is a piece of fertile land, where the hot climate, adequate rainfall and a perfect combination of high altitude. at an altitude of nearly 7,500 feet of places in the world the highest yield on the coffee place.
Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee has three levels: the Blue Mountain coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee), mountain coffee (Jamaica High Mountasin Supreme Coffee Beans) and the Jamaican coffee (Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans). one of the Blue Mountain Coffee coffee and mountains and the two levels below. from the quality of points from top to bottom as follows: Blue Mountain, Blue Mountain II, No. mountains, alpine II, Jamaica coffee. Typically under cultivation at an altitude between 457 m to 1524 m of coffee was only called Blue Mountain coffee. grown at an altitude of 274-457 meters between coffee is often called Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans, Blue Mountain coffee, the price to several times higher than the mountains of coffee.
coffee is not a native of Jamaica. coffee was brought by the Governor in 1728 on the island. Blue Mountain coffee has a very pure taste, but with a sweet taste. It's full of flavor , smooth, strong, delicate flavor of the coffee; Pure Blue Mountain coffee taste, aroma is light, but it is drinking alcohol is very delicate; with aristocratic taste, is the gourmet coffee. because of the growth of very small geographic area, so Blue Mountain coffee production is also very limited and sometimes difficult to get.
Latte (Latte)
This is an espresso with steamed milk, and in some coffee shop, coffee at the top of a small amount of foam . It cappuccino foam than the less certain.
espresso add hot milk with a high concentration of milk foam to retain a touch of coffee aroma and sweet taste. Distribution of rich milk charming incense, imported lubricants and smooth, is the favorite of many girls in
latte coffee, milk and milk foam ratio is 1:8:1, so that it can be said that without the burden of a cup of coffee you can drink warm milk, like a glass of milk, coffee, milk only when the smell of coffee.
If the hot milk foam on top of some labeled as cold milk, it becomes a cup of American style latte. Starbucks latte is the American made in this way: the bottom of the espresso, the middle is heated to 65 ~ 75 ℃ milk, and finally a layer of no more than half a centimeter of cold milk foam.
Mandheling Coffee (Mendeling) < br> The gentleman in the coffee - Sumatra Mandheling: Mandheling is grown at an altitude of 750 to 1,500 meters altitude in the upper mountain coffee beans, the implication I can have a tenacity and take the stalwart spirit. It represents a kind of masculine, drink up and kind of stirring, arbitrary ocean, surf the lakes are beautiful, that taste so fascinated men.
is the most representative of Sumatra coffee; smell of alcohol, moderate acidity, sweet rich flavor is intriguing, for the depth of baking, emitting a strong fragrance. is the quality of coffee production in Indonesia the best kind of coffee.
Vienna coffee (Viennese)
Coffee is the love for a man named. Shubo Na coachman invention, may be due to this reason, today, people sometimes call the Vienna coffee was the The sweet flavor of those who captured the hearts of the world. white cream, the crisp eclectic colorful rice, appearance is very beautiful; across the sweet chocolate syrup, whipped cream cold sip of hot coffee hot, it is a charm!
Vienna coffee, this drink has a unique method. without stirring, first cold cream, I feel very comfortable, and then drink hot coffee, and finally feel the sweetness of sugar, with three different taste.
Vienna coffee mocha a bit like an American production. First of all coffee in the hot and humid at the bottom of a thin layer of sugar or sprinkled with fine sugar, then pour the hot cup of black coffee and strong side, and finally two spoonfuls of cold coffee, surface decoration fresh butter, a cup of classic Viennese coffee will do the work.
Russian Coffee Russian Coffee
also called hot Mogadishu good bar, with a strong coffee flavor.
method of preparation: the deep-fry coffee, melted chocolate, cocoa, milk, egg yolk and a little heat on the fire, stir, add 1 tsp sugar, stir well, pour in cup, add 1 tablespoon butter floating on top, cut some of the chocolate at the end for decoration.
Turkish Coffee (Turk Kahvesi)
Turkish proverb says: traces of coffee, learn from the look of it the day of luck.
Turkish coffee is not a distillation of brewing style is not style, but the Turkish coffee with a very fine powder, add cold water, a small pot with a long spoon fire slow boil, cook a cup of bitter and strong cup of cappuccino. wise know so thick Turkish coffee on health obstacle, so the disk used by the porcelain coffee cups are very mini size, about an ordinary coffee cup half capacity.
method of preparation: Pour in the milk bowl, deep fry small study of coffee and cinnamon and other spices, stir, then pour into pot, add some boiling water 3 times, scored from the fire. be powder precipitated, it will clear liquid into the cup, then slowly add orange juice and honey Serve.
ice cream ice cream block block
Coffee Coffee is no ice, but iced over The. Here the ice is made with coffee drinking ways to join American.
preparation method: in a glass made of ice, add coffee, sugar into the boiling milk slowly into the frozen coffee from above, then divided into two layers of milk and coffee. milk foam on top, sprinkle some cinnamon for decoration.
Colombian Coffee (Colombia)
origin of Colombia, baked beans will be released after the sweet aroma, with a sour sweet, bitter Zhongping characteristics of good quality, because the concentration of appropriate reasons, are often used in high mix of coffee.
has an impoverished Colombian coffee experience, clear and astringent like life, but bitter Among the essential of life, stopping at the back of the tongue are some of the late Hong Cheng pulls complete recall. suffering is painful, makes clear, quiet and has become a spiritual end of the Hong victory.
Colombian coffee is a small number of to his name in the world of coffee sold in one single product. in terms of quality, there is no other coffee by coffee customers are so highly. which otherwise has a very good name br> World Coffee divided into two series, one is the representative of Brazil as The altitude of origin and planting methods, species of Brazilian coffee in the hilly red soil relatively extensive, Colombia intensive production in the Black Mountain.
Colombian coffee is often described as having a silky smooth taste of coffee in all, it's balanced degree of the best, taste soft, silky, you can always drink, it acquired other coffee can not match the praise: as the A coffee producer, the production of coffee, flavor mild, slightly acidic, slightly bitter flavor, is neutral coffee represented. acidity and bitterness can be deployed by baking to moderate soft baked aroma, taste, moderate, deep baking training will have a strong bitter taste, is essential to deploy a mild varieties of coffee.
from the rich selection of the best Brazilian coffee beans, with a denser texture in sour taste with the joys of coffee, the entrance is extremely smooth, And with a hint of grass and aromatic, slightly bitter taste in fragrance, sweet slip easy to read, finish can cause Shuhuo fun.
deep-roasted espresso 60cc; sugar 20g. cup into the sugar into the coffee. This is a typical Brazilian coffee. small enough sugar into the cup, do not stir the drink directly, so that when the last drink, you can enjoy the last sweet coffee.

Naples Naples coffee flavor coffee flavor hot bitter morning coffee, United States, young people prefer to call it the dawn of coffee. preparation methods: the child in a cup of coffee into a very deep-fry, and then put a lemon on the surface, dark drink.

the same amount of coffee mixed coffee and milk mixed together, a Vienna-style coffee milk.
preparation methods: the first to join were deep fry in the cup of coffee, the same amount of milk into the milk pot, low heat and boil, bubble
before adding cream, do not wait to pour the coffee bubble burst on the
Mamba coffee (Mandheling Brazil)
Brazil's coffee + bean in Indonesia Mandheling 50% / 50% ratio with a form.
alcohol degree of bitterness and aroma coupled with excellent taste glycol Mandailing Brazilian coffee beans, medium roasts, aromatic EcoWater, strong flavored, coffee in the match. For too do not like bitter coffee sour fear my friends, this section is undoubtedly the most suitable coffee selection!
Burgundy Coffee (Burgundy)
French red Burgundy the home of wine, where wine produced in bright colors and great taste. Burgundy Coffee is coffee mixed with the flavor of wines is a very elegant and fancy coffee.
French love of wine is still as vodka with the Russians, Brazilians of coffee. They do not want red wine mixed with any other substance. Burgundy Coffee is a kind of red wine and coffee will be together in the fancy coffee. I think that coffee should be the romantic love French design, the production process because it is full of brilliant red. first oil and red wine, stir milk, then beat Mo, you will find that after playing out of the red milk foam so do not have the charm, subtle yet full of a tease. has been warm in the cup after Mark finished bottom of the cup first to add a little red wine, then coffee and sugar to make into (espresso coffee), and finally to lay the foam into the red. a cup of romantic Coffee for a cause of Burgundy.
(picture missing ..)

Mediterranean Mediterranean coffee coffee coffee mixture, chocolate syrup, and various spices. mixed with spices, like the Mediterranean multi- cultural characteristics, there are wild nomads in North Africa, West Asia, the Arabs have a long history, with southern Europeans, sunny personality. So, if you want a special day to create a special atmosphere, the Mediterranean is your coffee perfect choice.
Mediterranean spices needed coffee more complicated, if you like the taste of mixed spice and finding ways to be installed for them; if you only like one or both of them, you can omit the other spices.
First, the fennel seeds, clove, cinnamon and cardamom into the saute pan, then your kitchen will be filled with a kind of psychedelic taste, you can not help but admire these plants from Asia the magic of human nerve stimulation; and then the chocolate syrup and spices into the mixing pot, which in turn raised an sweet flavor; finally poured a cup of black coffee, while heated, the temperature not too high, about 90 ℃ coffee will boil when the pan away from the fire, into the mug of hot.
Kenya Coffee (KenyaAA)
representation of the African highlands coffee cultivation. AA on behalf of its series That is the most advanced products, and its coffee beans rounded thick flesh, good quality Sauvignon, usually in shallow baking. early in the morning to drink a cup of Kenya, with a refreshing utility.
north of Arabica coffee in Kenya match the origin of lichen sub-index, but not until the early twentieth century cross, coffee cultivation began in the industry, the introduction of the nineteenth century missionaries from Yemen, Arabica trees, but not a lot of planting, until 1893, and Brazil introduced the old different.
Hawaiian coffee (Kona)
produced in Kona Hawaii (Kona) coffee has the most perfect fruit of its unusual appearance of full, bright and shiny. rich aroma of coffee flavors and spices with cinnamon flavor, balanced acidity are more moderate
western volcanoes in Hawaii are grown coffee, is also the only U.S. production of coffee varieties, strong taste, flavor, with a strong acid, special flavor. quality, very stable, is to Hawaii's tourism one customer will purchase local products.
Kona coffee is indeed the real treasures of the world, easy to find. the best Kona coffee is divided into three classes: special good (ExtraFancy), good (Fancy) and One (NumberOne) . This third class of coffee in the House and has produced under natural conditions. now available in most of the self-styled species of Hawaiian coffee, good coffee farms mm Hawaii Kai (KaiFarms).
Irish coffee (Irish coffee)
both Irish coffee is a coffee like wine, butter, coffee, Irish whiskey is added raw coffee beans, special coffee cup, a special cooking method, serious and persistent, the old and simple.
the unique flavor of Espresso served with a special whiskey, sugar and fresh cream, so that the fragrant Espresso increase was more obvious whiskey, and with reconcile the creamy cream easy to read, stand by moderate taste.
carbon Coffee (Charcalfire)
is a heavy roasted coffee, taste coke, non-bitter acid, coffee beans are out of the oil phenomenon, very suitable for steam pressure coffee. Roasted coffee by people known as the world's most bitter coffee. you know, Suanku but since the taste of mankind for a long time, Lock Road smell of coffee that kind of unique for its ; hard, but believe it's got half of the.
Japanese is one such BT ....< br> Pound Pound Coffee
coffee, also known as Rose Coffee l r, is the most popular of the fancy French One coffee. the unique creative style of beauty known, especially for lovers of the drink, or a person to enjoy the beauty of loneliness. suspended in the middle of the coffee is Jiban bright rose petals, like potherb mustard, beautiful, can also Add one cup cream roses. But we must remember that bright colors, this will produce a strong contrast to the United States. Cikuan mellow taste of coffee, strong, very suitable for drinking after dinner and usually
modulation Pour 2 / 1 cup honey, then add 1 cup of hot coffee over 8 minutes, finally add milk. cup to join the sugar packets, and then pour hot coffee over 8 minutes, rotate the top layer of whipped cream added, and finally placed in 2 Rose petal pieces.
Herbalife blue. Maqi Ya duo coffee
Italian coffee really cream, , it is generally not recommended when the sugar in the drink.
espresso as long as adding an appropriate amount of cream, that is easy to complete a cup of blue combo. whitening of cream in coffee, gently floating in the deep, and just like a lightness finds the white lotus, it can not bear a drink. In Italy, espresso, do not add cream, milk, only to add two tablespoons of dense foam is a cup of Ma Qiya valuables flowers. not as Kang sapphire blue, to enjoy the delicious duo Maqi Ya, we should one drink.
Café Royal (Royal)
French cafe has always been known, naturally, there are several typical coffee. The first is the noble royal coffee . The Road Need someone who can sign, but used by the emperor invented war, yes, he is the Emperor Napoleon, the French Empire! He does not like creamy, his favorite is the pride of France, mm brandy! his coffee mixed liquor, this coffee is characterized by the greatest need in the drinking
with brandy and sugar with fire lit, when the blue flame Wu Qi brandy and sugar in the coke mellow aroma, and then close the thick The smell of coffee, with a trace of bitterness in the slightly sweet, the pride of France, the French romantic perfectly presented.
trick: hook spoon placed horizontally with the royal cup of coffee, put sugar, brandy soaked After the fire burned sugar and mix to drink.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mission Po Online - Beware of smart home consumption is to force online buy

 Mission Po Online - Smart home consumption: Beware of online buy to be As of October, the Union identify and deal with phishing sites 2763, jumped 85% year on year. online shopping class e-commerce site is a phishing site is still the hardest hit, to buy site, represented by the emerging online shopping site, the settlement pattern special lower barriers to entry into criminals create fraudulent phishing Web sites targeting the implementation of the new object.
Secretariat of the League official says, the current network of the wind extremely strong buy, and buy low barriers to entry, and most of the site to advance form of settlement, users can not choose their own cash on delivery, etc. will help protect the trading interests, so buy fake phishing sites encountered the risk is much higher than other sites.
responsible Secretariat of the League pointed out that, given the large Most sites have not yet introduced class of Site urgently establish a sound fake phishing sites as soon as possible prevention mechanism in advance to take preventive measures.
reporter from the Customers, including a number of other sites to complete the first to avoid the majority of Internet users buy into the trap phishing sites.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chronological today

 Merry Christmas have been all right?!
Neighborhood found out today there is a good layout lanterns have been unloaded here!
There when the store has been out of the New Year to eat stuff, good Hurry!!
have been listed and then each child, and do not know if anyone buy it
I have to wait until after the buy 1, it is no need to buy, is the meaning of meaning, bought each child where quantity is more, but they do not like, do not have access to too many.
today finally get a greeting card!
although not much, but kinda energy costs, do not care also scrapped a Zhang, Can not converted back to the post office know.
converted back to normal after years of excess unused greeting cards, do not know that I have edited this can also exchange Oh, can not be exchanged even, and even exchange that is, to the 40 yen stamp thing!
see moe chan wearing a gray coat and a long section of constant good-looking, very interesting.
expect to have a similar, or where GAP drop!
take today to try
M size, and really would not understand, how I was going to buy M size of it, I am so fat, but also the line, can wear, but also Department of deduction, is how to look how thin. < br> maybe with a red scarf, or shawl would be a good point?!!
I still wear my down jacket bar, comfortable warm
also rare today I went out quickly, matter sorted
Kazakhstan elevator with them Haha, my silly husband, hat on backwards, her husband is always so funny with Meng Meng
see my girl, is playing Santa Claus to send the game!!
night we ate pot a couple
busy as in the kitchen, her husband said: And this wall

Monday, January 3, 2011

Deeds of heroes and models of earthquake relief mission was held in Beijing the first report

 [Zhai Weihua] study and publicize the Party Central Committee attaches great importance to deeds of heroes and models of earthquake relief. Just now, Comrade Li Changchun, Politburo Standing Committee, Hu Jintao, Vice President Xi Jinping, the CPC Central Committee, CPC Central Committee, Minister of Propaganda, Comrade Liu Yunshan, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, member of CPC Central Committee, the Central Organization Department Minister Li Yuanchao comrades, the CPC Central Committee, Central Military Commission Vice Chairman Xu comrades cordially met with all members of the report group, on behalf of Hu Jintao, Comrade Li Changchun General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee greetings on behalf of the reporting panel members, and to study and publicize the heroic model of earthquake relief, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the great earthquake relief specific requirements. Now, Li Changchun, Xi Jinping, Liu Yunshan, Mr Li and Xu Caihou leaders have been sitting in the audience gallery, and join us to listen to the report group's report, let the arrival of the central leading comrades a warm welcome. [2008-06-11 09:33:53]
[Zhai Weihua] to participate in this report are the organizers of the responsible comrades of the organs, the central state organs and cadres in Beijing, the Beijing forces, armed police forces, police and the capital city representatives and community college teachers and students. The report of all the members of the group were 37 people attended today's report, they are to participate in earthquake relief in the Liberation Army, armed police officers and soldiers, policemen, medical personnel, teachers, students, grassroots party cadres and workers of the outstanding representatives of all walks of life, are the first line from the earthquake relief. Let us warm applause, paid tribute to them! [2008-06-11 09:34:53]
deeds of heroes and models of earthquake relief group photo shows the first report will attend the scene
staff report silent tribute to earthquake victims compatriots
[Xinhua report] deeds of heroes and models of earthquake relief mission first report meeting held this morning at 9:30 at the Great Hall, broadcast live on this site. [2008-06-11 09:02 : 50]
[Xinhua report] comrades in charge of the organizers, the organs, the central state organs and cadres in Beijing, the Beijing forces, armed police forces, police and the capital city and community college teachers and students and representatives from 3000 people have moved into the venue, to participate in today's report. [2008-06-11 09:07:11]
[Xinhua report] Li Changchun, Xi Jinping and other central leaders entered the hall table, the audience burst into warm applause. [2008-06-11 09:26:37]
[Xinhua report] report group all the members of the rostrum, the audience burst into warm applause. [2008-06-11 09:27:56]
[the Central Propaganda Department, Deputy Minister Zhai Weihua] Comrades: deeds of heroes and models of earthquake relief will now start. Please rise for the national anthem. [2008-06-11 09:28:27]
[Zhai Weihua] Now, the Wenchuan quake victims a minute of silence. [2008-06-11 09:29:16]
[Zhai Weihua] complete silence, please sit down .5 12, Wenchuan, Sichuan Province a large earthquake hit the people suffered a huge loss of life and property. In the State Council and Central Military Commission under the strong leadership, unite the people of the whole Party, united, the rapid formation of a powerful force against the earthquake disaster, the earthquake made Result of the fight against major disaster. [2008-06-11 09:30:13]
[Zhai Weihua] in this unprecedented disaster relief struggle, emerged in many epic heroes and models and groups. hero for the quake relief vigorously promote exemplary deeds and lofty spirit, by the central authorities, the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Organization Department, the PLA General Political Department of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee jointly organized the deeds of heroes and models of earthquake relief mission. Today, the four host Work in conjunction with units directly under the central authority, the Central Government Organs and the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee in the deeds of heroes and models of earthquake relief held here first report. [2008-06-11 09:31:46]
[Zhai Weihua] CPC Central Committee study and publicize the deeds of heroes attaches great importance to disaster relief. Just now, Comrade Li Changchun, Politburo Standing Committee, Hu Jintao, Vice President Xi Jinping, the CPC Central Committee, CPC Central Committee, Minister of Propaganda, Comrade Liu Yunshan the CPC Central Committee, CPC Central Committee, the Central Organization Department Minister Li Yuanchao comrades, the CPC Central Committee, Central Military Commission Vice Chairman Xu comrades cordially met with all members of the report group, Comrade Li Changchun, on behalf of General Secretary Hu Jintao, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee greetings of the report group members, and the study and publicize the heroic model of earthquake relief, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the great earthquake relief specific requirements. Now, Li Changchun, Xi Jinping, Liu Yunshan, Mr Li and Xu, and leaders have been sitting in the audience gallery, and join us to listen to the report group's report, let the arrival of the central leading comrades a warm welcome. [2008-06-11 09:33:53]
[Zhai Weihua] to participate in today's report will have the comrades in charge of the organizers, the organs, the central state organs and cadres in Beijing, the Beijing forces, armed police forces, police and the capital city and community college teachers and students representatives. The report groups all members of the 37 people participating in today's report will they participate in earthquake relief Liberation Army, armed police officers and soldiers, policemen, medical personnel, teachers, students, grassroots party cadres and workers of the outstanding representatives of all walks of life, are the first line from the earthquake relief. Let us warm applause , paid tribute to them! [2008-06-11 09:34:53]
[Zhai Weihua] Next, group members present flowers to the report. [2008-06-11 09:35:15]
map Beichuan in Sichuan Province to make a report in middle school principals Liu Yachun
[Zhai Weihua] Now, the report group members to make a report. This morning's report will be seven comrades to make a report, other comrades deeds described in the tour report. First Please Beichuan Secondary School, Comrade Liu Yachun to make a report, his report entitled Comrades: I am a secondary school principal Liu Yachun Beichuan from Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County .5 12, a devastating suddenly upon us, great and terrible tsunami that buried in the book sound of loud, violent collapse swallowed quiet campus hh [2008-06-11 09:37:25]
[Liu Yachun] is just a moment, I was shocked sight: two five-storey teaching building, a complete collapse, a sink, leaving only the skew of the three classes of students hh is buried in the rubble, is full of cries, cries. [2008-06-11 09:38:38]
[Liu Yachun] Communication interrupt, the road to collapse. I immediately sent to the county two kilometers away messenger for help, while students and teachers quickly organized to start self-help. choking in the dust, aftershocks continue in the ruins, we hand planing, with the shoulder, as long as we have a tone, we must dig more breathe life. In isolated cases, we risked his life to fighting, he just put more than two hundred young lives, from the clutches of death wins back! [2008-06-11 09:39:03]
[Liu Yachun] in the face of sudden disaster, and our students want teachers to leave the students, the risk of death for themselves, the courage to cross the dead line, saved the life of one precious . [2008-06-11 09:39:29]
[Liu Yachun] disaster strikes, Zhang Jiachun teachers are the first two days (1) class to do physics experiments, and suddenly the foot of a violent shaking, Zhang react immediately: students, run, earthquake! , the deformation of the classroom door, no longer able to bear more and more pressure. Seeing the door of life to be closed, Zhang stepped over a stride, with the burly body withstand the door, propped up the children the hope of survival. [2008-06-11 09:40:10]
[Liu Yachun] students one after another under his arms across, aged several children escaped the fate of death. dust surrounded him, and brick block attacks him. When he resorted to the last effort, will kick off a boy, the heartless concrete slab smashed down hh Zhang Jiachun teachers swallowed by the collapsed ruins - the only 29-year-old Qiang man, with his life He finished the last lesson! [2008-06-11 09:40:32]
[Liu Yachun] disaster strikes, Li Jiaping teachers rushed to the classroom door, the door opened, and turned to yell: Students Run! Suddenly, the Blood hh After a child, they vaguely heard the voice of someone outside, the teacher told the students shouted for help quickly. However, because they were buried very deep, in addition to the dark and the wind blowing through the cracks, but there is no response. Six students were in tears. Li hh just like a long time chatting with children, and some asleep, but Li Qiang insisted time and again their wake. [2008-06-11 09:41:19]
[Liu Yachun] persist in the ruins of more than 30 hours, the teacher's voice is increasingly weak. feel yourself dying, she would only able to move the right hand, left hand on the worn off 20 years of marriage ring, to the students from her recent, telling her: , the word by word to nag them: -06-11 09:41:49]
[Liu Yachun] in this thrilling rescue operation, the Party secretary Zhang Dingwen attend to the wife of the ruins, fighting hard for four days and nights straight. calm wit Ning teacher rescued 59 students, but watched her daughter lost their lives. [2008-06-11 09:42:13]
[Liu Yachun] life and death, our teachers, with the brave and selfless actions, interpretation and sublimation of the people of division of the immortal soul of teachers; Similarly, our students, with the blood of youth, and teachers jointly erected a monument of love. [2008-06-11 09:42:36]
[Liu Yachun] After the earthquake, Yan Peng, high school students are crushed in the rubble. After 10 minutes, he began shouting the nearest students, along with a distress signal sent out, but there is no response, they encourage each other, stubbornly persist. s two days was rescued, he felt pain in the body, but think of those still buried in the ruins of the students, they desperately rushed into the ruins, calling the names of the students, giving them watering hh Unfortunately, when the aftershock hit, he was buried in the ruins again, two days after it has been unconscious when rescued. His right leg muscle has necrosis, high amputation, the hospital is not contact his parents, 16-year-old Yan Peng, a student who on a single operation signed his name. [2008-06-11 09:43:07]
[Liu Yachun] after the earthquake, Wang Liang has just climbed out of the rubble to save lives immediately. to hear the voice of Wang Liang, buried in the ruins Three female students under the cry, Wang Liang shouted through the cracks: crawl away with a classmate who pressed bricks, get out of her. But he did not move to open two other classmates pressure in the stone, had to crawl out for help. [2008-06-11 09:43:32 ]
[Liu Yachun] rubble left when a classmate, Wang Liang crawl again, ever talk to her, undress her head under the mat in the hh morning, the students were rescued, and finally climbed out of the ruins Wang Liang back injury, left leg bleeding. However, Wang Liang students so far have no father, my mother the news. [2008-06-11 09:43:57]
[Liu Yachun] after three days and nights with the death protest, had been rescued, but also in the semi-conscious state of Qin Rui Ting students energy of despair shouted: ]
[Liu Yachun] foot brick stuck unable to move, with the tenacious survival of the faith, Yanqing Cheng students touch a length steel, pry down on the ceiling of his body, through into the sunlight and air, the side is pressed teachers and students win the survivors of those minutes hh [2008-06-11 09:44:39]
[Liu Yachun] a sense of heaven and earth are too many examples, too many tear-jerking scene, too many respectable hh I'm cute and students of Beichuan Middle School was pleased such a good team and pride. [2008-06-11 09:45:02]
[Liu Yachun] in the earthquake, my wife died, and his son are buried in the ruins. My wife is a senior secondary school teachers Liang Leping, so I got it to work, she swept all the housework; each trip, she was always ready to pack up quietly to my evening meal on 11 .5 My wife and I walk in the playground, I met her talk in the dilemma, she advised me: She left my last love. disaster fourth day, I came to the buried ruins of the former wife said to her: take care of themselves. At noon, he was pleased to put the national English contest awards students to take home and carefully put the coffee table and took our dinner dishes washed hh Before I left, greeted me: give up any of the teachers and students! At the time, no one in my school teacher rescue their loved ones go, we all stick in the field. [2008-06-11 09:47:23]
[Liu Yachun] disaster can destroy us campus, but can not destroy our firm belief, indomitable spirit. [2008-06-11 09:47:42]
[Liu Yachun] will not be destroyed Beichuan Middle School, North Middle School will surely rebirth. We Hold perverse head, stand unyielding spine, toward a bright future ahead! Thank you! [2008-06-11 09:48:12]
photo shows an armed police division chief of staff for the report of Comrade Wang Yi,
[Zhai Weihua] Here is Comrade Wang Yi, chief of staff of the armed police division to make a report, his report entitled ,],[anxiously, the world's attention is also focused to the big mountains of the town. President Hu, Premier Wen Jiabao instructed to take all measures at all costs into Wenchuan. [2008-06-11 09:49:44]
[Wang Yi] at 16:00 on May 12, armed police ordered me to the Ministry headquarters, emergency Wenchuan. Half an hour later, I took 600 officers and men, from 255 kilometers away from Wenchuan, the Malcolm encamping point of departure, to Wenchuan entered. [2008-06 -11 09:50:08]
[Wang] gallop over 70 km after the team came to a place called Zagunao tunnel. nearly 1,500 meters long tunnel, earthquake, fear of falling is full of cracks and gravel when aftershocks, could collapse at any time. To reduce the vibration of the vehicle bumps, I command the team to distance, slow down. falling stones hit the roof, the sounds people feel a fear. I heart has been grabbing, staring at the watch closely, 5 minutes! 10 minutes! 15 minutes! when the last one pulled out of the tunnel, I was long out of breath. [2008-06-1109: 50:29]
[Wang] the team moved on, when the wall through the village Erdaoqiao folder when encountered again aftershocks, car bumps up and sudden severe, stones raining down, a big fist stone, smashed the windshield of the command vehicle to pieces, fragments of glass splash me a child. I look bad, to collapse! start radio loud command: speed ahead! speed quickly, turning the corner, the outside Some wheels hanging up, subject to car turning people die. team in less than a minute behind him sounded Shanbengdelie the noise, looked back, half of all the collapsed mountain, and instantly buried the road. We Death pass. [2008-06-11 09:50:51]
[Wang] troops entered into the well 92 kilometers away from Wenchuan county ditch Ghor, severe landslides blocked the way forward road, the car was smashed in disorder to turn on the roadside, like pinching deflated the cans, the remains of the victims of appalling. was already late at night, is the night ahead, or the morning walk, difficult decision was placed in front of me . I realized that the front will be a perilous way of life and death, there will be numerous landslides, and mudslides broken bridge, but I think that that is a matter of great urgency to help the road, it is the anxiety attached to many under the rubble , desire and call! attached to the CPC Central Committee and National People's tugging at heart! we only have one choice, that is: the fastest, with the shortest possible time arrived Wenchuan! [2008-06-11 09:51:27 ]
[Wang], after reporting to higher authorities, I decided to form the commando 200 people, forced to Wenchuan on foot marching. racing to the officers and men, 10 female one without them, just like I am anxious : chief of staff, we are soldiers, injured people need more health care workers. commandos completed quickly grouping, I said to them: to Wenchuan; is down, my head moving in the direction of Wenchuan! Personal a flashlight, and explore the Pathfinder road, one foot deep shallow foot to walk on steep slopes, cliffs on one side, the side of the river is turbulent, the viewer is not careful it will slide into the river. danger at any time In the event, Ho Wang commandos accidentally, was stoned trip, almost a cliff fall, thanks to seize a bush, only pick up a life. the most worrying is the continued fall of the flying rocks, night can not be observed, I sent a message back, ordered the troops to 5 pairs, widening the distance, try not to say anything, listen to the sound carefully, determine there is no rolling stones. After 3-hour trek, we finally walked out of the Gul ditch. [2008-06-11 09:54:10]
[Wang] dawn soon, we came Gaojiazhuang sections. This is a more dangerous road sections, many of the right side of the cliff hanging rock, crumbling, loose soil mixed with stones, occasionally spilling down like a waterfall. we decided to sprint in batches, forced through. We encourage each other and said: heard shouting behind the communications chief of uttered: ,],[write a text message to her daughter: [2008-06-11 09:55:23]
[Wang] near the evening, went to a Qiang, troops a short rest. all tired and hungry, many comrades had just sat down and fell asleep. that We want to go to Wenchuan disaster relief, the villagers just-cooked gruel served it to us, we do not drink, stopping to let go, they said: to the natural disasters, are to flight, and you are not fatal to soldiers go inside to order porridge on behalf of the wine, bolstering departure for you now! this bowl, we drink the tears. [2008-06-11 09:56:00]
[Wang], a Qiang old aunt, to say we should look at women warriors of the two dumplings eat, then he turned away, secretly licking sticky rice in the hands. an arm wrapped around the black veil middle-aged women, have to us lead the way, she said: heavy responsibility in my heart: We are the people's army is the people brought our people in trouble, that is, through fire and water and be destroyed, we have to go forward! [2008-06-11 09:56:30]
[Wang Yi] around 9 pm, we travel to less than 5 kilometers away from Wenchuan Sang Ping power station, days and it began to rain, the road was completely blocked by mudslides and landslides, have no way to go. We find out quickly find people , a villager told us: to Wenchuan county, there are an ancient plank road, but for years no one came, calling to Claudius had commanded. I categorically said: ,],[thick layer of mud, a pouring rain, wet and slippery, the stakes inserted in the stone walls had decayed, only moving forward step by step close to the cliff. I have been leading the way to the head in the coming time, foot of a stake to two kilometers of the cliff, we actually walked more than two hours, and finally reached the last reckless. [2008-06-11 09:58:03]
[Wang] life and death 31 hours after advancing at 23:15 on May 13, we finally reached Wenchuan county. I immediately get in touch with county leaders, the organization launched the rescue forces, airborne drop open field, alert an important livelihood objectives. then, I used marine satellite telephone to the command detailed report on the situation. and isolated 33 hours Wenchuan disaster, as the waves spread to Beijing and spread to Zhongnanhai. [2008-06-11 09:58:43]
[Wang] I will never forget Wenchuan County, the city can not step into the moment, the darkness and silence, the people sleeping on the streets everywhere. because of extreme fear, sadness and exhaustion, they have been unable to pronounce the cheers, but still standing, sitting, forced to applause. This is heard in my life the most memorable round of applause. this moment, I am more deeply understand what is military, what is the responsibility of the military. Thank you! [2008-06-11 09:59:31] < br> The picture shows the Guangdong Province, Comrade relief medical team to make a report of nurses Diao Dongmei
[Zhai Weihua] Here is Guangdong Province, Comrade relief for medical nurses Diao Dongmei report, her report entitled welcomed. [2008-06-11 09:59:59]
[Diao Dongmei] all the leaders, comrades: I'm Diao Dongmei, Guangdong, Sichuan earthquake relief teams to go to the players .5 12, Wenchuan Earthquake The news shocked the Canton .5 13 evening, we flew to Chengdu, the first batch of disaster relief teams in Guangdong. [2008-06-11 10:00:33]
[Diao Dongmei] According to the Ministry of Health order, we the fastest speed, rush to Wenchuan Yingxiu! [2008-06-11 10:00:59]
[Diao Dongmei] After over Dujiangyan, traffic congestion, communications interruption, must be forced march. We only took two days dry food, as much as possible with the drugs, the most important large medicine cabinet with 50 kilos. Along the way, and danger, the left is the cliff, the right is the Minjiang River, the most difficult to walk the lot, we can only kits on his head, close cliff slowly groping. a teammate slipped and almost fell off the river to go, his hand still clung to medicine chest. [2008-06-11 10:01:26]
[Diao Dongmei] more than three hours we have hands and feet, difficult to move forward, and my heart is only one thought: up to Yingxiu, rescue! save! [2008-06-11 10:01:46]
[Diao Dongmei] to Yingxiu, tragic as the immediate shock us: in front of swirling secondary mouth full of the wounded lying on the Bazi, and some head bleeding, and some multiple fractures, and some even dying moan after another hh [2008-06-11 10: 02:07]
[Diao Dongmei] Life in the call, we immediately started emergency treatment, dressings, infusion, a cast, surgery, after all hard for and won the prime time treatment. [2008-06-1110: 02:28]
[Diao Dongmei] One day, we received an urgent notice, rushed to the ruins of buildings reflect the power company, rescue survivors Yu Jinhua, she was trapped in the collapsed stairs and the narrow space between the beams, has 150 hours. orthopedics expert Yang Xin, wearing headlamps built to effortlessly drilling, immediately stunned: it was he had never seen a pair of eyes, six days and nights passed, and Yu Jinhua frightened, desperate eyes, and suddenly full of hope of survival. Her legs were huge beams tightly hold him down, all the muscles below the knee necrosis. put her out, only one way to mm amputation. Yeoh checked the injury, quickly climbed outside, and his teammates agreed to move faster, less blood loss, surgical programs seek to preserve life, then climb Xiaoyu second side. [2008-06-11 10:03:14]
[Diao Dongmei] doctors, can not but saw legs? I want to walk! changed the subject: : Big Brother word, we adhere to for so long, that is, to live, only live to walk ah. are waiting for you outside! steadily picked up the scalpel. In order to smooth the future of his sister, prosthetic, but also for his sister to stand up to walk, he disinfection of bleeding, carefully remove the site of necrosis, in the space of less than two cubic , for the most difficult of his life, the most painful surgery .50 minutes, 60 minutes, 70 minutes, Yu Jinhua was finally saved it! and exhaustion of the doctors were sitting on the ruins of paralysis. [2008-06-11 10:05 : 12]
[Diao Dongmei] this moment, we have not only the relationship between doctors and the wounded, but the togetherness of the flesh and blood! [2008-06-11 10:05:31]
[Diao Dongmei] that stories happen every day, more than 50 medical teams of the Guangdong branch has moved into disaster areas. our eyes with tears, bleeding heart, heart and soul to treat the injured, the disaster areas to see us always say Thank you very much. Farmer Brothers has sent a bucket of hot rice porridge, forced the we had finished, many good folks ah! [2008-06-11 10:06:41]
[Diao Dongmei] May 17th evening Yingxiu torrential rain. Our treatment of the tension, but also received a more difficult task mm Aba Disaster Relief headquarters asked us to deploy 20 male doctors, at 18 am into a serious disaster, no medical team, Island tell us: that road to go at least three days and three nights, aftershocks continued, the big stone always rolled down, you are now Qu Bude it! another death in the face, another tough choice. [2008-06-11 10:07 : 47]
[Diao Dongmei] captain Liao Xinbo first application, but command does not agree: you have to stay command! 52-year-old Professor Xu Ruxiang is the vice captain, he got provoked a leader of the burden; Communist DIANZI initiative volunteered: Some even wrote a suicide note quietly. Yu Zhen ...